The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 06, 1983, Page 2, Image 2

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Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, April 6, 1933
. .
Staff photo by Joel Sartore
From left: a student shields herself from the snow
Tuesday; "I'm disappointed with this month."
Deborah Honz, a senior in computer science, said
while peering through her snow covered umbrella.
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Staff photo by Dave Bent
Ducky weather swamps
state with sloppy spring
"It's good weather if you're a duck," said Vijay
Rajyaguru, an international student from Tanzania,
where the average annual temperature is 80.
He was referring to Nebraska's unseasonal snow and
cold temperatures and comparing it to the weather in his
native country, which, he said, is "much better."
According to the National Weather Service, at 5 pjn.
Tuesday, the temperature was 34 degrees with winds
out of the north at 16 mph.
"Someone told me that the average temperature for
today should be 58 degrees," saidConnie PaiJgh, an
undeclared freshman. "I think it's beautiftihype'of snow,
but it's at the wrong time of the year."
The weather service said the snow should continue
through today, with up to an inch accumulation.
Picture Perfect Prices On Cameras
During Max Miller's Annual Camera Fair.
Starts Thursday, April 7
Get in on the best prices of the year!
1434 "O" St.
The UNL Police Department received
the following calls and complaints from
7 a.m. Monday to 7 a.m. Tuesday.
9:1 1 a.m. - Parking permit reported
lost or stolen at 22nd and Holdredge.
10:58 a.m. - Two-car accident reported
near Harper Hall loading dock; no
injuries reported.
12:20 pjn. - Bike reported stolen from
Schramm Hall.
12:26 p.m. - Illness reported at West
brook Music Building; person taken to
Lincoln General Hospital.
12:59 p.m. - Criminal mischief
reported at Fedde Hall on East Campus;
room entered; case cleared without arrests.
4:03 p.m. - Items reported stolen from
a car at the Nebraska State Fairground
were recovered.
5:40 p.m. - Narcotics complaint
reported at Abel Ha;; two people arrested.
5:41 p.m. - Billfold reported stolen
from East Campus Activities Building was
recovered; money missing.
6:23 p.m. - Criminal mischief report
at Cathcr Hall, seventh floor. Water was
left on, causing damage to ceiling and
7:18 p.m. - Check reported stolen from
Harper Hall.
10:05 p.m. - Person shooting lights
with pellet gun reported in the area of
Coliseum and Hamilton Hall; gone when
officers arrived.
10:29 p.m. - Narcotics complaint
reported at Abel Hall; two people arrested.
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