The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 07, 1983, Page 17, Image 17
17 Daily Nebraskan Continued from Pape 16 ,,f San Jose Stale, UCLA teammate Tim Daggett and Ne braska's Johnson and Cahoy were all in top form. j1 -it's almost like you can't expect to win anymore, because everyone's so good," Vidmar said. "The most 'important thing that can happen for me here is that I hit all my routines." j Vidmar said he felt added pressure in both defending i,jS title and making his final appearance for UCLA. '"I know the pressure that Jim (Hartung) probably felt last year," he said. "You want to do well. It's your last time in the NCAA." "I know I have plenty of meets coming up after this, though, and I'll always have that '82 NCAA champion ship," Vidmar said. "No one can take that away from me." In addition to Nebraska and UCLA, other qualifying teams include Iowa, Penn State, Illinois, Arizona State, Ohio State, Oklahoma, Southern Illinois 3nd Northern Illinois. THE DAILY NE BR ASK AN (USPS J44-CS0J IS PUB LISHED BY THE UNL PUBLICATIONS BOARD MON DAY THROUGH FRIDAY DURING THE FALL AND SPRING SEMESTERS, EXCEPT DURING VACATIONS. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, RM. 34 NEBRASKA UNION, 68583. SUBSCRIPTIONS: S13SEMESTER, $2 5 YEAR. SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT LINCOLN, NE BRASKA. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT1983DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, April 7, 1983 .GyinniinisiS'iLS. . . oul Umk change, wider conoois needed XX M X MJM.MX M X XJX X M X X X y tf Anna mom nnrrcMTC. Here's some tongue-in-cheek rules that we'll see in the future rulebook for Basketball Galactica: First, I believe well see an electrical rim. If a ball player puts his hand in the cylinder, itU hold him there until he turns blue and, when the official scorer turns off the electricity, hell drop to the floor. This will be a dyna mite rule because itU eliminate a judgment decision by the zebras. There Tl also be a combination height rule. That is, at any one time during a game, your team can't have more than 33 feet of combined height on the floor. That way, if you start four seven-footers, the point guard will have to be either Willie Shoemaker ot Eddie Arcaro, two of the most successful race jockeys in history. Ha IMcGuire Another great innovation youH see will be keeping statistics during the warm-ups, so we can stroke the subs, give them an identity. On the serious side, though, there are some rule changes I really think college basketball needs if it's going to stay Park Avenue. One rule that's needed is a widening of the court. By widening the court, we can put in the international three second lane where the lines angle out diagonally to make the paint area wider. Tire athletes have just become too big and too agile, too mobile and hostile for the width of the court today. I would also like to see a change in the number of fouls permitted, so a ballplayer with six fouls can join the party. lite biggest headache at the present time is the cha.ging foul. Almost every coach now is teaching their players to step in and take a Dustin Hoffman routine and act out an Oscar-winning performance. It's getting to the point phyers are afraid to penetrate and leave their feet. I think next year youH see a very limited, experimental three-point play at a set distance to be de cided by the NCAA basketball rules committee. It won't be like tliis year, where a three-pointer ranged from a chip shot to a javelin throw, depending on which conference you're in. Eventually, though, I see the three-pointer going the way of knee pads. But you will see the clock, and the clock probably will start at 45 seconds and be in use for the whole game. But down the road five to 10 years, I think they'll settle on a 30-second clock and wont outlaw any defense, even the zone, making any defense acceptable. Another thing you'll see: Coaches will be forced to stay in a box prominently marked in front of their bench, a rule which the Southeastern Conference experimented with this year. If the coach goes out of that box, it's a technical, with a two-shot penalty. He can only come out during a timeout, to discuss something with the scorer's table or with permission of the officials. That's a rule youH definitely see. And if I was still coaching, I know I'd have to wear a seat belt. . .although I might, on rare occasions, still be around to coach the second lialf. Another Buck Rogers rule of the future, and probably before the 25th century, will be that in every game on TV - locally or nationally - each team will only be allowed two time outs in each half, instead of five time outs per game. This would stop the road to eternity at the end of the game. Every coach knows that a televised game has eight commerical time outs. So if each team uses all five of its time outs at the end of the game, that's 18 altogeth er. . .and enough time for a turtle to get to the kitchen, grab a beer and get back. And that's why it sometimes takes a half-hour to play the last minute and a half of a game. like 1 said, the coaches know when the commercial time outs are coming. You get the commercial time outs at 16 minutes, 12 minutes, eight minutes and four min utes, or the first dead ball closest to that time, during each half. If the coach happens to use one of his time outs close to that time, then the officials accept that and break away and skip the commercial time out instead. What the smart coaches do, guys like Digger Phelps, Eddie Sutton and Joe B. Hall, who are pros at it, is use the commercial timeouts and save their own for the last few minutes in case they need them. It's smart coaching but, for the poor guy watcliing in his shorts on the sofa, it kills the end of the game. X Y 2 TME UGLIEST MAN ON CAMPUS $ CONTEST I ? Voting Dates: Thursday & Friday, April 7 &8 Place: Nebraska Union Y Y ALL PROCEEDS GO TO SPECIAL OLYMPICS Do Yo u Kimball? mm y 1 '(mi" , 1 o o o o o o 9 O 9 0 O 0 0 o O O o o NEED A JOB THAT FITS AROUND YOUR CLASS SCHEDULE? The University Health Center will be taking applications for the position of Keystone Insurance Representative. The job requires a minimum of 20 hours per week. If you feel you are : Organized Self-Motivated Possess Excellent Communication Skills Have A Flexible Schedule The Ability To Think Creatively And Enjoy Working With People Please pick up an application At Room 227 University Health Center PApPliLtionsPare due Friday, April 15th. If you have any quests please contact Dave Ditman t-en Studm o 0 O SZi&m 472-6CW0 or Room 103 University Health Center. UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or em ploymen? programs and abides by all federal regulations per tainning to the same. 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 o o o 0 o o 0 o o o o O o o o o o (1 0 .0 o o o 0 o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o 0 o o MAIN BANK 14TH & P.I 6 BLOCKS SOUTH OF THE STUDENT UNION! r : n f l i i J L,rr -i r City Dan!: & Trust pompany of Lincoln 14th end M Streets Phono: 477-4431 1 Y Y i V t V y V o o o o 0 o o o o o ( c O o o o o o u it l ) c o ( CI o o o o o o J o ii o o o o o ( o CI o O 0 o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 o 0 o 0 o o !! o o ) n o o o o o r. . c m w c r P.D.I.O. A. A, A