7 Daily Nebraskan UN kjj W Km W rf DttecIoM FcR "THE MOMEER To CALL To REACK ( VA REPREtEAiTAlWE . '(TNI U ill Wednesday, March 30, 1933 ii team talks way By Tisli Mockler The UNL speech team won its fourth tournament in a row March 4 through 6 at the Nebraska Interstate Forensics Association tournament, said Jack Kay, director of forensics. The team won the Midland Lutheran College tournament, the Northeast Technical College tournament in Norfolk and the UNO tournament. They also won the freight on University tournament. The 22-mcmber team qualified 16 speakers to participate in the two national speech competitions. To qualify for the American Forensic Association tournament in Ogden, Utah, April 8 thiough 12, speakers must be in the top 10 percent in the district tournament. To qualify for the National Forensics Association tournament at Illinois State University in Normal, 111., April 19 through 26, speakers must place in the top 10 percent at designated tournaments. Roger Aden, a junior majoring in broadcasting and political science, qualified for the NFA tournament in extemporaneous speaking, informative public address, impromptu speaking, persuasive speaking and rhetorical criticism. He qualified for the AFA tournament in extemporaneous speaking, impromptu speking and informative public address. Deborah Renter, a senior majoring in speech and drama, qualified for the AFA tournament in duet acting, poetry interpretation, prose interpretation, and rhetorical interpretation. She qualified for the NFA in dramatic interpretation, duet acting, poetry interpretation, prose Wedekind Continued from Page 1 In the fall of 1982, ASUN formed a student affairs subcommittee to provide more student-regent inter action in an informal environment, Wedekind said. The committee is composed of the three student regents and regent members Margaret Robinson, Nancy I loch and Fd Schwartzkopf. Another ASUN achievement was the establishment of a campus Keep America Beautiful program, Fitzgerald said. UNL became the first campus to initiate such a program, which will provide internships for students and could save the university as much as $70,000, he said. interpretation and rhetorical criticism. Chris Wallace, a sophomore majoring in broadcasting, qualified for the AFA tournament in persuasive speaking and qualified for the NFA tournament in extempoiancous speaking, informative public address and persuasive speaking. The following students qualified for the NFA tournament, with year, major and events in which they qualified : Valerie Benton, freshman speech major, extemporaneous speaking; Dairell Carnes, senior psychology major, poetry interpretation and prose interpretation; Bennett Cattle, sophomore life science major, dramatic duo, poetry interpretation and prose interpretation; Buffy Currey, sophomore, dramatic duo; Karen Goldncr, sophomore political science major, extemporaneous speaking; Joyce Hoclting, senior speech and education major, dramatic duo; Julie Jensen, freshman, poetry interpretation; Jeff McGrath, senior political science major, extemporaneous speaking, impromptu speaking; Craig Smith, freshman theater major, prose interpretation; Roger Stage, senior agriculture and engineering major, after-dinner speaking, extemporaneous speaking, impromptu speaking and rhetorical criticism; Lana Welsh, freshman broadcasting and agriculture major, informative public address; Mary Zuerlein, freshman speech major, informative public address and persuasive speaking. Matt Sobnosky, assistant speech coach, said more students may qualify for the NFA tournament this weekend at Missouri Western College at St. Joseph, Mo. Wedekind said his administration also lived up to campaign promises in the communications area by pub lishing two newsletters and speaking to the Residence Hall Association, the Inter-Fraternity Council, student organizations, Greek houses and residence halls. "The Daily Nebraskan could have done a better job of explaining what we were doing," Wedekind said. "By talking with us, their criticism could have been done from a position of understanding." ASUN also studied advising, Wedekind said. After a survey of what different colleges do in terms of advising, there is an awareness that the advising system needs improvements, Wedekind said. c ""I mm r All AfAi. 1 1 km raw h LuJLyjQ It esm n v. v i , mm ak nn TICKETS SOLD AT WRC, NEBRASKA UNION NORTH DESK AND DIRT CHEAP 3.50 U;i Students $4.50 Gancpal WHEEL CHAIR ACCESSIBLE CHILD CARE AVAILABLE INTERPRETED FOR HEARING IMPAIRED SPONSORED BY THE UNL WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER AND UNIVERSITY PROGRAM COUNCIL The Nebraska Union and East Union are now accepting office space applications for the academic year 1983-84. Applications are available in Suite 220, City Union, and the Administrative office in the East Union. All recognized student organizations are welcome to apply for space. The applications must be returned to Suite 220, City Union, by 5:00 p.m. Thursday, April 7, 1983, for your organization to be considered. Any questions should be directed to the Operations Committee of the Nebraska Union Board. UNIVERSITY PROGRAM COUNCIL WELCOMES . 1 l V 1 f LCI V it SPECIAL GUEST DOVATJ ADAMS Their Only Nebraska Appearance April 6, 1983 7:30 PM EOS DEVANEY SPORTS CENTER-Lincoln, Neb. Tickets: $13.50-$12.50$11.50 Reserved available at Nebraska City Union, and all Brandels Outlets In Lincoln & Omaha. NEBRASKA UNION WILL ACCF.PT CHECKS, MASTERCARD & VISA FOR INFORMATION CALL 472-2454 "A . r , . A 0 Your College Ring ... a timeless symbol of your achievements NEBRASKA GRADUATES With the Trade-in of your Gold High School Ring .... get $91.00 OFF on the pur chase of your Men's Gold College Ring ... $52.00 OFF on the purchase of your Ladies Gold College Ring! White Lustrium also on Special JUST $89.00 OFFER GOOD ONE WEEK ONLY March 28th thru April 1st NEBRASKA BOOKSTORE The Jostens Representative will be in the Bookstore Wednesday & Thursday, March 30th & 31st 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. To assist you with your order! DEPOSIT REQUIRED SIX WEEK DELIVERY i 1 XJiJ 7 Oien Monfiay-F'aav 8 S SO Saturday 9-5 30 Class 12th t R SlrMO In Lincoln Cntw 47fr-01l1