The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 09, 1983, Page 12, Image 12
12 Wednesday, March 9, 1983 Daily Nebraskan 472-1761 472-2588 fw f n Prohibition is criminal. Alcohol shouldn't be. Vote B.K.E.H. UPC-American film meeting today 3:30 p.m. Nebraska Union. Sec you there. Bill The real action is with REACH. Do you really want to en dure all this again next vear? VOTE ANARKY Attention I'M. Students: It is time once again for Alpha Phi-Lambda Chi Alpha Casino Night, Friday, March 11th in the Nebraska Union Centennial Room. Get your tickets now! The real action is with REACH. There is an event called WE AH IN" O' THE GR FEN A carnation to be delivered for all to be seen. So put down a buck. For St. Paddy's Day luck. And show you're part of the scene. On sale at Union through the 10th or at KD house. Delivered on the 16th or 17th. ANAHKY . . . and you thought Disneyland was fun?!? The real REaCII. action is with DTD LITTLE SISTERS OF THE RAINBOW Get psyched for the Barbeque Friday at 5:00 at the house. The phi Mu Honey Bunnies are Coming Soon! Be Readv! The real action is with REACH. UNL Cheerleading 0 Tryouts for 1983-84 ; Clinics: March March 29 30 Report Monday, March 14th, .L 6 00 pm at Bob Devaney Sports Center, Basketball Court Everyone Welcome, "GET EXCITED"!! Crossword Puzzle Fdited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 London party 5 Spanish wheat 10 Bunks 14 Puzzler's lake 15 Her face launched ships 16 A result of cerebration 17 Rue Paix 18 Happening 19 me tangere 20 Demolition acquisition 22 Fastened, in a way 24 Etc.'s sister 25 K.P. item 26 His work is the pits 29 toes (alert) 33 Guitar device 34 Atonement 38 Prefix for rhyme oi rail 39" o'clock scholar" 40 Oust 41 Preminger 42 Pea cock-feather product 43 Beethoven's last symphony 44 Worry 45" thy father. . .": Matt. 6:6 47 Volatile liquids 49 Languid states 51 Bird's "word" 52S.R.O. spectator 55 Kind of novel 59 Cathay traveler 60 Library gadget 62 Actress Miles 63 Again The REACH. real action is with Can you say ANARKY? I thought you could. Your friend. Mister Rogers When you REACH your decision, be sure to vote to day. Matt Wallace Repina Rogers Bill Buntain Vote REACH today. I'm supporting WALLACE, ROGERS and BUNTAIN. Jane P I'm voting for WAL LACE. ROGERS and BUN TAIN. I hope you will support REACH today. Karan Williams As a former A.S.U.N. president, I've watched this vear's campaigns, listened to the candidates, and studied !he issues. WALLACE, ROGERS and BUNTAIN are clearly the best candidates. 1 will vote for them and hope you will too. Bud Cuca I'll cast mv vote for WALLACE, ROGERS and BUNTAIN. You should too. Carol Prihyl I've never voted in an ASUN election before, but Wednesday I'll vote for REACH-WALLACE, ROG ERS, and BUNTAIN. Mark Mauer 14 17. 6 00 9 00 p m Finals: 64 Ancestral land 65 Circus sight in London 66 Golfers' needs 67 Extremely: Colloq. 68 Slangy negative DOWN 1 See 10 Across 2 Kind of rug 3 Horizontal timber 4 "It's a mystery!" 5 Book by Max Brand 6 Make whoopee 7 O'Neill play 8 Polite blokes 9 Sitting pretty 10 "For the is at hand": Matt. 3:2 11 Groupies' hero 12 Retired soccer star 13 Port , Egypt 21 Ingested 23 Gatling.e.g. 26 Picaro 27 Turkic language 28 Setting for a Marx Brothers film 30 Dame 31 Inscribe 32 Chimney offshoots 1 2 3 4 J '5 1 7 la Id 1 10 111 1 1 2 1 1 3 14 115 15 13 I9 ' 20 21 22 23 J-JLJ L LL 24 25 26 127 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 351 393f " "38 39 40 41 42 43 "44 4b 46 47 48 49 50j J 51 ' 52 53 j4 55 SrfP 57' 5fiT 59 "" 60 6 f """" 62 63 4 65 66 87 "Si The real action is with REACH. ROCKY III presented by UPC-American Films in association with I.owenbrau. Sunday, March 13, 1983 at 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. Ne braska Union Ballroom. $1 all. Good Luck REACH! I encourage everyone to vote for WALLACE. ROGERS and BUNTAIN. Amy Cox As a former ASUN Senator and 1EC exec, I en courage everyone to REACH out and vote Wallace, Rogers and Buntain. Jim Emani"?l Vote for MARK VOBORIL Ag Economics Advisory Board If Budweiser has their name on it, ya know it's gonna be great! That's why everyone should gather up their piggy banks and vote for the best AXO Plavbov there is on March 14, 15 & 1(5 in the Union. All proceeds go to Cystic Fibrosis! All those transfer students who were members of PHI THETA KAPPA meet tonight!! 5:30 p.m. South Crib, Union. Attention Ag Sophomores: Alpha Zeta Scholarship available in Ag Hall 101 & 103 and in CAP East office. $700.00 Awarded! Young ANARKY. Americans for DENNIS TAYLOR 6-12 string guitar today in the South Crib at 2:30. AnatomyPhysiology Credit needed? Nebraska Wesleyan WILL division is considering offering this class during the summer as a four or eight credit class. Call the WILL division for more information. ANARKY is not an acronym. It's a name. The second annual Alpha Chi Omega Playboy Contest is approaching, so start saving those pennies. Wed. March 9th. "LANDMARKS OF FAITH" Lenten Services Wednesday, March 9 9:00-9:30 PM Wesley House Rev. Jerry Mclnnic. speaker Refreshments following Everyone welcome 35 Prefix with culture or fauna 36 Yang's partner 37 Fall mo. 45 Bandleader Weems 48 Pro 50 Ex-alliance 51 Woodenware 52 Quarrel 53 Add color 54 Protected at sea 56 Noted pianist 57 Photo editor's order 58 111 at 61 Tea, in Toulouse This is the last day to sign up for the UPC Spring Brcal trip to Padre Island. Call 472-1780. Attention I'.E.O.'s College P.E.O. meeting March 13 at 5:00 p.m. All P.E.O.'s welcome. Call Cathy 476-1185 or Janet 475-0105 for reservations by Thursday. Rides available, DU LITTLE SISTERS 1-Week begins tonight at 8:30. (Pledges get there at 8:20). Attendance mandatory, GOOD LUCK PLEDGES! Don't be left in the cold. Today is the last day to sign up for the UPC Spring Break trip to Padre Island. Call 472-1780. The Publications Board will discuss Daily Nebraskan policies at a public meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Nebraska Union. Advertising manager candi dates for the Daily Nebraskan will be interviewed by the Pub lications Hoard at a public meet ing at 2:30 p.m. Thursday in the Nebraska Union. TAKE ACTION VOTE ROLOEE. K NUT II CEA ARMY RESERVE SER VICE MAY CANCEL YOUR STUDENT LOAN INDEBT EDNESS. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. CALL JIM VAN DERSL1CE EOR DETAILS. We hall presidents sup port BOB WOLZ and the PROGRESSIVE Party for R.H.A. John Sonderman-Burr Donita Strong-Love Jeri Langdon-Sandoz Ross Hulke-Selleck Vote PROGRESSIVE in today's R.H.A. Elections! BOB WOLZ Joe Studer Shelley Wolfe Tom Lauder The PROGRESSIVE Party for R.H.A. is RIGHT ON TARGET! Vote NOW A MS Meeting tonight at 6:00 in the Union. Speaker, Nomina tions for officers. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Hill 1IIB.0 1 ill , LULL 1 rpi 7m 0 u th" c 0 TB" nTT :1b u wrjus"E r i jE0 jJU !?"'ac r 0 s rlijc 1 2. Hi no. 1 r m W J L TJT B R A QTf'u" R "D EHs iiR. 0 oii .a w c r or" LULL Ji b EjEllll a u cii ELLl O.U. "Is LI Imp' I T e N I E S f? AN E ; T L E S I K 1 1 IRITl JPL I A I T L jOlXLE H nrvn im J 3 D D relief cm rxr :.j-s mi- Vote Ann Jugler Home Ec Senator HEACHing out The leader of Moffet-i. ers band and London is now the Michael Beers Band. We have the best songs and the best sounds. (913) 749-3649 Vote Paula Chace Home Ec Advisory REACHing out Board UNL Water Skiers, There will be a water ski meeting on Wed. March 9th at 8:00 p.m. in the City Union! Vote Yes lor NSSA it VOTE FOR RICHARD KING: Your independent choice for Arts Sciences Senate. ATTENTION: NUTRITION MAJORS Do vou want ACTION".' WRITE-IN Sara KOITK I. Mary VALDRIGHI For Nutrition Representatives on Home Ec Advisory Board! Pi Lambda Theta Meeting Wednesday March 9, 6:00 p.m. room 205 Henhk. Speaker on computers in the classroom. Elections lollowing speaker. Home Ec Vote ACTION Lisa Ross and Lana I'rauen for TCD Advisory Board VOTE REACH JOE COX KAREN MORE. II FAD -SENIOR-BUSINESS ADVISORY BOARD VOTE REACH Mary Dunbar Ralph Castner Joe Cox Sue Reed Kelly Green Karen Morehead - Business Advisory Board Diamons Wedding Sets Custom Design Quality Value Elder Jewelry 3111 O Street 474-6044 Anita: After you vote a straight ANARKY ticket, meet me at UNION SQUARE for one of their delicious cheeseburgers. Andy MEYER KRIESER HINN LOOK at the VOTE ACTION ISSUES, then 'World Famous1 322 S. Ninth St. U C1 o o o o o I J 1, (ybw BURNER The Innocents Society is now encouraging applications for The Innocents & Pittenger Scholarships for freshman and Outstanding Senior Awards. Pick up applications in the CAP offices in both Unions, lFC-Panhel or ASUN office. Due 4:00 March 14. ACTION YOU NOW! is working for Vote FREEZE It is your concern. March 9th, MEYER KRIESER HIMM It's time for ACTION ARTS AND SCIENCE. VOTE JOI A. PATTERSON DFB WOOD MARY BE 'IT I WALLA FOR ADVISORY BOARD Vote John Valdiighi for Arts and Science Senate Student Watch Raffle Will a computer! Tickets in the Union only $1!! NOW IT'S TIME EOR ACTION Vote Yes for NSSA HORSE LOVERS Interested in forming a co op for breeding, selling, and boarding horses. Call Roy 783 2852. NU MEDS Wed. March 9, 6:30 ELECTIONS Also Dr. Boohar will speak OMELET FEED March 13. Sunday 5:00 7:00 p.m. $2.50 Wesley House 640 N. 16th Vote Yes for NSSA Ag Majors, Vote REACH visory Board, Jim Bygland Randy Christy John Foley Scott Marshall Rosie Ruskamp Jean Vinton for Ag Ad- Ag Advisory Board Steve Mulligan Ron Arp Penny Stalnaker Mike Herman "T" Konecky " Kent Anderson Greg Wilke ACTION Home Economics Majors Vote DENLSE GAREY EOR SENATOR Home Economics College ACTION PARTY REACH BUSINESS SENATE Jan Dutton Kevin Mahloch Don Graff Steve Rathjen Tucker Arneson Reaching Out For Your Input The PROGRESSIVE party for R.H.A. endorses ACTION for ASUN MARY MARCY FOR JOURNALISM SENATE Important MARKETING CLUB meeting Wed. March 9 5:30 in CBA 120. FACULTY. STAFF, GRAD STUDENTS Lenten Lunch Program Wednesday, Mar 9 "GROWING IN MINISTRY" Pastor Charles Reimnit Christ Lutheran Church St. Mark's 1309 R St. Brown Bag 11:30-12:50 Program at 12:00 Beverages Provided f dER MAJORS VOTE ANN PR FUSS BETH WOERNER EOR HOME EC ADVISORY BOARD ACTION PARTY