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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1983)
15 Friday, March 4, 1933 Daily Nebraskan 1 472-1761 472-2588 c GO ZeU Phi Beta Sorority Annual Fashion Show, March 6, 1983 ballroom, 7-10 p.m. The moose is loose and voting B.E.E.R.! TONIGHT! POGROM CARTOON PUPILS ANAHKY - 645 N. 26th Donation: $3 TONIGHT! POGROM CARTOON PUPILS ANAHKY - 645 N. 26th Donation: $3 All of UNL, Get those youngins in them houses and pull them shades. Better lock your doors twice tonite cuz the ZXO's & Fiji's are having one heck of a party, and no tellin what's gonna happen during SHOT-A-M1NUTE! BEER AND CIRCUSES! VOTKANARKY! Marketing Education Majors. DECA is having an FAC on March 4 at 3 p.m. at Mc Guffey's. All mem's welcome. Today is the last day to sign up to ride the bus on the UPC Springbreak trip to Padre Island. Call 472-1780 Student Watch Raffle Win a computer! Tickets in the Union only $1!! Sylvester Stallone. Talia Shire and Burgess Meredith are coming to campus soon in "Rocky III". Watch for it. KD Chili Feed (and chicken soup too!) Sunday, March 6, 4-7 p.m. $2.50 Tickets available now and at the door. Be an informed voter, come to the ASUN Presidential Candi dates Debate. Monday March 7, 2:30 Main Lounge Union. Vote ANARKY and you'U never have to vote again! REACH Arts & Science candidates reaching out for your in put: Lynne Bertch Andy Carothers Michael Geiger T.J. Kinnick Laura Miyoshi Curt Oltmans Doug Ronnau Vote REACH March 9 The This-is-not-an-ANARKY-fundraiser-party WILL be held TONIGHT at 645 N. 26th. $3 admis sion. WITH POGROM CARTOON PUPILS. (ANARKY is in favor of ethanol consumption there will be beer). Remem ber: THis is not an ANARKY fundraiser. FINANCES IN CRITICAL CONDITION? Earn up to $14,000 while going to UNL. Call Jim Van derslice at 475-8561. Be AU You Can Be in the Army Reserve. 0DSHBAJ lAlHHCIAlg 0 JL11; EG k J .1)- till0 H: JLL1H. FjTT" p. ,c a. keT Liiii V tJt j ii h.ieJts btV 1 5T!fE s u EL? -j Cd'ETN 1 EAR .111 I r t r t s tmh f w itum eJjlJl rtl OR. I IMA B I E :T;: ; 4iii WE u wliis gTTu5 re j p HFfiL; j a Totilst jKl cr tT ATslH B L o" e ,lhTj p P '5; iU T 5 it; e rrrf k ilw Y SF Rh f 0 jT I E S L JjTTMwTT Go Greyhound to Omaha for just $4.05, Grand Island tor S6.95 and Kearney for only $10.60. Convenient campus departures and return trips. Call 474-1071 for schedules and information. It adc vm 1. j i i i i 'Dependable? i 'Neat in appearance? r 'Self-assured? ii 1 1 j "Interested in public : j speaking or broadcasting? 'Interested in music? 1 ' tn4arartaf4 in nilhtir If so, we have a part J J f time job for you working 1 f Friday & Saturday J pvpninoa This ioh is ideal p J1 a lull avwwvii.. . For Information Contact Complete Music m I I n a - y r r A I am a drummer looking for experienced musicians to form a blursrock band. Male or female. Call Mike S. 477 2892 after 4 p.m. UNL Nuclear Weapons Frcee Campaign is pleased to present Stanley Kubrick's clas sic Dr. Strange Love Friday, March 4th 7 & 9 p.m. Student SI. SO Adults $2. The leader of Moffet-Beers band and London is now the Michael Beers Band. We have the best songs and the best sounds. (913) 749-3649. ACTION Working for Engineering Lori Kayton Lane Liley John Rausch Doug Si em ASUN is now accepting applications for the PUBLI CATIONS BOARD. Work as a liaison between the Daily Nebraskan and your consti uents. Deadline is March 7, applications are available at 115 Nebraska Union. LAST CHANCE for regis tering for Aerobic Condition ing classes sponsored through the University Health Center. Classes are nearing capacity numbers and the chances of being able to register upon entering classes next week will probably be impossible. Stop by Community Health, Rm. 106 TODAY!! Model United Nation's Committee Staff Applica tions for the 1984 conference will be accepted in Room 221 of the Nebraska Union until March 7, APPLY NOW; Learn the UN from STAFF perspect ive. IMPORTANT UPC Concerts Committee meeting will be Monday nite at 6:30 instead of Tuesday. Important details on the Eng lish Beat Show will be discussed. UPC sponsored Art Repro duction and Laser Photo Art Sale. Monday, Feb. 28 - Fri day, March 4. Nebraska Union Main Lounge. Prices start at $3.25 and 4.00. Frames avail able. -WE WANT YOU Be an informed voter, come to the ASUN Presidential Candi dates Debate. Monday March 7, 2:30 Main Lounge Union. The Innocents Society is now encouraging applications for The Innocents & Pittenger Scholarships for freshman and Outstanding Senior Awards. Pick up applications in the CAP offices in both Union, IFC-Panhel or ASUN office. Due 4:00 March 14. WE'RE ; TRADE-INS Gold hecn't been available at this pries in 2 years. and TO TAKE ADVANTAGE NORTH UNION LOBBY TODAY ONLY! 9:30-3 . ;! II mm ; EZ.': Djs CT D)Kui;nn;i.iucit'v XiaWUiI iIi'yiwfr(Qj(ki a r ;t!- IW AEROBIC DANCE class will again be held in the Abel Ball room on Monday and Wednes day evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Class begins March 7th and you may register in Room 106 at the University Health Center. For information call 472-2102 between 8-5:00 daily. Bring a friend and take a "healthy" break!!! Diamonds Wedding Sets Custom Design Quality Value Elder Jewelry 3111 O Street 474-C.044 "ft All UNL Students: Pia Party at Valentino's North, March 8. Meet at Information Desk in City Union at 5:30 p.m. Spon sored by UNL Students for Life. All interested students welcome. The Daily Nebraskan is currently seeking models for the 1983 Spring Fashion Supplement, FANFARE! Applications available at RM 34, Nebraska Union and must be submitted before 4:00 p.m. Friday March 4. Photos and samples of work are beneficial but cannot be returned. ACTION MEANS BUSINESS SANKS MCCORMICK HENNING FURMANSKI EDWARDS FOR BUSINESS SENATE The PROGRESSIVE Party for R.H.A. RIGHT ONTARGET! FREE! INCREASE YOUR READING SPEED ON THE SPOT AT A FREE EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS IN TORDUCTORY LESSON! WE'LL ALSO SHOW YOU HOW IT'S POSSIBLE TO READ AND STUDY 3-TO 10 TIMES FASTER . . . WITH BETTER COMPRE HENSION! GET BETTER GRADES, HAVE MORE FREE TIME. FIND OUT HOW . . . SEE OUR LARGE AD ELSEWHERE IN THIS PAPER. TAKING . i ..v air ' l CLASSRINGSJNC im mmH Pi Sigma Alpha Poli Sei Honorary 2nd Gala Bash, Mc Guffy's 4:00 Fri. March 4. All minor, majors welcome. Membership booth Wed. and Thursday. Sign up with 9 hours and 3.0 GPA in Politi cal Science. -1 MA' JH IN EXPERIENCED TYPING With style & grammatical help. 85 centspage. 435-8734. Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 483-2609. TYPING 10 years experience reasonable, last, accurate near campus 477-4C79 SEAMSTRESS for sewing, mending, alterations, fancy work, and wardrobe counseling. Reasonable. Call Pat 435-5761 after (5 p.m. or weekends ASTROLOGICAL counselor trouble? Confused? Relation ship problems? For Information 477-2044 Joseph. TYPEWRITERS: RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE. Bloom's 323 No. 13th 474-4136 A 7:30 & 9:30 Day the Earth; Stood Still f W . 9:30 War of the Worlds ; 10:45 Mueller Plantarium 472-2642 Crossword Puzzle Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Judges' black garb 6" .Brute!" 10 Concerning 14 Worship 15 Inert gas 16 Kind of hockey shot 17 Units used for measuring fuel - needs 19 Like the driven snow 20 Start of the second century 21 What bucks fawn over 22 He was patently creative 24 Of (agreeing) 26 Alcott's Meg, -eg- 27 Plural ending 28 These are often processed 29 Lawyer's charge 32 " as angels ken": Milton 35 Pulitzer-Prize play by Owen Davis 37 Notorious fiddler 38 Sank a putt 40 Pilfer: Slang 41 Inspiration for J. R. Lowell 43 Rice field 44 Dolls named for a movie figure 45 He had a spear and a torch 46 Kind of railway 47 Dull sounds 49 Seize an opportunity 53 Nolens (willy-nilly) SENIORS: You need a pro fessional resume to land that job. For help call Costello & Associates. 475-9777 COMPUTER TYPE Proofs, Spelling Checker, Storage, Typing, Word Process ing 476-TYPE 1630 Que Street GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons for the dedi cated student. Learn the new ZAGER guitar method. No other style will compare. Be ginners or advanced. Zager Guitar Studio 423-2709 ''IMMlnrVHi Female Roommate, non smoking, short term. Near East Campus. 464 9231 3509 Baldwin. Seek 1 or 2 male roommates. Call 483 4600 for an interview appoint ment Roommates needed; large coed house, $125. Stop by 1424 F. Lost: ladies gold watch in the Pub or Pound HalJ approx. 10:45 p.m. on 3183. If found, please call 472-9118 f " , !T So rjfcGa ij Saturday, March 5 7:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. ALSO- Just Imagine 55 W African state 56 Lawyers' group: Abbr. 57 Emerald Isle 58 Well-met chap 61 Indian peeress 62 Not in gear 63 Ointment 64 Nautical direction 65 Legumes 66 Cornered DOWN 1 Milieu of "The Answer Man" 2 Ancient theater 3 Hobgoblin 4 Go astray 5 More unkempt 6 Over 7 Bohea and cachar 8 Soldier to play with 9 Thrown out of office 10 Appetizing jelly 11 Bribery money 12 Poi source 13 Golf tournament 18 Time upon time 23 Olive 25 What Morris said 26 Spice from nutmeg 28 Deli orders 30 Idyllic wife 31 Nervous 32 Faulkner hero 33 Dispatched 1 Ti 3 4 i "Ti j 5 i 1 10 hi 1 12 1 13 77" """" " i8 " HgT 20 21 W 23 """""26 ' 27 28 j 29 30 31 32 3T 34 " "35 36 37 jv.d" 39 40 43' 44 """' 45 46 ,47 48 ' 49" ijQ $r 52" '63'" ' " "" "" 65'"' m"m " " ' ,6 "" " 57 i58 59 60 61 ,62 ' i63 . 1 ' L . 64 65 66 FOUND Goiu Pockt t Watch West side of Abel Feb. 13 Call 472-8(i06 to claim. Carol, Here's vour own personal. Happy 22nd birthday. Have fun on Sunday. Mil Shellv (WOW) Does everyone know what a wonder woman you are? Is it true you worked at Union Pacific Railroad? Love. C.Y. the eneineer Female grad student seeks sensitive, mature (30-40 years) male grad studentprofessional. Must be into small animals. Arwer via personals. ft Jon (ATO) What a lucky day it was when 1 met you. It's amazing to think it's been two years and yes, like I said then, time would tell . . . and it has. Life with you has been and will always be an excit ing experience. Have a great day! Love you, Kim P.S. I'm getting a present today! 1 34 Depth important to farmers 36 Oklahoma Indian 38 Privation .39 Corrida bravos 42 Nijinsky role 43 Least rapid 45 Young seal 48 Memorable figure skater 49 Cob and gander 50 Parisian market 51 Overhead 52 Deviated asea 53 Ballerina Zorina 54 Kind of exam 55 Clement 59 Flurry 60 Roman household god 1 ; ;-m --n. ' ; . . - ;