The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 29, 1983, Page 3, Image 3
3 Tuesday, March 29, 1983 Daily Nebraskan n i ) Lvcn though 1 still have a while yet, I'm beginning to look ahead to what I'm going to do after J get out of college. My inclination at this point is to create a publication, utilizing my knowledge in both journalism and politics. Of course, this concept is nothing new, so in order " I Mike Frost to succeed, I need to come up with something totally different. Therefore, upon graduation (which, at the rate I'm going, will coincide with the 1996 Winter Olympics), I will take all my Daily Nebraskan earnings (that is, those which 1 haven't already traded in for Tony the Tiger Frisbees) and start a political magazine, geared toward teenagers, to be called Washingteen Beat. Hopefully, the magazine will be a hybrid of two prototypes: George F. Will's insightful political commentary, and Scott Baio's "Why 111 Never Go Hollywood Like The Fonz." A typical issue would include articles such as: -Ronnie Reagan: Star Wars is such a fave-rave flick, I've made it into my defense policy ! -Teddy Kennedy: Ten reasons why I want to be president (and how you can be my first lady)! - Washingteen Beat exclusive! Strom Thurmond: I want to be one of the Kinks! -Bobby Kerrey: Discover Bob's Ne braska and win a fab weekend there! - Plus!! A sneak-peek at the Democrats new MTV video, "Do You Really Want to Hurt the Economy?" Let's look at a typical feature, shall we? "Nancy and Ronnie: Why We'll Never Go New Wave," by "Scoop" Henry. You know you've loved the Reagans (Nancy and Ron to their friends) ever since they rocked their way into the world famous White 'House in 1980. Lots of important things have happened since then: Richie left Happy Days, the Duke Boys (Bo and Luke) left Hazzard.and Van Halen and Valerie Bertinelli got married. But, through it all, Nance and Ron have remained the same lovable people they were when they left California. "Of course we have," Nancy confirms, setting the table for her husband, whose unpredictable schedule is never allowed to interfere with dinner. "Ron told me a long time ago he never wanted me to change. Ever!! Why, I suppose he'd just hit the ceiling if I ever dyed my hair purple!" Nance demures, serving up the franks and beans (the prez's fave food) she has prepared for dinner. She of course is referring to the rumor that she and her hubby, the cliief exec, had gone punk, colored their hair a strange violet hue and changed their names to Sid and Sylvia Saliva. Further, the rumor went, their aids would no longer be referred to as the White House staff, but rather, Walking Fetus. "Nothing could be further from the truth," chortles Ronnie, who by now has settled down to supper. "True, Nance and I dabbled in funk after her appearance on 'Diff rent Strokes' (rumors romantically linking the First Lady and pint-sized star Gary Coleman are also false), but, heck, we couldn't get into new wave . . . on a beach!" j 11 Li Nance laughs at Ronnie's jest and adds, say, we can all be old wave! And proud o "Just tell vour readers we re old wave ... it!! and proud of it!" Well, Nance and Ron, I've done as you asked. I think a lot of kids who were confused about whether they should go punk or not can rest easier now. As you Be sure to check next months issue of Washingteen Beat, when our feature article will be: Tip O'Nell: How to have a groovy date (and help our nations economy at the same time)!! Police Report Letters Feminists' goal: Oest of both sexes Although I do not want to be respons ible for starting an ongoing battle, I must reply to Tad Stryker's letter to the editor concerning Becky Stingley's article, "Androgyny is Movement Goal" (Daily Nebraskan, March 15). Unfortunately, Stryker missed the whole point of Stingley's column. Fem inists do not want to change women and men into a sterile society of humans, as Stryker so narrowly put it. Both men and women are subjected to negative roles assigned them at birth which they are expected to fulfill. Men are generally socialized to be aggressive, "macho," domineering and insensitive. Women are told to be passive, weak (physically, as well as intellectually), docile and inferior to men. What feminists are trying to attain by espousing androgyny as a goal is to encourage the positive aspects of female and male roles in both men and women so that each person is free to be who they truly are and not pattern their life on destructive and oppressive roles. Contrary to Stryker's final comment, women and men are not equal, not socially, and definitely not legally. Ask the countless women who everyday face discrimination in employment and the judicial system, and homemakers and mothers who are made to feel inferior because of the occupations to which they have chosen 10 dedicate their lives. Lee Smith senior, political science WO owo m:mma mm Q ri U QQODO QG ogoo cuff GpcCso cx:o cop The UNL Police Depart ment received the following calls and complaints from 7 ajn. Sunday to 7 a jn. Monday. 6 :50 p jn . - Car reported stolen; vehicle later located; case unfounded. 9:00 p.m. - Security alarm malfunctioned at Ad ministration Building. 9:17 pjn. - Injury re ported at 464 N. 16th; person taken to hospital. TRY THE CROSSWORD PUZZLE IN THE n n nnnfl ennnnnnnno u.u, i fi uuo luouuauuiii 1. EUEHY TO EGO AY fJIGHT 2. 2 PEnOOTJ TEAMS 3. C20-1GT010-SrJD00-3nD a. nEGl3TEn-7:30 PlAY-0:00 jo r mm , ; TONIGHT 9-1:00 s3 Cover, FIRST DRINK FREE!! WED., MARCH 30th THE QUEEN OF THE BLUES KOKO TAYLOR ". . . . education is not something which the teacher does, but , . . it is a natural process which develop spontaneously in the human being. It is not acquired by listening to words, but in virtue of experiences in which the child acts on his environment" Mono. Uouesson Central 6704 Dodge 556-20S6 Lincoln 261 5 Austin Dr. 489-81 1 0 All-Day Class 9270 Ames 572-8020 Bellevue 2111 Kimbefly 291-9355 K83ILE M60S Mobib mos hod setvico till bo of . CS1 W. 1C0li CS c:3 GP PAnCllftS LOT 0:30 pm -11:39 pm Jin , s e i mm I I ;. r, r, : r, ;. c . O O 'A Hi. . n . . v. ill ; him n w n timhrimm &mm fan 11 iri M s: s.i i-t u j-t s-i iJ 1 -I I f,t I, . i . t