Daily Nebraskan 5 Letters ISO: No party preference The International Students Organization is a multi national organization and, as such, the preferences of the individual members are diverse. International students are known to collectively pursue goals of common in terest, but the selection of ASUN presidential candidates is certainly not one of these goals. International students have an unquestionable ability to analyze issues raised by the candidates and consequently to make an objective choice for themselves. The present administration of ISO has, since its in ception, emphasized participation. This implies that international students should have a multidimensional involvement in student activities. There is no party pre ference. In the eyes of ISO, every party is equal, hence the executive cabinet is not only constrained, but cannot endorse a particular party as though such a choice is consistent with the preferences of the rest of the mem bers. ISO is willing to work with any party that gets elected, but would not tolerate unfounded rumors aimed at discrediting the integrity of the organization. livery international student is encouraged to participate in the March 16 run-off election with equal intensity. Soala Ariweriokuma president, UNL International Students Organization Action violates RHA regulation I have recently filed a complaint against the Action Party for ASUN. Since the complaint will not be heard in time for coverage in the Daily Nebraskan, I have written this letter to explain the situation. March 13, I witnessed Heidi Burkland placing "table tents" in the HSS Food Service cafeteria area. The tents were advertisements for the Action Party. When I left the cafeteria area, I met Burkland and Action presidential candidate Laura Meyer. I told them that I didn't think they were allowed to advertise like that and suggested that they contact RHA Election Commissioner Kathy Mach. They requested to see my copy of the RHA Campaign Regulations so I showed them. Section 3, Subpart B, prohibits campaigning in Food Services except at one table approved by the Hall President. Meyer then made a statement to the effect that she wished she had the time and ambition to take the regulat ions seriously. I again suggested that they contact Com missioner Mach for an exact interpretation of the regulat ion. I was then told that they would attempt to contact ASUN Election Commissioner Jennifer Fager because Kathy Mach "... doesn't like us and she would just say no." Violating the regulation is bad enough, but the attitude shown by these party persons is downright contrary to the spirit of good government. It is normal for parties to exploit every loophole to further their campaign but this is an outright violation attempt. The RHA Election Commission has since instructed the HSS Food Service to remove the table tents. The ASUN Election Commission has yet to act on my com plaint due to lack of time. I would strongly urge you to consider the moral im plications of the Action Party's actions before you go out to vote in the run-off election. I support neither party nor am I affiliated with any ASUN party. I just don't want a political organization with this attitude to be given the reins of student government. Thomas V. Myers senior, engineering Reach Party quaiified,concerned, experienced ASUN leadership As president of the Residence Hall Association during most of this ASUN campaign, I have had the opportunity to woik with and evaluate the ASUN executive cand idates. Only two parties still remain in the race, and both will provide strong, organized leadership if elected. The Reach party, however, offers some diversity and qualities which 1 have not found among either Action or their advocates. 1 . The Reach Party has demonstrated a serious interest in the residence hall students and issues. As a hall res ident, Regina Rogers balances the ticket by providing a direct communication link between the halls and the ASUN executive committee. 2. Reach has worked conscientiously and consistently with the RHA Electoral Commission to ensure that they are in compliance with the election regulations. The prompt manner in which they have handled complaints filed against them demonstrates the quality of concerned leadership. 3. Both of Reach's major executive candidates have had a year of experience with ASUN. After Tom Mock ler's resignation, 1 discovered how difficult it is to learn about an organization from the top down. Matt Wallace and Regina Rogers have worked their way up through ASUN, and this knowledge will be invaluable should they become executives of an organization responsible for representing 23,000 students. I endorse Reach, because I am confident in their ability to represent me as an individual and work with the next RHA administration. Melba I. Petrie RHA member ASUN 0; Seven Dwarfs 1 Would all of the Action Party candidates crying, "Foul, Foul!" please go cry someplace else? So they didn't get endorsed by the Daily Nebraskan. You're lucky they waited as long as they did this year to endorse anyone. In my experience, the endorsement usually comes out about a week earlier and does far more damage. Mr. Ezeadi, pray tell, how did you arrive at the fact that Action was "well ahead of its opponents"? If one editorial can do the damage you claim, how much better could Action's platform and programs have been? Miss Winther, what constitutes "a few" posters? There were at least three placed on my floor in violation of RHA rules. You admitted that, but to turn around and say in effect, "So what?" is rather questionable. Maybe SORE wasn't illegal, but what it did was. And since when is leaving a group, whose purpose you no longer believe in, unethical? Before you label me a Reach supporter and Daily Nebraskan lover, take note that the only people I voted for were the Seven Dwarfs. The times that I have agreed with a DN editorial can be counted on the foot of a three toed sloth, but I still support the paper. Journalists are out to provoke you into thinking. The Daily Nebraskan warrants a "bravo" in that department. Maybe someday, someone will put aside resume padding and irrelevant rhetoric on issues that are long since dead and will actually work at helping fellow students for the educational improvement of this university. Until that time, I intend to keep voting for the Seven Dwarfs. Jay Lee Noble senior, journalism rv slM'aslkaini EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER ADVERTISING MANAGER PRODUCTION MANAGER MANAGING EDITOR NEWS EDITOR GRAPHICS EDITOR NIGHT NEWS EDITOR ASSISTANT NIGHT NEWS EDITOR ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR SPORTS EDITOR ART DIRECTOR PHOTO CHIEF Margie Horn Daniel M. Shattil Jarry Scott Kitty Policky Michiela Thuman Sue Jepsen John G. Goecke David Wood Leslie Boellstorff Patty Pryor Bob Asmussen David Luebke Dave Bentz THE DAILY NEBRASKAN (USPS 144080) IS PUB LISHED BY THE UNL PUBLICATIONS BOARD MON DAY THROUGH FRIDAY DURING THE FALL AND SPRING SEMESTERS. EXCEPT DURING VACATIONS. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. RM. 34 NEBRASKA UNION. 68588. SUBSCRIPTIONS: S13SEMESTER. $25 YEAR. SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT LINCOLN. NE BRASKA. ALL MATERIAL COPY RIGHT 1983 DAILY NEBRASKAN - . . , , t 1 Letters ! 1 Policy ' Letters will be selected for publication on the basis of clarity, originality, time liness and space available in the newspaper. Letters sent to the news paper for publication be come the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be considered for publication, and request to withhold names will be granted only in exceptional circumstances. Submit all material to the Daily Nebraskan, Room 34, Nebraska Union, 1400 RSt., Lincoln, Neb. 68588. Editorial Policy The Daily Nebraskan's publishers are the regents, who have established a publication board to super vise the daily production of the newspaper. Unsigned editorials re present the policy of the 1983 Daily Nebraskan but do not necessarily reflect the views of the Univer sity of Nebraska, its em ployees or the NU Board of Regents. Hal ma rk on L4lLCi 11 cards. rS Better than shamrocks. u::jvlIE0S7v City Campus Nebraska Union 472 2285 East Campus Nebraska East Unior 472 1747 n oo 0 SKQODM 7 ot io)irsi n Ao ET 3 n n n u IMOT mm I've saved all year for this ski trip over break. Cutting costs whenever possible. And I've found the best way to save money is to use LTS. I ride it to class every day. The main reason I use LTS is money. But the convenience and reliability of LTS are big factors, too. The decision to use LTS was an easy one. Today's decision is much harder. Steamboat? Vail? Copper Mountain? 476