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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1983)
15 Friday, April 15, 1933 Daily Nebraskan 4z-iSl 4.-:5 u lass i ir i ed AMFM Walkalong Stereo, n.g 129.95, now $15.00 while they last. Sanyo Ft 1495 AMKM cassenc a"'"! 22 Watts per Channel, Sepa rate biarnp regular $299, Now Si 49 00 while they last. WFLDO WORLD TRADERS. 321 S. 11th 476-063 Cubic Zirconia are diamonds in disguise. We have limited quantities, so hurry. We are selling these below wholesale. S10 per carat while they last. Gwelo World Traders 321 S. 11th A 476-0963 J' STEREO FOR SXtE: Marantr Receiver. Technics rassette deck and turntable, 3 way speakers. 472-9938 1972 Ford Gran Torino Sport. 2-door. AC auto., AM FM. $400 negotiable. 466-2166 anytime. Pro bicycles and compo nents: De Rosa, Rossin, Col nago. Campagnolo. Call 488 7984 2-1981 Kawasaki KZ 750 1975 Buick Electra 1979 Dodge Pick-up 4 wheel drive 1979 Volkswagon Rabbit 1975 Chevy Pick-up 1976 Ford Pick-up Crew Cab; 1975 Chevy Nova 1973 Datsun Pick-up (Buy as is Make offer) Contact Burlington Employee's Credit Union 464-0297 Linda or Evelyn 9-5 p.m. 76 Chevy Monza Town Ciupe. Excellent Condition only 22,500 mile. Call 467 1512 (Greg) or 464-0901 (Mark) Quality bikes. 23W Bianchi, Nuovo Racing, 19" 510 Trek. Call 488-7984 For sale: 2 tickets to Hall tt Oates concert, Sunday in Omaha. 483-2406 or 464-6342 Two Hall it Oates tickets less than what J paid. 423 1726 LPD Notice of Sale of unclaimed bicycles and miscel laneous property. April 23, 10 a.m. 410 West "P" St. by the Property Division. Must sell 4-poster king-size waterbed. Excellent condition $375. Call 466-4187 Melody Mother's Day cards and melody birthday cards. Let them sing for you, come get yours today. 5 Function twist-o-flex quartz watches $5.00. Stick on clocks and pen watches $2.50. Seiko digital watches $39.00. This week only. GWELDO WORLD TRADERS. 321 S. 11th 476 0963. East Campus, one bedroom furnished, laundry, off-street parking. The Mega Corp. 475 8407. $250 Special Rent Sublease for Summer UNL East Campus area New, Large 2 bedroom, balcony laundry, air, dLshwasyer 47-2986 SUMMER COED HOUSING at Chi Phi Fraternity. Air conditioned rooms,also laundry facilities available. Rooms avail able May 9 thru Aug. 16. Call Dean at 476-7719 or 477-6462 STUDENTS " RENT FOR SUMMER BETWEEN CAMPUSES. 4 bedroom house. Appli ances $265, 3 bedroom house. Appliances $225. Both plus utilities. Deposit. 466-6642 Attention Summer Renters: 2 bedroom House for rent during summer months. Central Air. Near East Campus & City Bus Route. Call 464 0901 or 464-6891. Ask for Mark or Matt. 1 & 2 bedroom unfurnished apartments in good university location. $185 to $225 per month plus electricity and laundry facilities. 467-2371 Monday thru Friday 8-4:30. Available May 1, 2 bedroom apartment near East Campus. 464-5176 after 5 and weekends. Large 2 bedroom apartment, E&st Campus area. Stone fire place, all appliances. Avuable May $325mo. Call 423-0902 after 5 and weekends. 2 bedroom apartment, 3601 Baldwin close to East Campus. Has dishwasher, laundry facilit ies. Off-street parking. 466-4107 Attention Summer Renters: 2 bedroom House for rent during summer months. Central Air, Near East Campus Si City Bus Route. Call 464 0901 or 464-6891. Ask for Mark or Matt. Summer Renters! Apt for rent. Fits 2-4 people. Furnished, utilities paid!!! 12th & E St. Summer sublease fall option. Call 475-7029. Spacious 2 bedroom apart ment. Close to East Campus. 464-6157. ' ' ' b - - on near cast cam- Pus. AC. off-street parking, laundry, modern appl., fire place. $279mo. 466-6142 28lh and P area. 2 bedroom, heat paid, close to many con veniences and both campus's. Call after 6.00 pm 477-6243 PRIVATE AND QUIET Female student or employed wanted to share our family home. Huge bedroom. Bus 1 block, close to both UNL campuses. Phone, laundry, utili ties paid. $150. 475-8253. 3509 BALDWIN Clean, newer, 2 BR apts near East Campus. Large, fully equipped. $298. 483-4600 Brown Palace Single rooms for the sum mer $105month. Next Fall $190month room U board. 467-2583 1900 B 1724 L & 1736 L furnished large 2 bedroom apt. Adults. No pets. 477-1878 4 bedroom house & 5 bed room. Close to downtown cam pus. Call 464-3733. One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses COLDWELL BANKER TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 BUCKINGHAM SQUARES Large 2 bedroom apartment, close to UNL campus, deluxe kitchen, fully carpeted, available for April, no pets, no children. Call 477-3889. GRAB A PARTNER 2 can live for the price of 1. New 6-plex, large deluxe 2 bdrm apts, carpet, drapes, appliances, AC. Within 5 blocks of campus, energy efficient. 4744551 CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1 bedroom, all appliances off-street parking, laundry 475-1058 or 483-4507 n no . . Painting 3 days a week, a couple hours a day. Ex perienced $5. Non-es-perienced $3.75 Call Chandler at 477-3085 or 2856 Garfield. Resume or apply between 5pm St 6pm. Summer Work $1240month college credit out of state job placement service career experience for an interview call 474-1113 Part-time now, full time summer job. Professional office needs P.R. person. Receptionist. Must have an exceptional tele phone manner, personality and appearance. Send resume to P.O. Box 5961, Lincoln, Ne 68510. EARN $500 OR MORE EACH SCHOOL YEAR. FLEX IBLE HOURS. MONTHLY PAYMENT FOR PLACING POSTERS ON CAMPUS. BONUS BASED ON RESULTS. PRIZES AWARDED AS WELL. 800-526-0883. SUMMER JOBS Excellent starting pay - Can earn $300 per week full time, part-time available now through May 1st $10 per hour. For interview call 488-1274 between 9 a.m.-5 p.m. STUDENTS Men and women who can talk to people are wanted now for full and part-time work as well as summer jobs in Lincoln, Omaha, Columbus, and Fre mont. Earn up to $375 week. Scholarships are variable for those who qualify. 435-1049. SUMMER JOBS Excellent starting pay. Can eam $300 per week. Fidl time. Openings m Omaha, Lincoln, Grand Island, , Hast ings, Kearney. North Platte, Norfolk. Columbus, Alliance Scottsbluff. Sidney. Call 488-1274 between 9 a.m.-o p.m. Two female granule Male vocalist wanted I for SdVl74r-6C7k48band- Ten0f Wanted now a winning team wanieu ii wnte-in Volunteer at 477 5 or resume to 2856 Garcia, s gns and so ana so. Call between 6 pm ana i pm. . lead Vocalist needed for rockLebind, Experienced only. J - - a 421-24U or .iiiii'i'in"'""11"-' 1 1 1 - 1 ''ilfifti ,W!JMi1 1 , u ...i- -' ASUN Appointments Board Interview applicants to fill vacancies to campus-wide posi tions. Information available 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline April 18th Mon day - GREEK WEEK BBQDANCE will be at the Coliseum tonight starting at 5:30 & the bands will begin playing at 6:30. Don't let the weather "dampen" your plans for to night! See you there. Oozeball POSTPONED till next Saturday. April 23 Same time, same place! Come hear Gary Oliver speak on 'Christ's Call toiove' Friday night at 7:00 at the City Union (room to be posted). Gary is a professional counselor and a graduate student in Psychology here at UNL. All are welcome. Sponsored by Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. ft ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION wants to thank Kim Ebers, Kim Rodeen, Tim Anderson, Nancy Hetke, Beth Tangenan, and Kathy Combs for the SUPER job they did this semes ter! Special thanks to Dr. Jon Nance for all his support. Jim, Brad, Carey Congratulations on a great year as State FFA officers. We're proud of you. Your AGR Brothers MEN OF THETA XI Come to the picnic this Sunday at Pioneer Park. It'll be a great time Check the signs in the house for more details!! it Steve Gipson Comedian-Cartoonist in the Main Lounge Monday. April 18th 11:30-1:00 EXPERIENCE THE ARTS WEEK CORNSTOCK XIII APRIL 22 12:30-6:00 p.m. Comedy plus Rock 'n' Roll. See Dave Rudolf and Rex Hcdding April 17, 4 p.m. Broyhill Fountain, Free. ft Does someone you love have a problem with alcohol? Maybe we can help. Young People's Al-Annon. Meeting Sunday at St. Mark's 13th St R. 4:30. NON TRADITIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION April 15: Vote on new board members. Paid members please attend if only to vote from 11:30 to 1:00, Union, room to be posted. Party at Chelsea's Pub from 9-11 p.m. , April 22: Senator Carol Pirsch and Shirley Kuhle. Victim Witness Unit. All interested parties are invited. Room to be posted. The time is ripe for D.G. Banana Split Social Do you secretly yearn for a bedtime story before retiring? Or know anyone else who does? Buy a Lullaby with Gamma Phi ticket in the Union today! Because of inclement wea ther, Oozeball will be post poned till next Saturday, April 23. Congratulations to: Michelle Kausch Torri Richardson Joni Rundall Lisa Clinch Becky Williams Cathy SWanson Dawn Wer Cathy Swanson Dawn Werkema Cathy Hansen . . who we look forward to seeing on our campus calendar next year! A special thanks to all those who interviewed, we only wish we had a big enough calendar for all of you; hope fully we will see you again next y ear! The Men of Phi Gamma Delta WORSHIP AT WESLEY HOUSE (UMHE) Services - 9:30 & 11 a.m. Coffee hour 10:30 a.m. Singing Sound and Spirit Sermon Dr. Mark Randall Annual Picnic - April 24, 2 P.m. SYMPOSIUM ON GRADUATE STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Sat. April 16, 10:00 a.m. 3:30 p.m. Rostrum Room, Nebraska Union . A conference featuring nine presentations to pro vide opportunities for stu dents to share practical skills & knowledge acquired in graduate school to aid one another in professional & personal development. Spon sored by the Graduate Stu dent Organization. For Regi stration or Information con tact 31 Teacher's College, Department of E.i.s-r.. SUMMER HOUSING Summer Coed Living at Triangle Fraternity Rooms air conditioned and laundry facilities available. Rooms are available from May 9th through August 16. Call BUI at 472-8545. MHMHHaHHMHHaB-M-a Diamonds Wedding Sets Custom Design Quality Value Elder Jewelry 3111 O Street 464-6044 Coming to the Showcase: Rock-A-Billy Grant SLEEPY LABEEF Wednesday, April 20th Due to inclement weather, the thrilling action-packed UPC UNL Rodeo Club Western Week Games were postponed until Wednesday, April 20. Teams are still invited. Call 472 1780. ft ft VALUE CHECKS are here Over $200 worth of en tertainment, dining & fun for only T$6. Checks good through May '84. Available at Theta Chi Fraternity or at the Union. ATTENTION STUDENTS Positions Available on: Academic Planning Committee Central Planning Committee Judicial St Appeals Board Academic & Student Life Com missions Teaching Council Recreation Advisory Council Government Liaison Committee Electoral Commission Constitution Committee Information available 115 Nebraska Union, Deadline April 20th The World's Hottest Blues Guitarist ALBERT COLLINS and the ICE BREAKERS April 22-23 ZOO BAR "SUPERMAN" will be showing at University Lut heran Chapel, 1510 q St. at 8:00 pm on Friday, April 15th. EXPERIENCE THE ARTS WEEK April 18-21 SPONSORED BY UPC ARTS COMMITTEE ft Party at Lydell's House Friday, 9 p.m. BYOB Crossword Puzzle F.dited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 State of India 6 Earns 12 Oscar winner for Maggio role 14 Ballerina Markova 15 Continual 16 Joins firmly 18 Trouble 19 Business expense 21 Kennel sound 22 Hamilton's foe 24 In want 25 Hollywood . - notable 28 Possessing lands 28 Affirmative 29 Friendliness 30 Pieces of crockery 32 Title for Bovary 34 A Gershwin 35 Conflict 33 Campus notable 39 Slide along 43 Ships' havens 44"Cap'n Lincoln novel 43 Bailiff 47 Aussie tennis great 48 Belle or Bart 50 Play based on a Maugham tale 51 Actress Harding 52 Flap on a bridle 54 Strong stuff 55 Arranged like tiles 57 Cupidity 59 Dwell 60 Treated, as with mastic 61 62 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Celebrate Spring with Dave Rudolf and Rex Hedding. April 17, 4 p.m., Broyhill Fountain, Free. Hi Craig! (SAE) Hey - get PSYCHED for TRIAD!!! Se ya tonite! Cathy Angie (Co-op) HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Have a beautiful, wonderful day. Hope it's one of your best. A Special Friend To the blonde in Urbanregion al Econ'., 11:30 MWF: Hear your name is Kris and you're turning "21" tomorrow - Have a great Birthday!! Luv. (To the Dr. Pepper tune) Theta's at Triad PiPhi's at Triad Kappa's at Triad Wouldn't you like to be a Triad too? Rouggy (D.U.) and Dr. Freud AXiO) Here's to the Three Musket eers! Get psyched for Saturday. I know we're goig to have a blast! , Love, Woody P.S. Maybe we can find some beds to jump on! Hey Rude Boy Be sure to see THE CLASH at Sheldon Film Theatre this Saturday. Annie Grudy & Kleiner, Don't forget your straight jackets tonight. Love, Barbie & Tred (To the tune of 10 Little Indians) 1 LITTLE 2 LITTLE 3 LITTLE HOUSES, 4 LITTLE 5 LITTLE 6 LITTLE FOXES, 7 LITTLE 8 LITTLE 9 FINEST HOURS. 10 YELLOW BUSES TO TRIAD! ALL MY CHILDREN UPDATE Friday ... Greg regains use of legs just in time to go to Triad with Jenny. Opal still needs a date. Shoes, Tomorrow is the day! Thanks for the last six months! It's been terrific! Love, Susie P.S. You're still "my kind of lover." Marcia, , . , You really are a kind, thoughtful person not to mention a terrific roommate. Thanks for being you! , Juli Winter Olympics sights Some neologisms DOWN Pyrenees republic Pharmacy item Short distance Major crime Family of actors Road material Mournful poem Hoarfrost Dessert 10 Singer who "tiptoed through the tulips" 11 Fill full 12 Devilfish 13 Bring about 17 Active 20 Small mound 23 Was fretful 25 More stylish 27 One fine Day 29 Robin of balladry 31 The way, to Lao-tse 33 Small tool 33 Okla. athletes 37 Good news 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 ;24 26 27 23 30 31 32 t34 36 37 43 44 45 47 .48 51 52 55 56 ,57 59 61 2 Kris S. Hang in there! Only three short weeks and the three stooges shall be reunited! Juli ft Honey, Congratulations on making AZ. I'm proud of you , and 1 love you. This summer will be lonely without you. but the times we spend together will be 100 times as great. I'll miss you. Love Your Cube Barry J. Prepare pour ton premiere soiree avec uncercle d'etudiants! J'espere que tu va avoir un temps merveilleux. Je pense que la soiree sera les genoux des abeilles! Je n'attend pas voir toi dans un ensemble de trois pieces. (Ce sera tres different que des vetements que tu porte tout le temps, n'est-ce pas?) Ton Amie Grec, Cynthia Try to figure this one out! On a snowy night what a fright A bowl of fun minus one Who's life was done Winkle and Tinkle now have a friend What a sight and what a night. P.S. Thanks Keith! The "Poets" of B3 Lauri, . , Happy Birthday! Sorry it s late. I hope you liked the card. Love. Cec Michelle, Do you really iron your under wear? . Concerned Friend Keith M. Don't let the homework Eet ya down. Hang in there, only 3 weeks left! Guess Who? Cindy J. Oh you sky, Happy 21st AND tonight . . . Don't stop over. AM I CRAZY ABOUT YOU OR WHAT? Your Sky DlTOrmSrUZZLE 38 Calls it a day 39 Bombay bigwigs 49 Kind of pad 41 Show 42 Let 43 Converse with chums 45 Spread 48 "Tribute" playwright 49 Merrymaking 52 Image in a radar set 53 Tabula (clean slate) 53 Morale building group forG.I.'s 58 Kobe coin 10 11 17 21 25 29 33 35 kO 41 42 46 49 50 53 s4 53 MMr,r? L ipi 1 1 1 1 R 1 -.1 L L 1 ?. J?. II h"j3"u seVoa t s. JDAJ7 e ltr"n o s x II N r"' "SH6 U S E w a "rmT Vg1 WtTe n mj: T T o;"l Tj, one rVls now PlTTo w foil o cT, sTpTo oJri'T j v e, EJiu? s mTIInIL-h ?y . ""nt o rlTHe p tMij ihioIuTs e ofTjc A R 0 s? j T nTi is iri LI Lit8! !a S T THOVS E F I Iff J? T E R N E R S E " l" A M EfT! T TjAfGy RjTjE SljTWE J E JTj l,n ii-i ii ..mi-, i - ,. ,. -, , j