The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 28, 1983, Page 3, Image 3
Monday, March 28, 1983 Daily Nebraskan Dtebafeirs, Oo o o Continued from Page 2 debate is sa tisfying when a lot of work has been done to Deal a specific team and then the strategy and concepts pay of I. ' "I get a kick out of argumentation" Overing said. "De bate is a forum for testing ideas and making better argu ments. fa After coordinating research, strategy planning and practice debates during the week and debating together all weekend for the last two years with the same person, it may seem a wonder that they can still work together. "Mike and I are extremely diverse in how we approach a problem," Sisson said. Because their ideas for strategy are so different, it sometimes hard to determine whose side to take without personally attacking the other, he said. "The bottom line is, Ed and I both know what the other's limit is," Overing said. "One or both of us will back down before the prestige of the other is damaged." He said he has learned to separate professional arguments from personal arguments. "Everybody's got to say something," Overing said, quoting songwriter Jim Croce. He said there has to be a justification for a value or belief. "Just because they have an opposing viewpoint, it doesn't mean it's wrong, you learn why they have it," he said. A winning team is a combination of a coach's expertise and a debater's motivation, in the opinion of Overing and Sisson. "Most of the research and the ideas have to come from the debater," Sisson said, because it is impossible for the coach to keep up with all the arguments and ideas that a debater finds at tournaments and in research. "However, the coach is in charge of fine tuning your in.rf.c.Tfxr'r.n wTjW AlIIIUAL? no C-rw'v-J L-J L- j v LJU cJ U LjlJLJLJ l w J U u Lj- I ( I f LXo N 311 S. STH ST. LINCOLN, 11EB. 4-76-8551 ideas and finessing them out," he said. In addition, five speech graduate students are assistant coaches to Kay. Overing said a team can have the best coach'in the world, but unless there is motivation bn the debater's part, it is of little benefit to have a good coach. He said success is a matter of who wants to work to win. "It's a low visibility activity and because it's low visibility it doesn't receive much support. However with the skills it teaches it is deserving of more support, moral and financial," Overing said of the debate program at UNL. There were 20 students on this year's team, none of whom are graduating, Kay said. Sisson, who is planning on either going on to law school after next year or getting a job in chemical engineering, said he will debate next year if his class schedule permits. Overing, a junior economic geography major, made no comment about next year. The National Debate Tournament will be the first week of April in Colorado Springs, Colo. i:;i;tjVtiir:lUt """""7; 7 v . A, ,ff -I a- 4- I vSi J S.I ipioirf ir !'sVjLv: fr(o) MW ' M.wtjr iri;&iMiHlOK ir1:ri m n KM : W I'M ;( : i itfn r h;: fiiu:ui.(tlr ?:jiiu:.i Va-:HM: iM(:4k JiVilfhjtJt: Mil- mho :y;i ni.iH;fV 1 jr" A cv I til a! " 'I Ibwr College Ring ... a timeless symbol of your achievements NEBRASKA GRADUATES With the Trade-In of your Gold High School Ring .... get $91.00 OFF on the pur chase of your Men's Gold College Ring ... $52.00 OFF on the purchase of your Ladies Gold College Ring! White Lustrium also on Special JUST $89.00 OFFER GOOD ONE WEEK ONLY March 28th thru April 1st NEBRASKA BOOKSTORE The Jostens Representative will be in the Bookstore Wednesday & Thursday, March 30th & 31st 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. To assist you with your order! DEPOSIT REQUIRED SIX WEEK DELIVERY Class Open Monddy-Fnaay 8 5 30 Saturday. 9-5 30 iri! 12tMRStrti In Lincoln Ctnter 476-0111 '1