The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 14, 1983, Page 15, Image 15
Thursday, April 14, 1933 15 Daily Nebraskan Curl ViJur Cricks w herf! Thy arc treat $200 valu for only 6 Get youri from TheU CM Fraternity or t the Union. N.J.M. Lauri H. M Phi) n A Have a fiat B-day today. Let's end nis touch week by cutting loose at Triad. Junior Rorkin' Last weekend we made pips" out of ourselves! Hope you re ready for steak and chain pa ene and fun this Fri- d8V-1 WRAP P.S. Good luck tonite. The occupants of 7th and C, upon receiving yet another card, wonder who this person may be. These cards we receive, they give us a quest but with only these cards we find It too hard, please send us more clues to aid in this test. Occupants and Current box holders Dear Pam 1 love you very much. Ebi Mature, non-smokine male roommate to share houso bS n:ng May 1 . souths! of town 2973 ' b2- 467' rnl??,f inSlble nn-smoking male to share spacious 2 bedrm. apt. starting June 1. Ne a?TPu $143 dWit ?nCs. UUhtu,s- 467-1733 even- Need two main to share house. Laundry, central air. separate bedrooms. $160. Utili ties ptud. 477-2t62 4C6-34U1 LiberaJ-Minded, Clean Roommate to share 3 bedroom house: May 1. 477-7472 1 (or 2) Female room- malf(sLwanted- n bedroom, bath. Close to campus. Non smoking. Call after 5:30. 435 3565. Roommate nrcHrrl k... PROFESSIONAL TYPIIMG AV0RD PROCESSING 24 hours service on 20 pages or less. Same day sen-ice on revisions. Highest quality Crinting. Many extras such as old print, top grade paper, copying, storage on magnetic media for up to six months. cents per line straight text 15 cents per line statistical Park tt Shop and Blue Stamps available. Call Miller & Paine Communications Center, 474-2111, ext 310. Monday Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. $100.00 reward for return of lost woman's ring. Two pearls, six diamonds set in l4kt gold. Lost in Avery Hail Mon., 11th. 489-4165 Lost: 1 blue parka at P.O. Pears Wednesday 46. Taken from under stairs. Masonic key ring in pocket. Heward offered. Call Tom 488-3488 Lost at Surfin Safari Party 1025 North 63rd street Satur day, a tan Pacific Trail Ski Jacket with blue sleeves, j one glove in each pocket. If found please call 472-8203. Reward. Attn: T.N. Fowler: I found one of your eheks dated 4-8-83. Call 472-9267 FOUND: Lirht brown wallet found in Ne Union April 7, Identification inside to Mahmoud Sadek. Please claim at the Daily Nebraskan, room 34 Ne Union. LOST: hornrimmed glasses with brown case near Hall or way to bus. 477-2972 Festus: Mat, where the Hoots is Miss Kitty? Mat: She's down to the saloon servin up some crub for our new Cornstock Mar sh alls. Festus: I hear those Mid Westerners are some of the best peace-keepers this here Side of the Mississippi. Mat: Well Festus you heard right. Cornstock Marsh alls are awe some how "bout you. Phi Mus are psyched for tonight. Our talent will shine! Sexy Blonde, I saw you at the intermur al fields east of AbelSandoz and immediately thought filthy. If interested meet me there Saturday for some Oozeball! Tom Selleck Mike and Dan (TKE) Congratulations on being awarded best electrical engineer ing project and Dan for re ceiving top senior engineer. Way to continue the tradition! Your Brothers of TKE Tracy (KD) Congratuations on making Nebraska Chianina Association Queen, and 1st runner-up in the U.N. Rodeo Assn. Queen Contest. Your sisters in KD Sig Eps and Golden Hearts: To everyone that helped out during Golden Hearts week. Thank you for your time and effort and for making Golden Hearts Week a success. You guys are the greatest. Thanks. Tammy and Pat To the Greeks of UN-L, Hope you had a wonder ful week. Love, Thetas ROOMMATES WANTED TO SHARE HOUSE SUMMER FALL. 1801 R 476-9100 EVES. Roommate wanted: Coed living, 100mo. utilities includ ed, small deposit. Call morn ings or evenings 435-2088 5 bedroom house near E. Campus and Uniplace Park $65mo. per person. One non smoking male vacancy now. Whole house available this sum mer. Women or men. groups or individuals, 464-7088 if inter ested. Roommate needed May 1st, nice, close to campus, reason able rent. 474-3523 Summer female roommate. $130 Vt elec. Waterbed. Close to city campus. 475 6017 or 483-7595. Female needed to share 3 bedroom house between campuses. $75 13 utilities. 477-1183. bu mv about on-haH tha coo of lawns a moving company by ranting a Ryder truck and moving it yours Not bad pay tor doing your own moving, la it? And, with Ryder, you know thai you re "anting a truck from the best-maintained. most dependable Nee m the world Than mce to know when you're rotting across the highway with al ol your family and possesion with you. r j I - J OHM house for summer and next scnooj year. $93.33 utilities. Doug, 475-0396 . , 13 WORKCLASS SCHEDULE CONFLICT? Consider UNL in dependent study. Contact the independent study office, 472-1926 TYPEWRITERS: RENTAL-SALES-SKRV1CE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4136 THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE FOUND AND TURNED IN TO UNL POLICE HEAD QUARTERS, 1335 No. 17th St. 1 Baby stroller. 1 Fur coat. , Several windbreakers and jackets. Several wristwatches. Several pocket calculators. Misc. stocking caps and scarves, gloves and mittens. Text and notebooks. All items must be identif ied by owner, either by written proof or positive description, for recovery. OWNER MUST DESCRIBE ARTICLES TO CLAIM THEM. CONTACT WEEKDAYS 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. at 1335 No. 17th. St. n TYPING Experienced, Accurate, Fast; Selectric typewriter; 75 cents Page; Call Kathy 488-2948 BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy test confidential, understanding help. 483-2609 Typing Accurate last turnaround, original-quality products. Call 421-1320 evenings & weekends. Will do typing. Professional secretary, IBM Typewriter, Rea sonable rates. 474-0604 Single and Pregnant? Adoption is a caring alter native. For confidential infor mation call Nebr. Children's Home. 488-7102 COMPUTER TYPE Proofs, Spelling Checker, Storage, Typing, Word Proces- r I , unng in wis coupon sing 476-' TYPE 1630 Que Street r w prrsjcioiTf -sLiic l 1 ij tT.AH.0j l 0.. G.1 T r' a 6; :T 0 I i e T I h 1 1 f aTm i TW c i r'c u1 s! t 'lolt er'TlH lr 1 8 1 a tTm a In" ;ts Wr a witrt" ST A TtTTffi K T A N ' WD Klfff" 7 H Thg TA R H ;MWlfj E l.TTfj FTlj?'' -1 AlBFf'LMj sltjETqj i : zmsi: :;:; ;; DEN H I SJT H ti MT N aIcTE A R 0 Sit f':HE L M; E A R ' t fllilli ill it (Tjl'TTT 'nIeJsI TisLJTTETMTl JrIe lat s! $4.00 Off Hair Cuts $10.00 Off Perms 824 P Street Suite 102 474-1086 New Haymarket Square John from G. Anthonys has joined us Mon.-Wed. 9:00 a.m. -8: 00 p.m. Thurs.-Sat. 9:00 a.m. -5: 00 p.m. Sunday 1-5 p.m. GOOD TILL APRIL 30 eads Together' 17th & R 475-4902 Expires April 30, 1S33 Photos by Weddings Outdoor Portraits Photos with the feminine touch 470-3417 M.j. Jeffrey Crossword Puzzle Edited by Eugene T. Maleska vofcat The Daily Nebraskan is now taking ap plications for the following positions for the fall 1983 semester. Deadline for applications is 4 p.m. Friday, April 15. Managing Editor News Editor Associate News Editors Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Night News Editor Assistant Night News Editor First DownSupplements Editor Art Director Photo Chief Editorial Columnists Interviews will be Monday, April 18 through Friday, April 22. Sign-up sheets are posted at the Daily Nebraskan. Apply at the Daily Nebraskan Office, Rm. 34, Nebraskan Union. Applicants must be students at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regu lations pertaining to same. ACROSS 1 Lizard 6 Be absorbent 10 Nigerian people 14 Actress Leslie 15 Network of nerves 16 Son of Aphrodite 17 Kin of arks 19 Artist who built a Dream House inN.Y. 23 Shade tree 21 Tends the lawn 22 City in Taiwan 24 Party by or for new residents 28 Certain lessening of tension 29 Japanese statesman S3 Unaccompanied 31 Winter machine 33 Alliance 37 Track 39 Tear apart 43 Willy Loman and others 42 Sharpened 43 Craggy hill 44 Orphan Annie's lizards 45 Flimsy structure 51 Join up 52 Capital of Western Samoa 53 College deg. 5S Wagger in old films 57 Swatters' targets 63 Sea swallow 61 Gaelic 62 Poetic measures 63 For men only 64 Homophone for rise 65 Aviary sound DOWN 1 Yearn 2 British prison 3 Jack-in-the-pulpit.e.g. 4 Parts of yrs, 5 Buttercup's relative 6 Spend time in a bookstore 7 Rent 8 "McGraw's boy" 9 Person with a will 10 Obscure 11 Persian 12 Actor Lloyd 13 "Of Thee " 18 Match 23 Like of pins 24 Therefore 25 Skid-row denizen 23 Touches lightly 27 Fitzgerald 28 Instrument 31 Scion 32 Bolsters 33 Masher's come-on 34 Ham's "Your turn" 35 Unites 37 More polished 23 Flawless: Abbr. 41 Jeanne d' Arc and others 42 Blew one's toj ' 44 Becomes void 45 Canal or lake 43 Preliminary events 47 Beginning 48 Extreme 49 River in China 53 Reason 53 Entertainer like Marceau 54 Daniels or Rebozo 55 were (seemingly) 58 Rossini's "Le Comte " 59 Canon 1 2 3 14 15 ( .6 17 Id 9 ( j 10 111 12 13 l r 1 15 I j16 18- 75 20 21 j 22" 23 30 3i 3JT i3" 34" 35 38 3" jfj" " """" IF J-JJLJ -.JI ,44 44 Us X 1 I 4647 d"l49 SO j 51 " 12 j3 641 55 66 .57 53" 59 T " ! L 1 60 61 j ,62 , .1 ! 63 ,&4 i sr 1 1 1 1 11 1 II M II II n n