The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 07, 1983, Page 18, Image 18
18 Daily Ncbraskan Thursday, April 7, 1933 uuua o o nr n Continued from Page 16 "Who the heck is Moe Iba?" - some guy from Seattle. - "Like, well, golly gee, I liad six football players in one of my classes, and like, golly gee, and so, I just think they should have any little old thing they want. -1 guess. - "Yes, we should be paid. It's getting harder every day to keep up the payments on my Trans-Am. I think CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472 1761 $2.50 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $1.75 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. Students must pay for the ad at the time it is placed. Ten words included. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUM ED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publica tion (Monday thru Friday). An $8.00 service charge will be assessed for all checks returned to the Daily Ne braskan and will be col lected by Check Rite. j I r t'Al' Raleigh Grand Prix 25" Frame, Mint Condition 477 4156. 1972 Ford Gran Torino Sport. AC, auto.. AMFM. $400 negotiable. Rampar men's 27" 10-speed. $50 466-2166 anytime Woman's 12-speed bike. Like new. Chain, lock and pump included. Call 467-2773 nights. RENTAL SKI SALE 3 yr. old Rossignol Skis with bindings and brakes $7 5 Nordica boot $35-45 pr. Ski poles $3 pr. LAWLOR'S 1118 -O' St 477-4477 1976 Chevy Monza. Town Coupe, 22,000 miles, excellent condition. Call 467-1512 (Greg) or 464-0901 (Mark). 1976 Fiat 131 sedan, 5 speed, 54.000 miles. Best of fer, 35 mph. Jim Klawitter, Rising City, Ne. 542-2246 SUMMER FUN & SUN by our new pool! 5 minutes to campus. New 2 BR units with all appliances & central air. Summer leases. $30 5-$ 32 5 per month utilities. WILLOW HAVEN Apartments (1820 1840 Knox St.") Call now! Resident mgr. 476-6200 1822 Knox Apt. No. 2 or JOSEPH E. KEAN CO. 474-1666 BUCKINGHAM SQUARES Laege 2 bedroom apartment, close to UNL campus, deluxe kitchen, fully carpeted, avail able for April, no pets, no child ren. Call 477-3889. (fay, fsf "I'm being assigned to a Chinook helicopter unit in Germany as a test pilot and maintenanceofficer, and I'm proud that I'll be the first woman to have that assignment over . there. It's a real thrill for me. "So was learning how to fly a helicopter. It takes a lot more skill than an airplane. If you think college is demanding, flight school is even tougher. It's not only academically demanding, it's really mentally demanding as well as physically. "In Germany, I'll have a chance to use some of the leadership and management techniques I learned in ROTC. It's going to be a real challenge having command responsibilities. o 5)3 GRAB A PARTNER 2 can live for the price of 1, New 6-plcx, large deluxe 2 bdrm apts, carpet, drapes, appliances, AC. Within 5 blocks of campus, energy ef ficient. 474-4551 4 bedroom house & 5 bed room. Close to downtown cam pus. Call 464-3733. STUDENTS! RENT FOR SUMMER Attractive 2 bedroom House between campuses. Appliances, air, $225 utilities & deposit. 466- 6642. Spacious 2 bdrm apt neajr East Campus. Central air, laun dry, off-street parking, modern appliances. Call 466-6142. 3 room apartment, private bath, private entrance, utilities paid, in exchange for some small help to an elderlv per son. Must have car. 423-8933 Need subleasers for nice 2 bedroom apt. Close to campus for over summer. Call 435 5524 Need to sublease 2 bedroom apartment. Available May 1st. 467- 1220 after 4 p.m. East Campus, one bedroom, furnished, laundry, off-street parking. The Mega Corp. 475 407. Help! Need 2-3 females to sublease large 2 bedroom apart ment (early May-mid August). Great locationfacilities. 472 8446. 2 Bedroom apartment. 3601 Baldwin. Close to east campus. Has dishwasher, laundry facil ities. Off-street parking. 466 4107 Close to campus 1 bdrm, all appliances, off street parking, laundry. 475-1058 or 483-4507 Large 2 bedroom apartment. East campus area. Stone fire place, all appliances. Available May $325mo. Call 423-0902 after 5 and weekends. Large 2-br apartment; laund ry facilities, close to East Campus. $273 utilities. Avail able May 1 or 15. Call 464 5167 Need 2-4 persons to rent apartment summer & continue the next year. Spacious two bedroom, low utilities, near East Campus & City bus route. Call 466-8854. One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses COLDWELL BANKER TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 1AM I IT VMhSSSS Hs 1 they should at least raise our expense money. Maybe we should form a union." - a football player. - "We don't get paid?" - another football player. LVrytime I've been polled I've answered like the people in this column. So, do we just get thrown in the "no opinion" section, or what? Next time you see a random survey, try to remember where they're coming from. GO, LOOKING FOR SUMMER HOUSING? . . . Individually airconditioned furnished CO-FD single and double rooms $35, & $22, per week. Kitchen, laundry, park inc. recreation facilities avail able, also close to campus and bus lines. 705 N. 23rd Ask for Mac Stevens at 474-9773 or 474-9972 Unfurnished Large Bedroom 1230 So. 16 Available NOW A.C. $195 & utilities. Nick 474-6603. 423-1427 STUDENTS Men and women who can talk to people are wanted now for full and part time work as well as summer jobs in Lincoln, Omaha, Columbus, and Fre mont. Earn up to $37 5 week. Scholarships are available for those who qualify. 435-1049 HORSE LOVERS Interested in forming a co op for breeding, selling and boarding horses. Call Roy 783-2852 SUMMER JOBS Excellent starting pay Can earn $300 per week full time, part-time available now through May 1st. $10 per hour. For interview call 488 1274 between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. ft ft STUDENT-TO-STUDENT ADVISORS The College of Arts and Sciences is seeking students in the College with Junior stand ing by fall 1983 to be advisers to undeclared freshmen during 1983-84. Applications available 1223 Oldfather. Deadline: April 13, 1983. SOME JOBS PAY GOOD MONEY SOME JOBS CHANGE THE WORLD ONLY ONE DOES BOTH Environmental Activist Posi tions summercareer. $160 to $200wk. Call NWCC. 476-2060 SUMMER JOBS Full & Part-time. Scholar ships and year-end trip for those who qualify. Training provided gives the right person the opportunity to earn $6.45 per hour & more. Call 488 1227 SUMMER JOBS Excellent starting pay. Can earn $300 per week. Full time. Openings in Omaha, Lincoln, Grand Is land, Hastings, Kearney, North Platte, Norfolk, Col umbus, Alliance, Scottsbluff, Sidney. Call 488-1274 between 9 a.m. -5 p.m. U, "III U,., -JO. UU IKV l camera A. 2nd Lt Anda Strauss science m.inr at Wake Forest and a member of Armv ROTC Advising Assistant The College of Arts and Sciences is seeking an Advising Assistant for 1983-84. Appl icants must be students in the College with junior standing by fall 1983. Applications avail able 1223 Oldfather. Deadline: April 15. 1983. Summer Camp staff: Job includes life guarding, with pool management, and assisting with outdoor program at a camp near Nebr. City. Must be 19 or older and have current WSI. No previous Girls Scout experience necessary. Apply to Exec. Director at Homstcad Girl Scout Counci. 1701 South 17lh. Lincoln. An equal opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer. U . , : Lead Vocalist needed for rook band. Experienced Only. 421-2407 or 435-6060. Caretaker 14 units. Graduate student couple for apartment rental and general maintenance. 488-1251 after 6 p.m. 423- 7588 SPANISH TUTOR Certified, experienced teacher will meet you on cam pus: $7hour 475-1481 Single and Pregnant? Adoption is a caring alter native. For confidential infor mation call Nebr. Children's Home. 488-7102. COMPUTER TYPE Proofs, Spelling Checker, Storage, Typing, Word Process ing 476-TYPE 1630 Que Street GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons for the ded icated student. Learn the new ZAGER guitar method. No other style will compare. Be ginners or advanced. Zager Guitar Studio 423-2709 PROFESSIONAL TYPING WORD PROCESSING 24 hours service on 20 pages or less. Same day ser vice on revisions. Highest qual ity printing. Many extras such as bold print, top grade paper, copying, storage on magnetic media tor up to six months. 8 cents per line straight text 15 cents per line statistical Park & Shop and Blue Stamps t available. Call Miller & Paine Communications Center, 474 2111, ext 310, Monday-Saturday, 8-5 p.m. Will do typing. Professional secretary, IBM Typewriter, rea sonable rates. 474-0604. 7 "I got into ROTC really just to see what it was all about. For me, it all couldn't have worked out better." Army ROTC got Anda Strauss off to a good stan. Maybe it can do the same for you. To find out, stop by your Army ROTC office on campus. And begin your future as an officer. For further information call: Captain Johnson (402)472-2468 Room 110M&NBldg.,UNL SMART0 AT LIUCON CENTER PARK d SHOP LOTS 2l79i 7 1 TYPEWRITERS: RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4136 YOUR TIME IS YOUR OWN with UNL independent study courses. Contact the independent study office, 472 192(T. BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy test confidential, understanding help. 483-2609 Female needed to share 3 bedroom house close to campus. $75 and 13 utilities 475-1564 Got a sense of Humor? Reasonable room to sublet until Nov. at acreage with 6 other vegetarian non-smokers. 423-0264 ROOMMATES WANTED FOR SUMMERFALL SEMES TER. 1801 R ST' 476-9100 anytime. Roommate needed May 1st thru Summer, Close to campus, reasonable rent 474-3523. Mature, non-smoking room mate to start occupancy April 30. 474-0394 Evenings. Male or Female acceptable. Female roommate wanted to share apartment in East Campus Area. Call after 5, 466-3018 LOST: Man's gold wedding ring with five diamond chips between stadium parking lot and CBA. Large reward of fered. 464-9759. LOST: Blue spiral notebook containing finance notes lost in Love Library. Call Brian 476-8016 nights. Reward. TKE Little Sisters: Manditory meeting tonight at 7:00. Please bring unsold M&M's or money. Friday's party will be discussed. -ft Beta Sig Little Sistervfr of the Gold Rose Activation tonight at the house at 7:00 pm. Wear Your formal attire and everybody please be there! SOCCER Men's soccer league form ing beginners and experienced players Call 475-9595 or 475 1833. m ... I 1 1 i i - r I if. 1799 C n AHEA MEETING April 7-6 p.m. Room 121 Home Ec Building. Speaker on future of home economics careers. Sammyjand Little Sisters Get psyched for the Hot Tub Party Friday April 8th. Please bring a friend. $2 don ation KAPPA SIGMA STARDUSTERS Regular Meeting at 6:30 to night. Exec, at 6:00. FRIDAY IS SPORTS ILLUSTRATED PARTY! "A" Phi Psi Little Sisters'ft Don't forget Auction Friday Night! Come prepared and be psyched for a GREAT time! And meeting, Tuesday, April 12. at 6:30. Officers meet at 6:00. Theta Xi Little Sisters: You are invited over to the house for an informal dinner Thursday, 5:30. See you there! "ANNIE" wills be shown at University Lutheran Chapel, 1510 Que St., Friday, April 8th at 8:00 pm (spring movies start an hour later). Everyone's invited. Your ticket to entertainment Luke Stevenson Showcase. Thursday, April 7. Nebr. East Union, 4:30-6:00. Got an hour to kill? Donate blood today in the Ballroom between 10 and 4 at the Campus Red Cross bloodmobile. It will be a well spent hour. DTD LITTLE SISTERS! Important! The composite picture proofs will be at the house at 4:00 today. You must be present to win. Don't For get! The only choice. Anne Hunt for Newman Center Secretary. Vote Today! TNE LITTLE SISTER RUSH The Lambda Lambda chap ter of Theta Nu Epsilon is starting their first little sister program. To participate be on hand at the Brass Rail on Thursday Night. Little sister rushees should be drinking light beer from their left hand. Most importantly, though, act like you want it! Please no DOTS. Did you catch those PIECES IN APRIL? Major Performing Arts Committee will have more next week! Iowa State Veterinary Med School Students: Mobile Home adjacent to Vet. School for Sale. Reasonable Price. For information. Call (402) 558 1449 (Omaha) ft DTD ft LITTLE SISTERS! Tonight's the night Don't be late Delts on wheels is gonna be great! 7:15 Golden Hearts of Sigma Phi Epsilon: The Scavenger hunt starts at 6:00 but by the end of the night you will have traveled all around the worl 1. The final day of the Campus Red Cross Bloodmobile is TO DAY. Union Ballroom,. 10 - 4. No appointment necessary. Donate blood. You'll be glad you did. Vote KEN BUKOWSKI for SCHRAMM PRESIDENT ft ATTENTION Sigma Tau Upsilon Delta The Weightlifting Honorary and UNL Powerlifting Team Meeting tonight at 7:00 P.m. outside weightroom. arty and concerts discussed. Mike SAE Little Sisters of Minerva Important meeting at 6:15. Elections will be held and freshman will gef their big brothers.