14 Thursday, April 28, 1983 Summer in the City Cold S compresses ace ways to escape torn by KEMA SODERBERG Tar melts to the bottom of your bare feet as you plod across the blacktop, if you can make it across the street. Every thing buzzes as the air flows through your lungs like water. All this time, you hallu cinate about the popsicle waiting in your Humor freezer. Actually, you fantisie about crawling into the freezer with your pop side. Really, summers in Lincoln aren't that bad. I've survived one now. I came to the plains of the Midwest from the Montana mountains. A stupid mistake on my part. People at home 3skcd how my summer went and 1 couldn't remember. "What do you mean you don't remem ber, Kcma?" they asked, baffled by my short memory. "Oh, yeah, I remember now. It was hot," I respond. They walk away, making a mental note that my brain is fried. I crawl away, making a mental note not to get involved in a conversation like that again. So why am I involved in writing this story? Good question. Well, consider this a warning if you're planning a first summer in Lincoln. At first you won't think this place is half bad. The spring is deceptive. Then, when the temperature v T n - $1.00 Discount on jj D May 7-Aug. 6 1983 D With Couoon D Q Q $1.00 Discount on 0 g Purchase ot Pitchers Q n May 7-Aug. 6 1983 n $1.00 Discount on Purchase of Pitchers May 7-Aug. 6 1983 With Coupon n ci a a a r..t pa aanaaaaa D 0 Q 0 n L1 $1.00 Discount on i Purchase of Pitchers , May 7-Aug. 6 1933 1 With Coupon I With Coupon CM HI Q n " $1.00 Discount on Purchase of Pitchers D May 7-Aug. 6 1983 a C3 cTa ana n Q o s a Q p Q Q 1 a 0 With Coupon D D 0 D $1.00 Discount on Purchase of Pitchers May 7-Aug. 6 1983 With Coupon ca a a a Cj D $1.00 Discount on Purchase of Pitchers May 7-Aug. 6 1983 With Coupon a a aa C3 a wZi aaaai $1.00 Discount on Purchase of Pitchers May 7-Aug. 6 1983 With Coupon at $1.00 Discount on Purchase of Pitchers May 7-Aug. 6 1983 With Coupon $1.00 Discount on Purchase of Pitchers May 7-Aug. 6 1983 With Coupon 1 o i D I a a a j n 0 " M rr r : " Purchase of Pitchers 0 May 7-Aug. 6 1983 Q With Coupon E3 E3 D $1.00 Discount on Q D Purchase of Pitchers Q Q May 7-Aug. 6 1983 q q With Coupon g aanQ 0 D a D D o a o D D aaaQ Q n $1.00 Discount on Purchase of Pitchers May 7-Aug. 6 1983 With Coupon $1.00 Discount on Purchase of Pitchers May 7-Aug. 6 1983 With Coupon E3 Q Q 0 J. 1 00 Dicrnunt nn Purchase of Pitchers D May 7-Aug. 6 1983 Q With Coupon Q 3J raaa auaaDanann Get your premium-quality Delpo Batteries at: f---, f-i 19th & P St. HA kTA I (201 N. 19th) J LrAFromW- 476-1710 XFromsS V" V" A (i ) $56.24 Ll fl It's no secret, the hotter the weather, the tougher it is on your battery. So why not replace your old battery before it fails with a new Delco Freedom II Battery. Available in the 40, 50 and 60 series to meet your price and power needs. The Delco Freedom II Battery is the high-tech power source that never needs water and is designed to resist the damage caused by heat. So come in and save on the Delco Freedom II Battery of your choice. AC-Dclco is the way to go. Prices are an average selling once based upon a recent mdependeni survey o' ien AC-Delco outlets m this area selected ai random Each AC-Oetco outlet listed below s an independent business and charges whatever puces tl chooses tor its products Prices wii vary and we invite you to shop around tor Ihe tiesl prices, quality and service you can find Si Pelco General Motors Corporation AC-Delco is the way to go. f j LET US WORK ON YOUR CAR WHILE YOU'RE IN CLASS. WE PROVIDE RIDES TO CAMPUS. roams to the 85 -degree mark and humidity hits 05 percent, you will feel different. Just wait until the mercury shoots into the nineties and the humidity goes even higher. 'There are only a few things you can do other than packing your bags and vacat ioning in Alaska. All of these worked well for me. - Take lots of baths. Be sure your water froster is working or the cold water will come out of the tap hot. This method is one of the best for cooling off, unless being a permanent prune bothers you. -Cold compresses work well too. Just wrap a large, damp towel around you ar.d lay in the middle of the floor. Be sure the towel is really cold, at first. Two minutes later, you'll be boiling again. A drawback of this method is its straight jacket etlcct. it s hard to read summer quencher recipes when you arms are plastered to your sides. -Hang out at supermarkets. 1 find the frozen food section to be the most com fortable. Look casual so you won't be fined for loitering. I was so charged three ylllei, tarDtmno Continued from Page 6 For example, SPF 10 means that wearing that lotion allows you to be in the sun 10 times longer than you normally could. "But the highest number (15) really doesn't totally block out the sun," he said. In spite of doctor's warnings that too much of a ood thing may be bad, pool sides and tennis courts arc filled with tanners. The range of tanning products also seems .to be growing every year. A count at Osco Drug Store, 1339 O St., showed at least 30 different kinds of suntan oils, lotions, sun screens and ,after-tan moisturizers and tan extenders. Coppertone, for example, offers several lotions and oils with various SPFs. It also offers Sudden Tan ("Got a minute? Get a tan.") for "a natural looking tan indoors." A bottle of Coppertone's QT promises a tan "in one sunny afternoon." You also can buy For Faces Only, and an after-tanning lotion that claims to help prevent peeling and prolong your tan. Ron Grosserode, a pharmacist at Osco Drug, said that there is a drug available on the Canadian market that aids in the ranning process. It contains carotene, a derivitive of carrots. The carotene turns the skin an orangish color, he said. The UNL students questioned did not times until 1 got my disguise down. It's hard to look like a convincing pork chop. -Spend all your time at the theater. This is an especially good idea if your apartment doesn't have air conditioning. You will need to take a sweater because theaters are always cold. You'll also want to hit the matinees because they're shown during the hottest part of the day. I saw "Bambi" 15 times last summer. I hear "Sword in the Stone" will be here this season. That's one you definitely shouldn't miss. -Find a job in a meat locker. There are great benefits. You could be filmed in a movie. You never know when a would-be Rocky will drop in. -Disregard all the above advise. Flay tennis in the morning, bike out to Holmes Lake for a dip in the early afternoon (cheaper than swimming at a public pool and ideal for poor starving college stu dents), snack on Goodrich ice cream, soothe your sunburn in the evening and run through the Capitol sprinklers at night. When you return to school in August, be proud, be cocky. You are a survivor. t) have much concern for carotene, SPFs or premature wrinkles. Tom, a theater major, laid out on his mattress when the temperature was around 60 degrees last Saturday. He said that he sometimes gets a "scorching red" sunburn, but it "becomes a tan the next morning." Damaged skin does not worry him. "If it conies around, it comes around," he said. "It's not worth staying inside for." Kelly, who is still sporting a spring break tan from the Bahama Islands, said she used an SPF 8 lotion the first day she was there. "But we didn't get anything," she said, "so we switched to a (SPF) 4." Kelly said that she lays out in the beginning of the summer, but after that "it gets boring." What SPF does she use then? "Crisco Oil." Kelly's roommate Kim, has "tan orexia." Kim said she lays out every day when it is warm. Necessities, she said, are a sunning blanket, a mixture of baby oil and a couple drops of iodine (which she said turns her skin darker), and a television outside so she can watch soap operas. Kim, who has dark hair, times how long she has been on her back or stomach by the soaps. Downtow n Bank 16th & P P.O. Box 5306 Lincoln, Ne 68505 t I .- - -tw .