The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1983, Page 13, Image 13
Monday, February 14, 1983 13 Daily IMcbraskan QUALITY SEWING Home Accessories, Cloth ing, Toyi, Anything & every thing. 435-6839 Female roommate wanted; V utilities & $120 rent. North of East Campus. Available March 1, or sooner. Call 467 3170 after 7:00 PM, or before 8:00 AM. Free room and board for a young woman to live in, while attending school, as a compan ion for a semi-invalid school teacher with family. 475-8242. Female Roommate wanted. Nice house. Own room. $106 mo. & 13 utilities. 475-2188. FOUND: N-Club ring Feb. 10 west of Burnett Hall 476-2783 Found set of 5 keys in front oi Hamilton Hall. 21 983 Call Steve at 467-4090 Found Two keys in Metered lot south of Denny's. To identify & claim call 476 9996 between 5 pm - 7 pm, Janet (Hyuan-Ju): Here's to Cafe Vienna, scary movies, hoagies and hot apple cider, income tax, Fasching and ''the hoop," Lynn's birth day celebration, eating ALL your spaghetti, Scarlett OUara, late nightearly morning talks, skipping classes. Tab, "the math tutor," gloves from Kagstock, swines, "Ralphs, " amaretto sweets and sours, "looking old er," "the keys" and lastly, to our beautiful friendship. I love you! Mickey Andrea A. (Hi Phi), Once a best friend Always a best friend! (Remember, I'm always there when you need me.) Love, Marti T. (Gamma Phi) THis one's for you! Happy Valentines Day . . . From the heart! Love Always Renee: With love on a very special day to a very special lady. Happy Valentine's Day honey! Love, Greg Susie M. Kappa Happy Valentine's To the Greatest girl in the best sister in the entire state of Nebraska (And Colorado, Minnesota, Ver mont, Florida, New Hamp shire . . . ) You're Special! L-ove Kent To Jeff, Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not pro voked, does not take into ac count a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, en dures all things. But now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. Love, Chrissa HAIRBALL, Will you be my Valentine? DRAIN CLOG Ruthie L. Whether at Crocket's or the Exchange or anywhere, I will always enjoy your company. Your Friend wi til it i" VI l SI B IIS T 1 1 CI Lj AIT IUHJ0IS PillTUik ERIE I'M EDMS LIS ETT1T AJCIE S Lll P til Sally L. Party, Party, Tarty, will see you soon. An Admirer J.C. (AXO) Happy Valentine's Day to the only Miss Nebraska final ist with an exploding car. No. 2 Odie David; Love is 2 years, ice cream, roses, 5Vi, 7 and you. Love ya. Mary Kim, Roses are red, Violets are blue. Spike is not here now but this one's for you. Love, Rufus My Favorite Banana, 2:00. Your place. Special Banana Delight. Happy Valen tine's Day. Love, Little Mouse Joni (DG) Have a nice valentines Dav. Your Admirer from the water To the Golden Hearts: On a day filled with hearts it's only right to recognize the most important hearts of all. Happy Valentine's Day! Your Sig Ep Brothers Robyn. Thinking of you on this special day let's make the most of it. Wish I could spend it all with you. Love, Scott Amy (Apt. G) To the most understanding and desirable sweetheart on the whole UNL campus. I just hope you will be mine forever. Love, Shane Yes, folks, it was just 20 years ago today that "The Stud" was born! Marilyn, Be my Valentine. Love, Pete v.. Happiness in this world is hard to come by. In the next world, much easier, one must only believe. Because of you, I have found true happiness in both. My Love Always, Mushi HL0iiege Men.' Scmr in Cttrcf3 REWARDING SUMMER experience in the COLORADO mountains for sophomore and older college men working with children in a camp setting. Backpacking, horseback riding, wildlife, ecology, crafts, many out door programs. WRITE NOW: include program interests. SANBORN WESTERN CAMPS. FLORISSANT, COLO. 80816 Sweetcakes: (SLP) I'm here, and I ALWAYS care. Love, George Nancy L.V. Sorry about this morning. I couldn't resist. But it was fun. I should have been there. Your reward is under the "Big Cheese". Husband to be, Kevin Rick, For over '5 years you've been THE Valentine in my life, so how 'bout making me your wife! Love you always, Boo Kelly A., Hope your Valentine's Day is the best! Love J.J. Here's a special rice "totally!" Valentine for a field Cyndi, Love, Dave R. Pumpkin, Remember these: Mud, N.J., car troubles, flag football, quart ers, etc. These are just a few of the good times we've had together. Hope to share many more with you. Happy Valen tine's Day! Love, Tav P.S. Thanks for being there. Karen W., Happy Valentine's Day to my special little sister. T.K. "Brown Eyes", Thank you part of my life! for being a Love ya, "Diamond Eyes'' Becky, To a very special girl. Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day! ' Love, Nick Squid: Ruff Tread Tama, Happy Valentine'a Day to my Sweetheart! Love, Doug Greg I Wishing You A Happy Valen tine's Day So Glad Were Buds For Life! XOXO Teresa Sweetheart, . Thank you for all the good times we have had: Cherry Frosting, Broken Bottles, Buy ing me Supper, Sunkist in my Car. Hiding in the Garage, Hang On! But most of all thanks for just being you. I LOVE YOU!!! Maynard P.S. Happy Valentine's Day Happy Valentine's to student supermom and sweetheart. Love, Timothy, B.J. and Dad Kent. I'm so happy that I met you! Happy Valentine's Day! Love. Elizabeth George (Sig Ep), Happy Valentine's Day to a guy who has a heck of a lot in common with Gandhi and the West Point Gym! Thanks for being such a special friend for the last few months I've never had so much fun! Should we celelbrate today by curling up in a corner and drawing a few boxes? Whatever have a great day! Love, Eddie Brenda. Happy Valentines Day to my favorite AZD, Ropes, Chains & Leather F orever VANDO To purple undies remember: security guardspolo" How ya doing baby?"How darkness affects youI love you from six guys but only one who truly meantI'm coming back for you. green M&MsI like it. Frawd Xes Rouy DOLLY, This is No. 7 Take all my loves, my love, Yea, Take them all! Love, Bob XOX Sweetheart Sandl Happy Valentines Day and an early Happy Anniversary. The time we spent together has meant a lot. Love, Teddy Bear Pat H. Hope you're having a great Valentine's Day. I enjoyed being your Sand Box Sweetheart. Would you consider being my full time Sweetheart? Greg Remember? KSC, Judy (Uuhg), Little Kings, 3 dozen roses, road trip Lincoln, Ziggy, Frat. Party, Summer school, Craig- Deb Jo, June 23rd Party, Party with Roger, Road trip Elwood, Trans ferring. I Love You. Swivel Carol, You brighten my day like the morning sunshine. Happy - Valentines Day! Love, Terry Randy Happy Day to my favorite Valentine! Je t'aime! Je t' aime! Terri Peggy. Enjoyed last weekend's movie very much. Let's do it again. Happy Valentine's Day. Gary Laura, You're sweeter than the heads of my chocolate bunnies, Robert from Vermont Helen Roper, Would you be my Valen tine, I'm more exciting thin Stanley Pucker Up. Jack Tripp Daryl V. To my tall, dark and hand some boyfriend of alnost three years: Thanks for being the wpn derful person that you are and for being my best friend. I love you! Julie MITCH. Happy Valentine's Day! Will you be my couch poUtoe? TV Veg Te quiero. Juan Mateo!!!! Marlene: Spring is on its way, and the sun will be shining a pain soon. On this special Valentine's Day, Will you be mine? Rem ember, I Love You!! Craig Cindy B. This is almost as good as roses, isn't it? Happy Valen tine's Day. Mck Marcy Have a great Valentine's Day. Love ya lots. Lis Kim H. It's not what you nnted but Happy Valentine's Day. L.B Beautiful, Fresh Roses at Regular Low Prices VALENTINE'S DAY Dittmers Plantation The Centrum Advertising Manager Wanted The advertising manager should have a basic understanding of advertising layout and copy writing, sales and sales management and the local market. The manager should have relevant sales experience, perhaps academic preparation in advertising, marketing and management and be a student at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. The position is for May, 1983-May. 1984. Applications can be obtained from Dan Shattil, Room 34, Nebraska Union and must be re turned by noon Friday, February 18. " y Crossword Puzzle Edited by Eugene T. Maleska w Mi"i Mi our A special night, enjoyable drinking and gourmet sandwiches in an atmosphere that is only Barrymore's. Lunch 1130 am-2.00 pm Dinner 5X) pm-1000 pm Cocktails 1130 am-LOO am t-s enter from the alley behind the Stuart Theatre-13th and P r ACROSS 1 "Si, si!" in Bonn 5 Choir offering 10 Hands 14 Cheers for Charo 15 Confused 16 Vex 17 New Zealander 18 Intemperate 20 out (stretch) 21 River into Solway Firth 22 Hyderabad V.I. P. 23 Takes it easy 25 Ali.once 26 Browsed 27 Unruffled 31 "Golden Boy" playwright 34 Utter 35 Signal, in a way 3S Thump 37 Patent predecessor 38 Forever 40 Explanatory note 41 Lake Erie port 42 Pipistrelle 43" Long Way..." 44 Lasses 48 Lou- , pop singer 50 Walesa, e.g. 51 Indyarea 52 Kind of mint 54 Speck 55 Scold 5S Pope's seal 57 Yearn 58 Smell 59 Highway sign 60 Unburden DOWN 1 Wit 2 Indistinguish able 3 Peridot 4 Start of a Faulkner title 5 Like Dorsett's shoulders 6 Where gilts live 7 Part of Y.M.C.A. 8 Author Whitten 9 Largest of the Orkneys 10 Bedspreads 11 Beatles' meter maid 12 Certain sch. 13 United 19 Forte's musical antithesis 21 Arithmetic for Rooney 24 Postprandial 25 Pal 27 Sign-off word 28 Ruin 29 Summer treats 30 Pasturelands 31 Charges it 32 Scientists' notes 33 Neck and neck 34 Welk offering 36 Man in the street 39 Daft 40 Intrepid 42 Minstrel's forte 44 Factotum 45 Historic period 46 Willowy 47 Incitatus.e.g. 48 Famed anthropologist 49 In the know 50 Famed war reporter 52 Favoring 53 Quebec affirmation 54 P.T.A. types i 2 3 p f 5 i 7 fa 3 io In I12 13 14 15 ' "Ti '. 17 18 19" 20 ,21 22 23 24 25 26 " 27 rii8af30" 3fT32 33- 34" 35 " 36 "37 38 39 40 42 43 :44 """" 5l4847 4843 50 " Jl 52 " 53 , 54 " 55 ,53 57 v I sa 1 59 so