The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 01, 1983, Page 8, Image 8
8 Daily Nebraskan Tuesday, March 1, 1983 Vote for the party with a head on it. BEER, for RHA TaSM'', meeting at 5 00 Important cecis.on to be made. Remember we dine afterwards. Good lack tor., tin in the follctf RepuhV.can election, JOHN Hil UKKT. You'll make a super president '. X Afternoon Speakers Forum -Dr. Steven Haw ley. space Shuttle Astronaut. Thurs.. Mar. 3 2 30 Mj'.n Lounge Union. Take a Break In New Orleans May 81 4 sponsored by Inter national Educational Semees Cost. $2 50. All interested attend meet ins m I'nion 4 00 P.M. Thursday. March 3 Model Tinted Nation's Committee Staff Applica tions for the 19S4 conference wi:l be accepted in Room 221 of the Nebraska I'nion until March 7, APPLY NOW; Learn the lN from STAFF perspect ive. Don't forget important Gynunees meeting tonne be there. Sharon Kriewald. Are you making plans to attend At Forum 83? ASUN is now accepting ap plications for the PUBLICA TION BOARD. Work as a liaison between the Dailv Ne braskan and your constituents. Deadline is March 7. applica tions are available at 115 Ne braska I'nion. AERho'ers: Meetings at Chesterfield's Tuesday. March 1. at 5:30. New and old officers at 5:00. College Republicans OFFICER FLFCTIONS Tuesday. March 1 5 00 Nebraska I'nion All dues-paid members please attend The ASUN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES DFBATF Thurs day. 3 March 7 I'M Neihardt Blue TV Lounge. Hear the candidates discuss the issues facing YOU! Sponsored by R.H.A. A FIRMER BODY class will again be offered through the University Health Center. The class is from 12-1:00 on Tuesday and Thursdays in Sel leck. the cost is S8. 50 for six weeks. For information con tact the Health Center at 472 2102 between 8-5.00 daily or come to Rm. 106. GREEKS: Are you confused about U of the riJ's in Lincoln and Ittelr "uargaln" sound systems? So are we. We specialize in dependable music & lighting for formals. theme parties, and r AC s. We won't talk over our music either. We believe you want good sound not noisy DJ's for your money. Give one of our campus) reps a call now. Jerry at I 483-2605, or Tim at 475- SOUND SYSTEMS' 1 Crossword Puzzle Fdited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Sudden gust 5 Opposite of vive" 9 Cronies 14 Hack 15 Require 18 Practice 17 Personalities 18 City of sparkling wine 19 Unaided 20 Tips 23 Winning serve 24 "Night Night": Wylie 25 Like a cockateel 27 Jack-in-the-pulpits 30 Reporter's query 31 Where to see chaps 32 Smart 33 Zilch 37 Very much 38 Pucci product 39 Cat's-paw 40 Land on the Pacific 41 Yearn 42 Seeks galena 43 Portiere 45 Reeor hind 48 Reconciled 49 Departed 50 With 51 Across, book by Rachel Carson 51 See 50 Across 58 Abate 58 Disorderly ' profusion 53 Bend the elbow CO Start of a Dickens title 61 62 63 64 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IS VOl'R DATE A RAPIST? Protect yourself. A Pari el d-.scus.sion. Tuesday 12 30 Rm 117 Ne I'nion Diamonds Wedding Sets Custom Design Quality Va'.ue Flder Jewelrv 31 1 1 O Street 474044 Traveling South? Drive our car, gas allow ance, over 21. 47o-13oS Jump Rope-.V Thou The second annual Jump Rope for Heart sponsored by J' IK will be held March 9. 19S3 from 6-8 p.m. in the Men's P.F. building. Informa tion and pledge packets are available at the main office in Mabel Lee, room 232. Form a team now ! AG FORUM 83 Nebraska Agriculture Policy and the P1K Program Featured Speakers: Robert Raun Director of the Nebraska Department of Agriculture Bryce Neidig President of the Nebraska Farm Bureau Roy Frederick Professor of Agricultural Economics Moderator: T F. Hartung Dean of the College of Agri culture Sponsored by Alpha Zeta and I" PC Fast STL' DENT FOUNDATION is now accepting applications for the 1983-84 year. Take this opportunity to act as a liaison between the student body and the University Foundation. Deadline is March 7th. Appli cations are available in the ASUN office. 115 Nebraska Union. Are our valuables secure? Protect your investments. For demonstration of inexpen sive security svstem. call 466 0080 between 9 00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. or 7.00-10:00 p.m. UNL Nuclear Weapons Freee Campaign is pleased to present Stanley Kubrick's clas sic DR. SI R ANGELOVF Fri day. March 4th in the Nebras ka Union Rostrum at 7 and 9 p.m. Students SI. 50 non students 82 Pi Sigma Alpha Poli Sci Honorary 2nd Gala Bash. Mc Guffy's 4:00 Eri. March 4. All minor, majors welcome. Membership booth Wed. and Thursday. Sign up with 9 hours and 3.0 CPA in Politi cal Science. Come watch "My Darli.ig Clementine" and witness Henry Fonda at his best punchin" doggies. Guarantied to rustle your cowbov cravings. Thurs day at 7:00 and 9:15 pm in the Union Rostrum. S2 stu dent S3 general. Sponsored by UPC "Take One" American Film Classics Series. TTlTbT TnjTTs77oWrWpTTw7F s a , n r a Of an age Kitty "food" Nicoise, e.g. Unit of force Author Uris DOWN Stride Gretzky's target Caesar's wife Anxiety Anticipates Mario Bertolinois one Opposed Jeans decor Soda, maybe E'i'B EflT E L E W I 5 I 0'T V l ' o e ' fi M s c ; ; e 1 yTT g , ;SjUjB M B I H E Sgl I e Up ih iInIMe rT 11 te1Ud1i f e Bljjljn; 10 Prince of Wales, in "Henry IV" 11 Pack member 12 Chop fine 13 Sleipnir, e.g. 21 Wreck 22 Put up 26 Mawkish 27 Not give 28 Kane, to Welles 29 Rose's attribute 30 Snivel 32 Like some horses 34 Mrs. Chaplin 35 Coward i 2 3 4 r Is i p fa r 19 1 10 11 12 i3 20 21 " 22" 23 24 ' 25 26"' 2TT2a29 """" 30" 32- IT 34 j3536" 37 ' 3 a""1 "39 40 41 (42 43 44 45 464748 .49 50 51 52 ' 5;fl54j55' 56 57 .58 'Ti "62 63 I i .64 ' 65 I I M I 1 M M M M I UPC sponsored Art Repro duction and Laser Photo Art Sale. Monday, Feb. 28 - Fri day, March 4. Nebraska Union Main Lounge. Pisces s'arl at S3. 25 and 4.O0. Frames available. SAIL THE BAHAMAS!! to' ketch $325week Leave Miami June 18 For Information contact Mike Schneider 806 Pine Tarkio. MO. 64491 phone : 816-736-4650 evenings. "ft GOLDEN HEARTS OF SIGMA PHI FPS1LON Meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. Be there or be square! SKI THE SUMMIT Budweiser and the UNI, Ski Club are having a party March 2nd. iUU p.m. at Marty Hager's house 2810 Cable Ave. (approx. 28th and South St) final pay ments for the spring trip are due at this time. In terested skiers feel free '.o come. All UNL Students: Pia Party at Valentino's North, March 8. Meet at Information Desk in City Union at 5:30 p.m. Spon sored by UNL Students for Life. All interested students welcome. The PROGRESSIVE Party for R.H.A. RIGHT ON TARGET! DCACElectronics Students Send for Understanding DC and AC Circuits through Analogies. Increase your conceptual knowledge of cir cuit action. DetaiN explana ions for self-help reference. bA9, 41bpp.. publ. 1983. Send check or money order, S14.95 for shipping. 14 day trial, monevback guarantee. Ben Royal Press. 19 High land Ave., Randolph, Ver mouth 05060 KD Chili Feed (and chicken soup too! Sunday, March 6, 4-7 p.m. S2.50 Tickets available now and at the door. FREE! INCREASE YOVH READING SPEED ON THE SPOT AT A FREE EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS IN TORDUCTORY LESSON! WE'LL ALSO SHOW YOU HOW IT'S POSSIBLE TO READ AND STUDY 3-TO 10 TIMES FASTER . . . WITH BETTER COMPRE HENSION! GET BETTER GRADES, HAVE MORE FREE TIME. FIND OUT HOW . . . SEE OUR LARGE AD ELSEWHERE IN THIS PAPER. 38 Additional 38 Install 42 Waiter's offering 44 Grated 45 Talk nonsense 46 Reference work 47 Greek letter 48 Sepal's counterpart 49 Painful sound 52 Flippant 53 Through 54 Capable of 55 Witnessed 57 Ending with form Interested in the ARTS -Apply nw, in the CAP of fice for UPC Cultural Affairs Committee or Chairperson of M.oor Performing Arts Com mittee. Deadline March 1 FACULTY - STAFF GRAD STUDENTS Lenten Lunch Series W ednesda v. Mar, 2 "The Wav I See It Now" The Rev. I bb Munden Fust United Methodist St. Mark's 1309 R St. 11:30-12 50 Brown Bag Program at 12 Noon ix COMEDY SHOPPE tomorrow at 9:00 Comedians and more at Larrv's Showcase 1316 "N" St. To a dearest monkev-face. Send a BANANA-GRAM just for $1. Come and go ape at the East Union this week between 11-2 and 4-6 p.m. City Campus locations will be disclosed later on. Stay tuned. Sponsored by University 4-H. LEARN TO PLAY RUGBY! New players welcome. Practices held at Mabel Lee Fields Tues & Thurs at 5:30. Give Blood Play Rugby. Get up to 100'V of your college expenses part-time in your local Army Res erve. Call Jim Vanderslice at 475-8561 To my cohorts in 704 Smith: Better late than never. Thanks. Next foggy night, I'll visit and tell more ghost stories. Frank Kim N: Happy Birthday! FACing will be funner now let's ...... . . 1 . 11 .. 1 lu uu 1 hl; ,11 1 : Carbo Sondia (AKAK Little Sis): Be prepared for a myster ious caller. Clues so far: Orange, mous tache, 2nd floor. Mark (DU) Had a really great time Friday night. It was a lot of fun. The Girl from Old (alias Kathy) To girls in Red Honda Prelude: You should have went to the dance, it turned out to be free! Maybe next time! Guy with Mustache JACKIE S (Acacia lAi Sis) Hears a glue two hoo yore Bag Brothir es: Eye em supoed two spill will four meye mager. Centsearlee, Gem Blankston Hugh Heffner, Thanks for the wonderful evening. You're quite the play boy. Your Tootsie, Michelle Cyndi B. (Hastings) So you're 22 like fer sure! Have a totally awesome b-dav or you'll have to answer to the cat! OK? Oh kaay! Shut up cat! Love Pami Jo your sis (Member Cyndi, member?) Tred: The name of the sculpture is "The Bather" and my sham poo is Clairol Conditioner II. Chicago-bound Tred II Senor Simon (FID Yo ruego su presenicia a la fiesta primavera de KKG. Exa mine usted su calendario y RVP inmediatamente. Con Anticipacion Senorita Susie 0000000000000 SAVE 0000000000000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o TO BETTER SERVE OUR CUSTOfTlERS. WE'VE INCORPORATED fl WRECKER INTO OUR FULL SERVICE STATION. 05.00 OFF on jump $mm oa Que Place Standard 'V -L...JJ i . n Figt and AXOs The round-up for Shot-a-Minute has begun, so start poh.-hing them tlicre spurs and dustm off them there hats. We ain't gonna Quit till every one of dem critters is under them tables. Bhick Bart Kimbo N. To the best roommate ever. Have a great birthday and be ready to ).tg. Love, Spa Shelby D. (Acacia little sis) You ask too many ques tions. You're getting way too hot! I'll tell you one more important thing. If you guess this then I'm caught. Without the sun. I would have none Wimpy Who? Mikey. I'm so proud of you! Af ter all. it's not whether you win or lose . . , when you've got me! Things will work out For "us" 1 know cause we've eot you. You're my bestest mend in the whole wide world (and you're kinda cute, too)! I love you forever, and ever . . . and then some! Vicki Margi K. Are you still around? RVP Gregg P.S. (dropped out this semes ter) Chad M. Thanks for 14 months of terrific hugs. Have a great day! Luv ya, N. AOII's We had a great time at the F.A.C. last Friday. Look ing forward to doing some thing next fall! The Men tf Chi Phi Julie L. Congratulations on doing great in the Big Eight Swim ming Championships. We think you ure terrific! The Alpha Phis Procrastination Club meet ing will be held on Feb. 28, 1983 Kelly. Yes, Solfermoser this per sonal is foi you. Happy late 19th. Love ya, Jennifer To Christine C. (Acacia Lil Sis) To the west is where I'm from I'm your Big Brother, but the word's still mum. Kimberly Sue, Happy 20th. You have al ways been special to me. Albino Sand v. Have a great 19th Birth day. If you have any wishes, I hope they will come true. Love, Dave 3:00 AMers! Great study break Sunday night! Picture perfect!!! ? ? ? UNL MEN: JOIN THE FEW, THE PROUD. THE RUGGERS! (See announcements for de tails.) Girl in Taco Inn at 3:00 PM Friday: I didn't mean to stare, but those "Beautiful Blues" were too much! RVP Guy in Trenchcoat Phi Psi, Chi-O's, and Betas, It was fun "zoning" out with you Saturday night. Thanks, from your "Twilight"' D.G. Friends Steve, (Scraff) Had a great time at Horse feathers Friday. Hope we can do it again! Joy re R.A.L. Doesn't want YOU! - R.A.L. Alpha Chi Omega, the greek gods are smiling on you today. Hera 17th Q Q 475-0619 Joe Casey is reaching out for you! Write in Joe. Janet H. (Theta) You wild thing! What is your story about the wme-and-cheese basket you gave me? You won derful thing, you. Thanks for being a great little sister. Dou p. Cat hi Guiness called; I was two days short of the personal re cord. Thanks anvway. You made my week sweetie. Dan it The men oi Alpha Tau Omega and the Little Sis ters of the Maltese Cross would like to congratulate all of the new Ijttle Sis- ' CONGRATULATIONS!! We love all of you! HAPPY HER A DAY. ALPHA CHI OMEGA SEAMSTRESS for sewing, mending, alterations, fancy work, and wardrobe counseling. Reasonable. Call Pat 435-7027 after 6 p.m. or weekends. BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy test confidential, understanding help. 483-2609. Will do typing. Professional secretary, IBM Typewriter, Rea sonable rates. 474-0604 TYPEWRITERS: RENTAL-SALFS-SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 No. 13th 474-4136 PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICES Term papers, resumes, etc. Same day service on short jobs. $7 per hour (i hour minimum.) Mem ory typewriter for multiple letters priced on number of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 N. 11th 477-8938 GOOD LIFE COACH We offer 47 passenger motorcoach, 25 passenger mini-bus and 15 passenger vans. 4310 So. 40th 489-6455 1 fumulo roommate, Brand new 4 bdrm apt. within walk ing distance. 475-7729 Need ride to Nashville, Tenn. or surrounding area over Spring break. Will help pay gas. Call Kelli 466-0406 after 6 PM SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE With UNL independent stud". Contact the independent study office, 472-1926 Found Ladies high school class ring outside Union. Init ial inside. Identify to claim, 435-6997 Found small german shep ard puppy behind KD house Feb. 27th. Call 472-0520 or 474-4120. P ...-.II .1 ..Ml ... .J, ' ' " I" - 'I' ' ' I II' I ' - - -I o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o TOW!! GOOD THROUGH MARCH 31st. 1983 o 00000000000000000000000000000