Daily Nebraskan Ca eodao' take 'cooG look s au a sepoys S(U3oieor--pi!in!mfn)tovmera Friday, April 15, 1983 By Lon Merry man Santa Claus unemployed? And Uncle Sam, too? These two characters are among the dozens on the cover of the "Second Quarterly Unemployment Calendar" published by two Lincoln residents, one a UNL student. Everyone from a nun to superman is pictured in the unemployment line on the cover of the calendar recently created by UNL student T. Marni Vos and illustrated by Lincolnite Peg Sheldrick, former UNL student. Vos, a senior theater major and Daily Nebraskan humor columnist, first got the idea for the three-month calendar filled with funny solutions to the day-to-day pangs of unemployment. Vos said the humor is intended to make people think about the seriousness of the job situation. Vos, 27, said she uses humor to look at a problem. After people laugh, they'll think more seriously at the situation, she said. ' Sheldrick's illustrated answers to living with unemploy ment include this suggestion: eating your houseplant for dinner once the cupboards are empty. Vos said she decided to make the calendar when her hours were cut at work. The voice of experience can be detected in Vos suggestions for coping in rough times, as she lists all the places to get free popcorn during happy hour. "I find myself going into a store looking at other items to see if people are looking at the calendar," she said. Vos said the most fun aspect of this business venture came when her mother, who lives in Germany, read about the calendar in "Stars and Stripes." A local article spurred international wire news on the "Unemployment Calen- Tccn Dcnce DJ-Top 40 (over 3,000 records) Open 7 PM to 1230 AM 0604 Per': (on the way to Pioneers Perk) Absolutely no liquor on the premises, or sold Door prizes given out each night. Free Poster while they last - - - 1 "'-L3 - .. rt: r-"""" jflllltbn Distributed by Lincoln BeerDistnbjgojnpa dar." People's interest in the calendar has been very encour aging, Vos said. "I'll be more likely to take a chance doing something like this again," she said. Although named the "Second Quarterly" calendar, this issue is the first. A brief message to readers in the back of the calendar explains that the "Unemployment Calen dar will be renewed as often as the unemployment re port . . . quarterly." The calendar is for sale at seven local bookstores. Its creators said they hope it soon will be marketed on both coasts. One hundred calendars were printed and distribut ed to local stores. Each calendar sells for $3.69. Vos is generally interested in humor; it gives one a healthy feeling, she said. "I like laughing a lot, until your stomach just aches, and then you laugh some more," Vos said. "I love it. "I want to make a partial living at making people laugh," she added. Although Vos does not know how many calendars have sold, she said she is happy with the warm reception by local stores. She has combined her creative efforts with UNL stu dent David Russell for another satirical look at a serious situation. Their book, "101 Nuclear Ways to React," has been sent to a publisher in Boston, she said. V fur I AM v r ( -- FRIDAY & SATURDAY N!G J AT 12:00 MIDNIGHT lrtTJ7-Mi4 J SEPARATE ADMISSIONS S3 FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS EACH Mali A frcm cup MUST BE 17 R SHOW I D FOR CR) FILM Wlm GRfilL Miller & Paine 1 1 J ISC on mm 1J 7 C - . t a ooV APRIL 16 - LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON! 12 1JMS 0CJLY SATUfiDAY 9-9 ALL STORES hit" A A f 1 f ij I Efiliro Stood Of lonorra Reg. $J8-$45. Choose twill or sheeting pants, stonewash denim jeans, knit or woven shirts, sweaters and jackets in casual dress or active styling. Tonal dusties. 28-38. S.M.L.XL. Young Mens Shop Loui's Joans 13" Reg. $18. Straight leg or boot cut styles in 100 cotton rigid denim.1 28-40. Young Mens Shop KSsmisrs Only Jackets 35.99 Orig. $55, sale 43.99, and FOR ONE DAY ONLY 35.99. Glazed finish poplin in bomber style jacket with knit trim. 38-46. Young Mens Shop Rag. $25-$30. Denim jeans in comfortable belted styles. Stonewash, stripe or indigo. 5-13. Jr. Sportswear 09Q ml telly Tops Reg. $11 -$20. By Tomboy, You Babes, Celebration, Ricki and Ericka. S.M.L. Jr. Sportswear