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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1983)
Thursday, April 21, 1933 5 Daily Nebraskan Oppooojumnunes abound ami college Soon, thousands of students will be leaving this scho lastic microcosm. I am one of them. The world of college residence, a world away from the rest of society, has given me new understanding of a part of life 1 hadn't known. But that's what going to college is about. Right? According to some, particularly my old high school classmates, this is not right. I find myself still having to qeiena my educational pursuits when 1 encounter them Monica Osterbuhr on my pilgrimages back home to south central Nebraska. "1 make more than you do, I'll bet," is a favorite remark. "I have no desire to go to school." "Big college girl." Those are the statements. I hear this one often: "My parents couldn't afford to send me to college (be cause they gave me a $1,700 Camaro for high school graduation)." Some parents can't afford it and it's cruel to rub it in with a smirk. But parents aren't the only ones contributing to college education. A large number of students have part-time jobs. I don't think they are doing it entirely for pleasure, either. Many are working for minimum wage and no benefits. 1 take great pride in my educational endeavors and, although my jabs at campus life and residence hall living have been the basis for many of my columns, I wouldn't trade my lifestyle for anyone's - except Prince William's. Seriously, the atmosphere here is friendly, safe, secure and almost fantasy-like. (The fantasy is that we do get through the last days of school alive.) In the halls, students can set high goals for career plans and in aca demics, and reach those goals. They can cultivate close friendships and, it they're lucky, they can develop amorous relationships. Letters The Daily Nebraskan encourages brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters will be selected for publication on the basis of clarity, originality, timeliness and space available in the newspaper. Letters sent to the newspaper for publication become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be re turned. The -Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit and condense all letters submitted. Readers are also welcome to submit material as guest opinions, subject to the editor's decision to print or not to print the material, either as a letter or as a guest opinion. Anonymous submissions will not be considered for publication, and requests to withhold names will be granted only in exceptional circumstnaces. Submit all material to the Daily Nebraskan, Room 34, Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb., 68588. STUFF YOUR CLASSIFED ADS IN THE Nebraskan TONIGHT Tequila Night FRIDAY SATURDAY Wondersea Pool Tournament April 25 to May 23 Rules and sign-up sheet at bar Hi North ISh UocoLd. Nbr At UNL we are exposed to a variety of lifestyles and cultures. One learns that living in close quarters means learning the ropes of patience and sharing. It's problem solving at its finest. On-campus living is advantageous because it is the hub of cultural and news events in this city. If you enjoy lively arts, there are theatrical and musical performances and a continuum of exhibits and films at Sheldon Art Gallery. 1 wish I would have taken advantage of these events more than I have. The snack bar downstairs is also a hub of activity. Someone is diligently stationed downstairs in the after noons and evenings to give me the opportunity to become more familiar with the area of nutrition. It is an opportun ity to enjoy ice cream, candy, popcorn and juicy burgers. I only wish I would have taken the opportunity to use it more. Where else but on the campus would I get a chance to hear guest speakers from the PLO, Isreal, NASA and the international press? Numerous opportunities for competi tion in intramural and inter-collegiate sports are available here. Too bad I can't walk a straight line or I might have taken advantage of one of these. I am close to the downtown district. The rooms in the residence halls are furnished and my sheets and towels are laundered for me. The temperature inside the halls has been sublime this winter. In fact, the steam heat has made it a lot like the tropics. The cafeteria is always on schedule with three hot meals a day during the week. Students living on campus have access to the pool at Abel Hall. Security guards patrol the campus on a 24-hour basis. I also partially like the idea of a closely knit environment, as in the event of danger, all I would need to do is scream and someone will come running ... I hope . . . unless they think I'm kidding ... or they're sound asleep . . . The most favorable thing about living in a residence hall and going to school is that it gives me the occasion to meet interesting, charming and intelligent people from all over the world. (Too bad I didn't think of this para graph earlier in the year. My readership would have increased dramatically.) OFFICIAL PASSPORT PHOTOS 7 DAYS A WEEK NO APPOINTMENT 13th & R 48th &. Vine u . -5 V. April 21, 22, 23 & 26 thru 30 at 8 pm. Howell Theatre TICKETS ON SALE NOW! StudentsSr.Cit. $4 All Others $5 Theatre Box Office, 12th & R ' 109 Temple -472-2073 Hrs: Noon to 5 PM, wk-days The University Theatre University Nebraska Lincoln w r QDfliraorj, Now at two locations 1321 O St. 477-9567 Esst Park Plaza Food Villsgs 467-5710 FREE DELIVERY 4 Sandwich minimun C 3 C 3 C ) , t rzlp IS SCO Pi V i mm I I I 3 t 3 t 3 c zzii t p 301 Oakcreek Drive (north of Grandmothers Skillet) Custom printed T-Shirts, Jackets, Jerseys, Caps. Visors, Decals, and Bumper Stickers for your Team. Club or Organization. We will NOT be undersold! Our quality will keep you coming back . . . That's why we're called ENCORE Contact your Campus Rep Brad Wolfe 476-7639 CD EZ3 C3 C3 C3 f3 CJ EZJ CZJ CZ2 13 o Need money for tuition? q Q D D D 0 a I7e'll pay pu D D D a . , j i i. i. Hams LaDoratones neeus voiumeens w n 0 heln evaluate Dharmaceuticals. If you're a y r . . n healthy male at least 19 years old ana n want to earn up to $700 for a couple of weekends work, give us a call. U Call weekdays 474-0327 o D 0 D 0j in HAH t s. Ej laccjc"::3, inc. I 624 Peach Street Lincoln, NE 68502 Providing medical research since 1933 U D D "V. I 1 IBM i 1 1 VAV VX3 n i o J 11 Secretaries Day April 27 with a ing-A-Gram We'll give her a "lift" with a Vi dozen of FREE BALLOONS ing-A-Gram 476-1800 Good in Lincoln Area Only