The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 15, 1983, Page 8, Image 8
8 Daily Ncbraskan Friday, April 15, 1933 f Y A : Y V X 4 I Y Y Y r S.M.A.R.T:-: AT LIf.'CON CEfJTER f PARK ti SHOP LOTS ' Save Honey And Hide Together egeoiiis "llcd ccoimsaciJoo heal The NU Board of Regents will hear recommendations Saturday for the new employee health insurance plan to begin in August, John Russell, director of personnel ser vices said. Russell will recommend a new health insurance plan to the regents at the 8 a.m. meeting at Regents Hall. The employee health plan currently is with Aetna Life and Casually. Russell did not comment on whether his recommendations will be with a new company or with Aetna. Russell has been investigating different bid specifica tions since the January board meeting when health plan possibilities were discussed. Among the possibilities the university has been con sideringareincieasingthcannualdeductibletoemployees, increasing the total amount the employee pays of total health care costs and increasing the hospital deductible. J lie regents also will discuss Lincoln and Omaha employees' health insurance disputes, he said. UNL administration and faculty has been looking at bid specifications for a separate health insurance plan from UNO and the NU Medical Center. At the January meeting, the regents were told that out of every dollar paid in, UNL employees receive 79 cents in claims, while UNO and medical center employees receive SI .02 and SI .04, respectively. 5 f fi iTf-.v.vir-ji'.v.r':v Shorts Gary Oliver will discuss "Christ's Call to Love" today at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union, room to be posted. All are welcome to attend the event, sponsored by the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. The Faculty Women's Club Quilt Show will be today from 9:50 a.m. to 8 pjn. and Saturday from 9 :30 ajn. to 5 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 6040 South St. Admission is $1 .50, with net proceeds going to the scholarship fund. There also will be a bake sale and coffee shop at the show. Calvin Giddings of jhe University of Utah will talk about "Field Flow Fractionation: An Analytical Perspective on the Characterization of Complex Particulate Materials" at 3:30 pjn. today in Hamilton Hall 112. The Graduate Student Organization of the Lducational Psychology and Social Foundations Department of UNL will have a symposium on graduate student development Saturday in the Nebraska Union. The conference, which starts at 10 a.m., will provide opportunities for students to share practical skills and knowledge acquired in order to aid one another in their professional and personal growth. There will be nine presentations covering a variety of topics. Registration forms and schedules of activities are available in Teachers College 301 . For more information, call 472-1 196. A7m PIAT7 flAPTPTP' VVVUWIM-INJ . XJXJ Guests'. x y (Mote x y X women-s N 3""7 Y resource 0 P center for ana obouT women B83 APRIL 10-17 Fri. -April 15 Luncheon: Introduction of women directors of agencies in Governor Kerry's administration. Helen Boosalis (Aging), Donna Karnes (Tax Com missioner), Gina Dunning (Welfare), Kandra Hahn (Energy), Holly Jenson (Motor Vehicles). Nancy Hoch (Regent), Margaret Robinson (Regent) Luncheon cost is $5.00. For reservations, call the Women's Resource Center by April 12. 12:00 noon City Union Sun., April 17 Film: "Julia." Vanessa Redgrave and Jane Fonda. Note: Tickets $2.00 UNL students, $2.50 general. Tickets available at the performance. 7 00 & 9 00 p.m. Sheldon Film Theatre x V y y y y y y y y y y Y Y Y y y y y v -li" A Oozebali totniriniamerat ireseft because of cold weather FOR INFORMATION CALL 472-2597 i "-vr "w XfT This year's oozebali tournament has been postponed one week because of cold weather. Sponsored by the Student Alumni Association, the tournament will be played April 23 on the intramural fields east of the Abel-Sandoz Residence Hall Complex. Oozebali is regulation volleyball played in 6 inches of mud. Barbara Wright, director of student pro grams for the alumni association, said the event is sponsored to benefit students. 'The money we raise from Lincoln i-our S2U0 scholarships will be given out Saturday after the tournament. Sopho mores who participate in extracurricular activities, display leadership qualities and maintain a 3.3 grade point average are eligible for the scholarships. Eight teams will compete in the mud on Saturday, Wright said. A preliminary hard court tournament Tuesday and Wednesday narrowed the 50-team field to eight, she said. New to this year's oozebali tournament is a tug-of-war competition. The final eight teams eliminated in the hardcourt volley- sponsors gets funneled back to the students ball competition will compete in the tug- in me way 01 scnoiarsnips, Wright said. ot-war, she said NX NX NX NX nx nx NX NX: NX NX NX NX NX nrxYYYYYYY'YYYY'Yyy YYYYV V V V Y y w V Y YVYYY vvvvvv vvv vn iu t Jtit ;l; J .ic .)iif'im , Vi i ::. , i a'v NX pX Hi j A j I o I ) 'i 'ftp; iOIO: itOip) xc if 40 hxL. ... .. iwwwwwwwwwwwwwww A AA AAA A A A A A A A, A A A A a A A A A a a A , A X I X X XyTXXTX )U A A A a A A A A A A A.