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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1983)
12 Daily Ncbraskan Thursday, M3rch 3, 1933 472-1761 472-2588 ASUN is" now accepting applications for the PUBLI CATIONS BOARD. Work as a liaison between the Daily Nebraskan and your consti uents. Deadline is March 7, applications are available at 115 Nebraska Union. UPC sponsored Art Repro duction and Laser Photo Art Sale. Monday, Feb. 28 - Fri day, March 4. Nebraska Union Main Lounge. Prices start at $3.25 and 4.00. Frames avail able. Take a Break In New Orleans May 8-14 sponsored by Inter national Educational Services Cost. $250. All interested attend meet ing in Union 4:00 P.M. Thursday, March 3 Model United Nation's Committee Staff Applica tions for the 1984 conference will be accepted in Room 221 of the Nebraska Union until March 7, APPLY NOW; Learn the UN from STAFF perspective. r . The Daily Nebraskan is currently seeking models for the 1983 Spring Fashion Supplement, FANFARE! Applications available at RM 34, Nebraska Union and must be submitted before 4:00 p.m. Friday March 4. Photos and samples of work are beneficial but cannot be returned. Go Greyhound to Omaha for lust $4 05, Grand Island tor $6.95 and Kearney for only $10.60, Convenient campus departures and return trips. Call 474-1071 for schedules and information. Lincoln lour & Travel v Westin Hotels presents Friday, March 1 1 7:30-12:30 PM TICKETS-S2.50 $3.00 Vi Benefit for the American Heart Fund Crossword Puzzle Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Pops 5 Malay chief 10 Wag 14 Yaks 15 Uniform, in Quebec 16 Garlic emanation 17 Nation of 840 islands 18 Bracket supporting a cornice 19 Double this for a Samoan seaport 20 Rhubarb 21 Kind of walk 22 Bores 23 Singer Page 25 Gossipy periodicals 23 Like a popular porridge 29 Results 31 Green, Scotland 33 Binge 34 Small pointed, tool 37 Tomlin in a depression? 40 Building addition 41 Time long past 42 Render feasible 43 Mexican shawl 45 Tiny stingers 43 In abundance 43 Raised 51 Jots 52 Blackthorn 53 Eye part 57 Splotch 58 River horse, for short 53 La Salle or De Soto 3 Low 61 62 63 64 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 LEARN TO PLAY RUGBY! New players welcome. Practices held at Mab-1 Lee Fields Tues & Thurs at 5:30. Give Blood - Play Rugby. it HEAR Vf of the hus bandwife astronautdoctor team. Thurs. 3:30 Union Main Lounge. Afternoon Speakers Forum Dr. Steven Hawley, Space Shuttle Astronaut. Thurs., March 3 -: 3:30 Main Lounge Union. ACTION MEANS BUSINESS SANKS MCCORMICK HENNING FURMANSKI EDWARDS FOR BUSINESS SENATE FREE! INCREASE YOUR HEADING SPEED ON THE SPOT AT A FREE EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS IN TORDUCTORY LESSON! WE'LL ALSO SHOW YOU HOW IT'S POSSIBLE TO R FAD AND STUDY 3-TO 10 TIMES FASTER . . . WITH BETTER COMPRE HENSION! GET .BETTER GRADES. HAVE MORE FREE TIME. FIND OUT HOW . . . SEE OUR LARGE AD ELSEWHERE IN THIS PAPER. in advance at door Strange Thespian John River into the North Sea Lugs Ketch's relative 7 Nicklaus 8 Plant used medicinally 9 Female lobster 10 Apes 11 Take (accept a challenge) 12 Scholar Peter Mark 13 Scum 22 "Home on 24 Pests 25 Urbane 26 Make eyes at 27 Seed appendage 28 Have an effect 30 View DOWN Takeoff Botanical angle vu Unduly curt Undergo chemical change Related on the father's side 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 j 10 111 12 13 14 75 T TV " " j 18 73 . i2 23 24 ' 25 26 2728'"" 29 30 31" -J" - j4l35j3a 37 " ' iH 39 43"' 44" . 45 481 4 7 T48 "" 75 60 "" 51 sa - - - - . TT """ """" " z3 "" " 13 " 6j j 7T" 77" I I I ! ' i i ' I 1 'ill The PROGRESSIVE Party for R.H.A. RIGHT ON TARGET! WE'RE TAKING TRADE INS Gold hasn't been avail able at this price in 2 years, and It's up to you . . . TO TAKE ADVANTAGE ARTCARVED CLASS RINGS North Union Lobby Today & Tomorrow Only 'J.tti 3:00 Attention ATO Little Sisters There will be a meeting Thursday at 6:30. Every body be there! Words cannot describe what you will experience on the UPC spring break trip to Padre Island. Call 472-1780 for info. Join Us! Hop aboard and come along with us to Padre Island over spring break. Call 472-1780 for info. It'll be the time of your life. The Grape Ape says there is a banana of a deal on campus. He will send a BANANA-GRAM to your victim. Come and fill out vour message at the East Union and H-S-S Food Ser vice till Friday or call 476 3618. Sponsored by UNL 4-H. 32 Ere ti Duke of : 1508-82 35 Shoe part 33 Soap ingredients 33 la-la 33 Mistress Quickly in "Henry IV" 43 Grave 44 Heroic poem 48 Garrulous 47 He holds us all up 48 Licentious 50 Drudges 52 Barn adjunct 54 Halo 55 Swelter 53 Keen 58 Pillbox, e.g. 4 1 I A I u H 4H" ss UU. HE . R 1 B fiE A K H 0 U S . lITi Ejs"L FTe jIT 0 i ? jf if t r"' ojp'f "B rr i f j s i tT r r t ' Vnit jJ Wfjij ,E "R R'SniTttutDtf S l, 4li.4ssJiSstr:Ti s ill Ef S J H o ssIe LIE n Isi? 1.1 Ttsj ifTn ilJLlsl EPf ItTame 1 L k CNTiliAulL o r ill 'B S T I PL I A y s t c.rps liftfin BIRTHRIGHT offers free prepnancy test confidential, undemanding help. 483-2609. SEAMSTRESS for sewing, mending, alterations, fancy work, and wardrobe counseling. Reasonable. Call I'at 435-5761 after 6 p.m. or werkends ASTROLOGICAL counselor trouble? Confused? Relation ship problems? For Information 477-2044 Joseph, COMPUTER TYPE Proofs, Spelling Checker. Storage Typing. Wood Proces- 47b-TYPE 1630 Que Street Will do typing. Professional secretary. IBM Typewriter, Rea sonable rates. 474-0C04 TYPEWRITERS: RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE. Bloom's 323 No. 13th 474-4136 Roommates needed; Urge coed house, $125. Stop by 1424 F. Male Roommate Wanted. Share 2 bedroom furnished at 13th and F for 3 months $110 mo. Call 474-4171. Early morn ings. Male room matt wanted to share a 2 bedroom apartment north of East Campus. Call Gary at 472-6429 (days) 466 4983 (evenings). FOUND Gold Pocket Watch West side of Abel Feb. 13 Call 472-8606 to claim. Found small german shepard puppy behind KD house Feb. 27th. Call 472-0520 or 474 4120. Jonie, (Townclub) Stop by for a spectacular Birthday kiss. It might last for hours. Bill Marg L. (the luscious blonde), Congrats on the new job! Go get 'em tiger! Love, Barb and Jana W.H., L.Z., T.S., C.J., & G.B. You are the BEST of friends. Thanks for all your help! Now Living on Borrowed Time, (JB) Linda and Jonie, (TO You ladies are super special! Stay terrorists always! Happy B-day twins! Linda Todd (Brown Palace) Have you found anything interesting in Lincoln, yet? Allison ' v ' r rm7T nn LuULiir All LONWECl ..... -ja r, 1 Stephen: Met you at Husker Harvest Da vs '81 . Remember y ou like to study Genetics with popcorn and coffee. RSVP Janet Shelbv (Acacia little sis) What a cook!! You deserve the best (that's me). Big Brother Wimp T-Bear (AZD), Tonight's the night, my money's tight, but nine final clues I'll write: A winner in the nes, still 1 lose, got the blues, some I amuse, no booe, orange juze, paid my dues, long fuse, Ragtop cruise. Your Acacia Big Bro. Jude You're the best! Thanx for showing me the "ropes" Tues. You made my day! who loves yababy? Kimbo Alpha Chi's It was a SMASH to have vou ladies over Monday night. You're all super gals. Let's do it again soon. The Men of Lambda Chi Ken C. Happy B-day to a bud. pal. and 1 of the 2 best friends we have. We luv ya! Your "loose" women Char(AXO) Good luck in the Big 8 Gymnastics Championship! We know your No. 1 ! Your Sisters Kristin W. (Acacia Lil Sis) Tonight's the night: It's getting late, it must be fate; At any rate, I cannot wait! Your Big Bro Mr. Robinson: I never got to wish you Merry Christmas. English just isn't the same without you. Call me sometime, we'll have to get together to reminisce. Miss Howe JACKIE S. (Acacia Lil Sis) Today's the last day!!! You probably have no idea who I am. At least I hope not. One last clue: I've been right under your nose. No, I'm not your lip. Jim, Happy 20th Birthday. You mean the world to me! Love ya, Susan Beta Thrill Seekers, Faster than speeding traffic, able to leap snow drifts in a single bound! It's a bird! It's a plane! NO, it's the Kappa Thrill Seekers! Seeking thrills at P.O. Pears tonight at 9:30. To the young lady who came into the sound booth Sunday night. I'd be interested in talk ing to you over lunch sometime. Crazed Soundperson For Sale: Thane P.'s Validine Only $4.99. A great gift idea for that special someone on your list. Fijir The shot glasses are getting polished up, and so is our best "go ta meetin" boots. Tomanas gonna make it's mark on Lincoln, cuz everyone knows how great SHOT-A-MINUTE is! The AXOi 322 S. Ninth St. u O o o o o o o o o O: IT'S o o o o HALF Pouajc BURGER Al K. Happy 21st B-day. Check mate now K.O. Liter. Mr. G. Sondra B. Today's the day. Final clue: I'm in plain view. Good Luck Big Bro Lynn (AXiD) The bad news is you didn't make nursing school. The good news is we'll have you around next year! Love, Your Lambda Chi Brothers Donny, Happy B-Day, you stud! Be ready to party tonight and this weekend. ' Mutt Susan M. (Acacia Lil Sis) The weather is getting warmer, how about you. Your ever watchful, Big Bro To al! my friends You all made my day the best vet! Get psyched for FAC at WC's! Thanx! You're all Super! Kim What has ASUN ever done for you? Phi Kappa Psi supports Anarchy Party . . . Kris. Don't worry, it won't be as bas as you think. I'D be thinking of you. See you tomorrow. Scooter Female grad student seeks sensitive mature (30-40 years) male grad studentprofessional. Must be into small animals. Answer via personals. Happy Belated 20th B-day Jim. Live it up!!! Luv, Michelle Daigle Woman, Happy B-day twin. The millionaire is gorgeous. Love, Jones Sue S. Happy Birthday! May all your wishes come true. Mine have! Terry N. PATSY Have a great Birthday and a better weekend. Kimberly Cast & Crew, Best of luck with opening night, especially sound. Doug Jimmy K. Happy B-day! Hope you can make it to WC's! Won't be the same without you! "do it in stripes" Antrobus Family, Friend. Cast, Crew and Coaches of "Skin " Oh, oh, oh 8:00 and the curtain not up yet. Let's "keck" this puppy in the "teeth." Love, Henry Kerrie "Doper" D. We'll be seein ya, later on in the EVENIN'. Happy B-Day. Mama Daddy Wap CST Kerrie D. I can't believe it's been a whole year . . . Of studying sessions that lasted all night and our crazy discussions of where we set sights. We've made it through summers of going separate ways. You on your missions . . . and my Beamer days. And three months later school started again, so did the semester that just wouldn't end. I can't thank you enough for your special support when I wanted to leave you lended that time that I needed so bad to net over the craziness of those feelings I had. And then came Manilow anc' let me tell you. We might as well have promoted that whole show too! It wasn't enough to park at our seats. We had to write the check Dan & Steve were to meet. Just a few of those times that were special to me. Here's to next year, and what's going to be! Love, Trace 4 ' f m " -k ji '. ARE YOU: ii j 'Dependable? j ) i Neat in appearance? I J ( t Self-assured? j f 'Interested in public speaking or broadcasting? ; J ; 'Interested in music? 4 I it , It so, we have a part i ( r time job for you working j ) f Friday & Saturday t j evenings. This job is ideal J ; for a full time student!! l . For hformatton J I Contact I Complete Music S I 4666504