Daily Nebreskan Thursday, March 3, 1983 v A A AF )a .1. ..C.. M it JED itrf"'" 1 ; I r ( ' . i - j W ' ' m j. ' QGAHVC -fa Li-'' r t r, r.tfnl Stereo Cojsetle Plover GnCRT SUnCO sound in a pcrsonol stereo cosstt thot feoturcs outostop ond includes a peir of feoUierllght stereo headphones. JD 3 If O 1 r t y "i : ) : - i-)-. 77 Soniio FTV-96 LJ L Indash Stereo Cassette UifTH FULL fiUTO RCVCfiSC R.'0 RUTOWflTIC rV'.USIC SCflftCH! Feature -pocked for high fidelity stereo sound on the roadl ft built-in amp adds plenty of power, and Dolby noise reduction provides sparkling, hiss-free sound. ..plus metal tape compatability, locking fast forwardrewind, frontrear fader control and morel List $219.95. yji--- - A Technics n ahJ; ( . . u u Tecnnics &n-ziu nlFIM Digital Stereo Reccivsr SnV $52 on Technics 25 watt digital receiver, with 14 station presets (7 AM, 7 FM) and automatic loudness control. SreCMllV PftlCCD for Million Dollar Salel List $200. ,' 5 i I- -- rcjta1 ' O )v SorsvoFTC-3 r'" nfil Indash Stereo Cassette INCRCDI3LC PHICC on this RUTO RCVCSC stereo cassette with locking fast forwardrewind. Designed for small, import sized cars. High fidelity sound on the roadl ' 3 II, Technics $ -T ca, Technics nS,V24 Stereo Cassette Deck SRV $42 on this feature-packed stereo cassette deck with Dolby 0 and C noise reduction, soft touch controls, cue and review, plus one -touch recording. List $U0. SPCCISL MILUON DOLLR3 SRLC PRICCI TM Dolby Loborotories 2 y . - J V v(? 13a-;:I-;HWiI- Onko CP-1017 Direct Drive Turntable SnVC $64 on Onkyo's great direct drive turntable with semi-automatic operation, straight precision tonearm and variable pitch control. List $1S9.95. h V n5 ' Hi. i: if' "-' ! v -(VI V cncH cpi ico 2-UJay Spealier Rated a "best buy" by a leading consumer maga zine, Hie CPI 100 handles up to ICQ watts of power with an 8" woofer. List $125 v-x x5 1 p" ran 114 Stereo Graphic equalizer TH LCnST aPCNSiyC mm to drastically improve the sound of your present stereo system. 10 bands of discrete frequency adjustment per channel. Compatible with any stereo system. List $239.95. WW K 'JJb'Scei VIII BJ S 1 1 P . VV." r I. I v y VA AudicMdeo ' Retailer O j I of the ! r each. ' - '- .