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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1983)
Friday. April 15, 1933 16 Daily Nebraskan 472-1761 472-2538 ( cph' a n fl (c' HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNE THE BORDER AWAITS YOUR PASSAGE. Maria Sewer, net psyched for R.C.B but beware about con versations concerning hearsay, and pools full of water. Ernie Lauri H. (DN) You look incredibly cute reading this personal. Guess Who juDSon The Daily Nebraskan is now taking ap plications for the following positions for the fall 1983 semester. Deadline for applications is 4 p.m. Friday. April 15. Managing Editor News Editor Associate News Editors Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Night News Editor Assistant Night News Editor First DownSupplements Editor Art Director Photo Chief Editorial Columnists Interviews will be Monday, April 18 through Friday, April 22. Sign-up sheets are posted at the Daily Nebraskan. Apply at the Daily Nebraskan Office. Rm. 34, Nebraskan Union. Applicants must be students at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. UIML does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regu lations pertaining to same. i i i ar- a r . l ill i: K - - World Fifflntu" P. BP. Glad to meet you too. How about lunch today by the clocks in the Union about noon? Joel (Ag Men) Shaun, Pa, Prich, Paul OUT -OF -CONTROL! Crav! Pi Phi's! Phi Psi's! April 15 . . . TRIAD Ji automotive foreign car special ists 27th & T Lincoln, Nebraska 475-9022 mil ..UlSL U ICU COW PITCXISXtS 1 Rich. Need I sk you to get exict ed for A-Phi Formal? I didn't think so! Get readv for a great weekend (this includes your tan, too!) Becky Kay M. Happy Birthday it's like wear purple and kick a chicken. S & J Pipi" Two more traffic deaths which occurred on April 12, 1983 increases Nebraska fatality rate by two. The accident occurred at 16th and Q when Pipi YOU hit a truck. Autopsy showed cause of death due to dehydration. K.l.P. Winkle and Tinkle. Mourners in B3 Ken Good luck this week. I'm with you all the way. Love ya. Trace v D A. (Sigma Nu), Thanks for the excellent weekend in KC I'm sorry about the rabit hair! Do you remember the name of the champagne? girl in yellow sweater P.S. Tell John J. 1 hope he enjoyed your message. (I was so embarrassed.) Steve. Have you gotten your value checks vet? They are a great $200 value for $6. They're avail able from Theta Chi Fraternity or at the Union. N.J.M. What's 3 times as fun. 3 times as wile and 3 times as great? TRIAD "83" JOHN BROWN Designer cf Fine Jewelry 5118 Rncx 464-2383 Designer Quality At A Price You Can Afford 1983 LIBRARY BOOK SALE Starring Your Favorite Authors and Featuring 20,000 Volumes Regular Serfs- Friday & Saturday, April 15 & 16 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 17, 1:30 - 5:00 p.m. Bennett Martin Public Library 14th & N 4th Floor Auditorium Sponsored by the Lincoln City Library Foundation Vl: 'u tin. Big Bud: We'll be in your corner Sat urday. Knock 'em dead killer! XO Tommy C. and the Originals SAE's (Blaine. Chip. Dan. Marchy. Pete). Sig Ep (Scott L and Delt Curt O.). Get pumped for A-Phi "prom" We're ready for an awe some night. We'll rock till we've all got "dance-doo," and party with all our might! Love. Your Dates Hi Beck. It's me again. I forgot one important thing . , . BEST OK LOVE! Sal CONGRATULATIONS to all the new Lambda Chi Crescent officers. Looking for ward to an awesome year. Linda J. Atomic No. 47, I'd take b 9". blond with blue over tall, dark with green anyday! Thanks for being a great guy! Champagne Delts. One week until MASH! Start polishing those dress shoes and dust off the martini classes. Party is going to be AWESOME! llawkeye & Trapper Gray Sweater Gal. Saw you in the Union yester day. You were reading a book. Taken in bv your beauty. Could I buv you dinner? Gray Coat Guy Barners, Get psyched for the 4-state FarmHouse Formal in Kansas City. GET HER THE PURR-FECT DESIGN IN JEWELRY FROM: Li--O AND Friday & Saturday, April 22 A 23 Sunday, April 24, 1:30 - 5:00 p.m. Free Admission! D ) 4iu i:t::i- Janet (G.E.) , , Thanks for last night. I II love vou forever, (something dilf.) t hope you will. I love vou, BJ. Happy 73rd Bill. Party at Stooges. Everyone Welcome. Your DU Brothers ' ! Roommate wanted: Coed living, 100mo, utilities includ ed, small deposit. Call morn ings or evenings 435-20K8 1 (or 2) Female room mate) wanted. Own bedroom, bath. Close to campus. Non smoking. Call after 5:30. 435 35G5. 5 bedroom house near E. Campus and Uniplace Park $65 mo. per person. One non smoking male vacancy now. Whole house available this sum mer. Women or men, groups or individuals, 464-7088 if inter ested. 1 Roommate to share house approximately 3 blocks from campus. $100mo 13 utili ties. Must be willing to share in K.P. Responsible, non-smoking mule to share spacious 2 bedrm. apt. starting June 1. Near East Campus $143 deposit and 'i utilities. 467-1733 even ings. Need two males to share house. Laundry, central air, separate bedrooms. $150. Utili ties paid. 477-2662. 460-3401 Liberal-Minded, Clean Roommate to share 3 bedroom house: May 1. 477-7472 Mature, non-smoking male roommate to share house begin ning May 1, southside of town, near bus stop, $175month utilities. Call after 5 SO. 467 2973 Spanish Tutor 6hr. Close 476-0855. to Campus COMPUTER TYPE Proofs, Spelling Checker, Storage, Typing, Word Proces sing 476-TYPE 1630 Que Street TYPEWRITERS: RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4136 Typing Accurate, fast turnaround, original-quality products. Call 421-1320 evenings & weekends. Single and Pregnant? Adoption is a caring alter native. For confidential infor mation call Nebr. Children's Home. 488-7102 Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 483 2609 Academic Typing. Term Papers, Theses, Dis sertations, Manuscripts, Scripts. Phone 488-0796 SENIORS: You need a pro fessional resume to land that job. For help call Costello & Asociates. 475-9777 AWller Planetarium 472-2642 $WW' Times.- 7:30, Dittmer Centrum Will do typing. Professional secretary. IBM Typewriter, Rea sonable rates. 474-0004 PROFESSIONAL TYPING WORD PROCESSING 24 hours service on 0 dbrcs or less. Same day service on revisions. Highest duality printing. Many extras such as bold print, top grade paper, copying, storage on magnetic media for up to six months. cents per line straight text .. . , 15 cents per line statistical Park & Shop and Blue Stamps available. Call Miller & Paine Communications Center, 474-2111, ext 310, Monday Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. RESUMES SENIORS: You're not too late. Get that fantastic Job with a professional resume. Costello & Associates, 475 9777. TYPING 10 years experience reasonable, fast, accurate near campus 477-4679 Lost: 1 blue parka at P.O. Pears Wednesday 46. Taken from under stairs. Masonic key ring in pocket. Reward offered. Call Tom 488-3488 Lost at Surfin' Safari Party 1025 North 63rd street Satur day Night, a tan Pacific Trail Ski Jacket with blue sleeves, & one glove in each pocket. If found please call 472-8203. Reward. $100.00 reward for return of lost woman's ring. Two pearls, six diamonds set in 14kt gold. Lost in Avery Hall Mon., 11th. 489-4165 LOST: Blue Leather ski gloves in Burnett 2nd floor women's restroom between 7 Hi 10 pm Wed April 13. PLEASE help me get them back! Call Dianne 466-0740 or Bill 464-7416 right away! Gray Pacific Trail Ski Jacket in 1st floor bathroom of Old father, around 8:00 a.m. Thurs day. Would like back! Call 464 2345. Found: Orange key found in Union. South Crib on Wed nesday. Call Loren at 488 5945 FOUND: Light brown wallet found in Ne Union April 7. Identification inside to Mahmoud Sadek. Please claim at the Daily Nebraskan, room 34 Ne Union. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE FOUND AND TURNED IN TO UNL POLICE HEAD QUARTERS. 1335 No. 17th St. 1 Baby stroller. 1 Fur coat. . Several windbreakers and jackets. Several wristwatches. Several pocket calculators. Misc. stocking caps and scarves, gloves and mittens. Text and notebooks. A11 items must be identif ied by owner, either by written proof or positive description, for recovery. OWNER MUST DESCRIBE ARTICLES TO CLAIM THEM. CONTACT WEEKDAYS 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. at 1335 No. 17th. St. April 15. 9oo, mo, i midnight Rose Prices Fall Lowest Prices of the Year Fresh Cut Roses $1.00 Plantation i .