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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1983)
Tuesday, April 12, 1933" 11 Daily Nebraskan z-s Continued from Page 10 Farrar said he was a little surpisied by his win. "This was the first time I competed in the black-belt forms, so I'm pretty happy," he said. After the forms came an exhibition of board and cinder block breaking by the black-belt members of Lee's Studio. "The purpose is not necessarily to break the boards." Singleton explained, "but to demonstrate power and control. The things to look for are control, power and concentration. The Coliseum crowd erupted into applause as Lee ended the exhibition by shattering three stacks of cinder blocks with his hand in rapid succession. The final event was the one tliat most people associ iate with the martial arts - the sparring competition. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472 1761 $2.50 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $1.75 minimum charge per day on individual student and student"Virganiation ads. Students must pay for the ad at the time it is placed. Ten words included. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. RENTAL SKI SALE 3 year old Ro&signol Skis with bindings and brakes $75 Nordica boot $35-45 pr. Ski poles $3 pr. LAWLOR'S 1118 "O" St. 477-4477 76 Chevy Monza Town Coupe. Excellent condition only 22.500 miles. Call 467-1512 (Greg) or 464-0901 (Mark). 1978 Red Pinto. New radial tires. Sharp. $2,295. Call 472 8654. Water Ski, Taperflex 68" wide tunnel. No. 3, excellent condition. Larry 476-1844. Armstrong open-hole flute. New condition. Call 435-1483 Kelly. 1972 Ford Gran Torino Sport. AC, auto.. AMFM. $400 negotiable. 466-2166 any time. FOR SALE: Blaupunkt AMFM stereo, really crisp reception, $75. Call Cris at 477-3874 evenings. 2-1981 Kawasaki KZ 750 1975 Buick Electra 1979 Dodge Pick-up 4 wheel drive 1979 Volkswagon Rabbit 1975 Chevy Pick-up 1976 Ford Pick-up Crew Cab) 1975 Chevy Nova 1973 Datsun Pick-up (Buy as is Make offer) Contact Burlington Employee's Credit Union 464-0297 Linda or Evelyn 9-5 p.m. F ' i I : : 1 ' 1 ' ' ' - l.ffin - -i -- II I ' - ' SUMMER FUN & SUN By our new pool! 5 minutes to campus. New 2 BR units with all appliances and central air. Summer leases. $305-$325 per month utilities. WILLOW HAVEN Apartments (1820 1840 Knox St.) Call now! Resi dent manager 476-6200 1822 Knox Apt. No. 2 or JOSEPH E. KEAN CO. 474-1666 BUCKINGHAM SQUARES Large 2 bedroom apartment, close to UNL campus, deluxe kitchen, fully carpeted, available for April, no pets, no children. Call 477-3889. GRAB A PARTNER 2 can live for the price of 1. New 6-plex, large deluxe 2 bdrm apts, carpet, drapes, appliances, AC. Within 5 blocks of campus, energy efficient. 474-4551 Attention Summer Renters: 2 bedroom House for rent during summer months. Central Air. Near East Campus & City Bus Route. Calf 464 0901 or 464-6891. Ask for Mark or Matt. "3 " The Daily Nebraskan is currently accepting applications for the position of advertis ing represenmZ for the 1983-84 school year. The position requires approximately 20 h7fVou'rTcomfortable with a selling situation, can motivate yourself and are inter JtedZZplV VOur academic background in advertising sales, we may have an open "Ttory7btod on commission only and representatives have earned as much as $iV:ntpSon at the Daily Nebraskan .Room 34. Nebraskan Union. Appli '"JXi - employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. You must be a student at the University of Nebraska. Attention Summer Renters Apartments for rent during summer months. Near Fast Campus and city bus route. 464 0901 or 464-6891. Ask for Mark or Matt. Sublease for Summer. 1 large bedroom apartment, fur nished, utilities paid. Call 477 5075. MUST RENT Spacious 2-bedroom apartment. 23rd. W Apt. G. Available May 1st. 474-4551 or 475-0273. Move in after finals. Newer 4 bedroom near East Campus. $440. 483-6549 after 5 p.m. Large 2 bedroom apt. near East Campus. Available for the summer and can be extended through next school year. Call 466- 0559. $260 Special Rent Sublease for Summer UNL East Campus area New, Large 2 bedroom, balcony laundry, air. dishwasyer 477-2986 Available May 8, 2 bedroom apt., AC, dishwasher, off-street parking, 1801 Knox, 475-6627 Harold. 2 bedroom apartment. 3421 Starr, near East Campus, $250. utaities paid. 467-2034. 1 & 2 bedroom unfurnished apartments in good university location. $185 to $225 per month plus electricity and laundry facilities. 467-2371 Monday thru Friday 8-4:30. Available May 1, 2 bedroom apartment near East Campus. 464-5176 after 5 and weekends. Very nice 1 bedroom apart ment near East Campus, avail able May 1st. Call nights 466 6567. Large 2 bedroom apartment, East Campus area. Stone fire place, all appliances. Available May $325mo. Call 423-0902 after 5 and weekends. Need to sublease 2 bedroom apartment. Available May 1st. 467- 1220 after 4 p.m. East Campus, one bedroom furnished, laundry, off-street Marking. The Mega Corp. 475 407. 2 bedroom apartment, 3601 Baldwin close to East Campus. Has dishwasher, laundry facilit ies. Off-street parking. 466-4107 Unfurnished large bedroom. 1230 So. 16 available NOW. A.C. $195 utilities. Nick 474 6603, 423-1427. One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses COLDWELL BANKER TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 4 bedroom house and 5 bed room. Close to downtown campus. Call 464-3733. CLOSE TO CAMPUS ' 1 bedroom, all appliances off-street parking, laundry 475-1058 or 483-4507 People interested in obtain ing a factory direct hook-up with a company in the Ag and Construction field. Call 483 6262. POTTERY, 8 pc. place setting. If interested in making, call 423-8248 after 5:00. lines Points are awarded in tae kwon do sparring for landing an uncontested blow to an opponent's midsection or head. But again, controlled power is most important. In an introduction to the tournament, Lincolnite John Stevens Berry said, "You will see people who can break bricks and break boards hitting and kicking each other without doing serious harm." Most important, he said, were the virtues of constraint and respect. Again, in the sparring competition, Lincolnites col lected their share of accolades. Among those from Lee's who did well were Troy Cameron, who took first, and Rort Strand who placed third in the brown-belt lightweight competition. Mari Jo Johnson did wall again, this time taking third Lead vocalist needed for rock band. Experienced only. 421-2407 or 435-6060. Neat appearing person needed 3 or 4 evenings per week to cashier and do clean up dut ies. Mostly 6 to 10 p.m. shift; includes some weekends. Must be clen shaven and enjoy work ing with people. $3.35. Shuster's Jack & Jill 13th & HiRh St. 423-4535 Part-time now, full time summer job. Professional office needs P.R. person. Receptionist. Must have an exceptional tele phone manner, personality and appearance. Send resume to P.O. Box 5961, Lincoln, Ne 68510. EARN $500 OR MORE EACH SCHOOL YEAR. FLEX IBLE HOURS. MONTHLY PAYMENT FOR PLACING POSTERS ON CAMPUS. BONUS BASED ON RESULTS. PRIZES AWARDED AS WELL. 800-526-0883. SUMMER JOBS Excellent starting pay Can earn $300 per week full time, part-time available now through May 1st $10 per hour. For interview call, 488-1274 between 9 a.m. -5 p.m. STUDENTS Men and women who can talk to people are wanted now for full ana part-time work as well as summer jobs in Lincoln, Omaha, Columbus, and Fre mont. Earn up to $375week. Scholarships are available for those who qualify. 435-1049. SUMMER JOBS Excellent starting pay. Can earn $300 per week. Full time. Openings in Omaha, Lincoln, Grand Island, Hast ings, Kearney, North Platte, Norfolk, Columbus, Alliance, Scottsbluff. Sidney. Call 488-1274 between 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ili A . 0 i A iZ A. P ii i " i l i n tT a l. Tk hop V l Af R 0 N A H 8 A H S . U S 1 J ciqiTt' vr ''MfPlT o I T r iillf llill 1 M M I "Tt'V artjE T E S C A. D B tCK M El D JL All A BlfK? EIAITTO R i VIEljjtS TTuTJ TA U R AT ClA N 0 m f T T E: S T I Pf !E L I T J TWl, TtoT5TTI islElolEtfil - : I CONTACT LENS Replacements and Spares AS LOW AS S14.95 Call for Details 1800 255-2020 EYE CONTACT P.O. Box 7770 Shawnee Mission KS 66207 DTD LITTLE SISTERS OF THE RAINBOW!! Meeting Wednesday night 6 p.m. Composite pictures discussed. Wanna see something a-peel-ing? Come to D.G. Banana Split Social. 00ZEBALL! Hard Court Playoffs tonight. They start at 6:30, come and support your favorite team! The Aeacia-Shriners Blood Drive is Wednesday at the Shrine Center. Please call 475 2242 for more information. COST OF LIVING perform ing tomorrow in the South Crib at 2:30. Mortar Boards, Remember our meeting is Wednesday at 9:30. CORNCOBS No meeting today!! EARL BUTZ Sunday, April 24 at 3:30 p.m. OPEN HOUSE THE FACULTY AND STU DENTS OF THE DEPART MENT OF COMMUNITY & REGIONAL PLANNING ARE HOSTING AN INFORMAL OPEN HOUSE TO PROVIDE AN OPPORTUNITY TO VISIT WITH YOU ABOUT THE FIELD OF PLANNING AND THE MASTERS OF COM MUNITY AND REGIONAL DEGREE PROGRAM. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 1:30-5:30 PM 2nd floor of the Former Law Building Fund raising book sale at Pershing Auditorium April 23 24. To donate books, bring to 1307 Crestdale Road, Lincoln or call for pick-up 423-4741. Benefit retarded adults. Crossword Puzzle Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Houston or Browne 4 Suited, e.g. 8 From the beginning 13 Org. Helen Keller helped found 14 Tops 15 Comaneci 16 Word before born and after "Born" 17 Coryphee's wear 18 Oct. 31 choice 19 Dream on the metro? 22 Rouse 23 Ignores 28 I RT entree? 30 Creed 33 Mork's planet 34 Salt 35 French interjection 33 Brown's league 37 Land or sea follower 33 Cat's-eye or sard 40 Chromosome constituent, for short 41 Riser in Czechoslovakia 42 Succession beneath the Big Apple?- 43 Boxer Archie 47 British P.M.: 1945-51 50 Units of resistance, often charged up? 54 Pale-blue gas 57 Bart6k 58 Buntline etal. in the women's advanced sparring. Three of Lee's green belt competitors swept their field, with Sean Summers winning followed by Mazin Siddig and Brian Malcolm. In the black-belt middleweight competition, Alan Kaiser placed second followed by Rod Cameron. Howard Nisson fought his way to second place in the black-belt hcaveyweight field, followed by Chuck Wolfe. Berry was pleased with the way the tournament turned out. He said that tae kwon do is an internationally growing sport, and that it will become an Olympic event in 1988. Berry said that the western world's "team concept" was something new to the Orientals. "And the idea of using Oriental courtesy in America sports is also new - and it's going over big," he said. Tassels meeting today at 5:00 in Union. Room will be posted. Officers meet at 4:30. There will be a UNL Ski Club meeting Wednesday, April 13, at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union. Deposits will be returned for the Summit trip and the Christmas trip will be announ ced. Put it on your calendar! CORNSTOCK XIII April 22 12:30-6:00 pm Don't miss it or you'll miss an awesome experience. F. LEE BAILEY has been rescheduled for Wed. April 20. 8:00 pm in the COLISEUM. Free with UNL I.D. $2 General Admis sion. UPC Talks & Topics Coming to the Showcase: Rock-A-Billy Grant SLEEPY LABEEF Wednesday. April 20th Celebrate Spring with Dave Rudolf and Rex Hedding. April 17, 4 p.m., Broyhill Fountain, Free. MU EPSILON NU Meeting this Wednesday, Apr. 13. Very Important. Bring Checkbooks. Union Room will be posted. 6:00 CAM meeting .Tuesday 5:45 Lab B. Officer Elections. Grab your boots and round up your friends (at least 5) and compete in the UPC-UNL Rodeo Club Western Week Games. April 13 at 3:30. Call 472-1780 to sign up and for more info. Student Alumni Assoc. presents OOzeball volleyball in the mud, this Saturday afternoon, April 16th, at the intramural fields east of AbelSandoz 59 They're often eaten when not weighed 60 Meadow sound 61 Dulcinea, in Dijon 62 Loamy deposit 63 New Year's Eve word 64 Milieu for a catcher DOWN 1 Bench warmer 2Coeurd' , Idaho 3 Gouda kin 4 Stealthy 5 Home for Nike of Samothrace 6 Con man? 7 ex machina 8 Mark of fame 9 Thumb's employer 10 Lyrical lines 11 Shipper's preposition 12 Stable staple 13 Nautical adverb 20 Collars 21 Author Dinesen 24 Fraternity letters 25 They close clothes 27 These biaze, then grew dimmer 28 Use a lever 23 of heaven (ailanthus) 33 Dilapidated jl 1 3 j 4 IS 6 7 8 9 10 111 1 12 ! L 13 14 J15 75 17 18 19 26"' " """ """ 21 I JLJ ;. 28 27 28 29 3b3Tl32'" " "33 34 . """" ,37' 34 - -. . 42 43T44 45 46 al49i 50 """" SI i 52 " " 53 S4 55 56 57 M 59 "il , 62 j S3 64 NEBRASKA BOOKSTORE SAYS 'THANK YOU' THURS DAY! WATCH FOR DETAILS! BETA THETA PI EASTER SEAL SPRING RUN The 2 and 5 mile run to raise money for Easter Seals will be held at 10 a.m. on April 23rd. There will be a lot of fun prizes for your participation to a great cause! Help meet the needs of dis abled youth and adults in Nebraska. For more information contact Bill Bonness at 435 3253 today! THINKING FILTHY AND THINKING FUN! CLASSES CLOSED? UNL independent study anytime. Contact the independent study office. 472-1926 TONIGHT Royal Grove. Free Kegger 8-9 plus Mud Mania and Wet T-Shirt Contest. No Cover. SUMMER CO-ED HOUSING At Acacia Fraternity. 2255 Vine St. AC in rooms, kit chen facilities: washer, dryer. Rooms available May 8th-Aug 19th. Call 475-2242. Ask for Nick If the opportunities and prob lems of urban and rural develop ment capture your imagination, you should consider a career in community and regional planning! OPEN HOUSE The faculty and students of the department of community and regional planning are host ing an informal open house to provide an opportunity to visit with you about the field of planning and the masters of community and regional degree program. WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 1:30 5:30 PM 2nd FLOOR OF THE FORMER LAW BUILDING dobbins 31 Jejunum's neighbor 32 Bebop band 38 Officeholders 37 Tend 38 On this side of the moon 40 Stained 41 Guncotton, e.g. 43 Lesions 44 McCIain portrayer 45 Overcoat 48 Lee, to Grant 49 Netman Dibbs 51 Declines 52 Depend 53 157.5 from N 54 It gives a hoot 55 Bronx attraction 53 Stockholm coin