The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1983, Page 12, Image 12
12 Monday, February 14, 1933 Daily Nebraskan By Kevin Warncke The 1982-83 men's basketball season will go down in the history books as a winning season thanks to a sluggish Colorado offense. By defeating the Buffaloes 68-56 Saturday at the Bob Devaney Sports Center, Nebraska assured its 10th con secutive winning season. Nebraska's offense could not get in gear at the be ginning of the game and fell behind 18-15, with less than half of the first period remaining. But the Nebraska defense held tough as Colorado went b :27 without a basket. Then Colorado's Rob Gon zalez slipped through to hit a jumper from the left side with 2 : 14 remaining in the half. Meanwhile, Nebraska racked up a 32-19 lead behind the shooting of Greg Downing. "We started out awfully slow tonight. We couldn't rtaskeo's By Barrv Trevarrow and Ward r: Triplett III Nebraska used more than good basket ball Saturday night as the Cornhuskers defeated Colorado 96-89 at the Bob Devaney Sports Center, breaking a seven game Husker losing streak that tied an all time record for consecutive loses by a Husker women's basketball team. A pink elephant, that showed up at the Nebraska pre-game meeting, acted as cheei leader for the Huskers while an anonymous telegraph sent to Cathy Owen earlier in the week provided inspiration contributing to the victory. The message wished the team good luck. The author said he supported the team and knew the Huskers were better than their record in dicates. The win makes Nebraska 12-10 overall 2'x3 kitchen table with 2 chairs $25, 4'xl8" desk $219 value, $65. 2' wide, 18" deep, C tall steel heavy duty locker wiih key lock, great security for dorms $300 value, $65. 466-fi252 IBM Selectric typewriter, excellent condition cost S400. Call after 5:00 PM 475 5224 Becker 303 Threeway speak er system $100 483-4905 SURPLUS JEEPS, CARS AND TRUCKS AVAILABLE. MANY SELL FOR UNDER $200. CALL 312-742-1142 EXT. 3153-A FOR INFOR MATION ON HOW TO PUR CHASE. S789-S790 Own your own home and supplement your house payment with up stairs apartment. Campus area $39,500. Call for details. Rick Kort AUSTIN REALTY REALTORS 489-9361 435-1323 1979 Mazda 626. 52,000 miles, excellent condition make offer 475-9732 (evenings). 1975 Honda Civic AM-FM auto-reverse cassette. 55,000 miies 466-9312. 1980 Honda Prelude. Cruise control, air. 33,000 miles call 466-9312. DEALS YOU CAN'T REFUSE! For sale by desperately poor student: Dynafit Ski Boots, size 8'j, new; Title is t Lite-100 irons, 2-W, 9 iron missing; Lake Region water skis used 1 season; Jensen Triax 6x9 speakers, new. Call 489-5338. Leave name & number if recorder answers. 1-2 bedroom apartment in good University location $185 210mo. Central Air & off street parking 467-2371 Monday-Friday. 19th & Sumner Utilities paid, 1 bedroom, appliances, shower, carpeting throughout, parking, bus, $225 475-6669 4 bedroom house & 5 bedroom. Close to downtown campus. Call 464-3733. MUST RENT Energy efficient large 2 bedroom apartment. Within 5 blocks of campus. Starting at $265. Call 474-4551 234 So. 27th two studious people for large, 2nd Hoor, $175 781-2414 !- " ' ""I - - - Boaffato offemise assioo'es C-Haasto vodtooy wove ftHnev'ire bettor ttlftisiini ihew irecdwd stows SKI STEAMBOAT! Stay in a luxury condo minium $17.95 ppday, max occ. 1-800-525-2089 910 Washington Large house to accomodate four. No pets, $300, 781-2414 One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses COLDWELL BANKER TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron HInkley 489-7888 BUCKINGHAM SQUARES Large 2 bedroom apartment. Fully carpeted, dishwasher. , laundry facilities, off-street parking. HEAT PAID BALCONY Call 483-4507 Mon thru Fri 9-5:00. Close to campus. 1 bdrm. all appliances off-street park ing, laundry. 475-1058 or 483-4507 Political Work Nebraska Water Conserva tion Council seeking individuals for positions on political out reach staff. Environmental-Consumer Interest helpful. Coast to Coast Travel & Advancement Opportunities. Part-time avail able 1-10 p.m. $160wk Call 476-2060 MONEY MANAGEMENT FOR THE 80's (CU-426), UNL Communiversity course begins Monday Febr. 14, 7-9:30 p.m., meets for 6 consecutive Mon days. Learn how to make your money work harder for you. To register, call Division of Continuing Studies, 472-2175. CAMP STAFF WANTED for Camp LincolnCamp Lake Hubert, Minneosta resident summer campus. A strong com mitment to working with child ren required, along with skills and experience in activities. Sign up at the Financial Aids Of fice 113 Administration Building for interviews on cam pus Tuesday, February 15th and Wednesday, February 16th. CRUISE SHIP JOBS! $14 $28,000. Carribean, Hawaii, World. Call for Guide, Direct ory, Newsletter, (916) 973-1111 Ext. UNEB. OVERSEAS JOBS Sum meryear round. Europe, S. Amer., Australia, Asia. All Fields, $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC Box 52-NE-l Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 ' - " ' -- move offensively," Nebraska Coach Moe Iba said. "We spurted and then played pretty well." Nebraska dominated the second half, allowing Colo rado to pull within eight points on only two occasions. The game marked the re-emergency of Lenard Johnson in the pivot position. Johnson, who only two weeks earlier had contemplated hanging up his jersey, tallied nine points in eight minutes of playing time. "He did awfully well," Iba said. "I thought we needed some defense on the other end of the floor. He gave us that, plus some offense." Johnson, who was perfect from the floor as well as the line, was not worried about his lack of practice at the center position. "It's been a long time. since I've played center," he said. "It's like my home in there in the middle, so I don't really need the practice." The Huskers were led in scoring by Claude Renfro, and 3-6 in the Big bight. Nebraska Coach Colleen Matsuhara praised the Husker team effort. "We knew we were a better basketball team than our record indicated," Matsu hara said. "We just needed the extra effort in blocking out and filling the pas sing lanes. All those little things had been out of sync. It was a total team victory." Nebraska picked up a quick 9-2 advan tage when Terri Parriott hit a shot from the right baseline 1:41 into the game. However, Colorado stormed back with two jumper shots from guard Diane Heimstra and a three-point play by Julie Hoehing. Hoehing gave Colorado a 20-15 lead when she scored with 10:20 left in the first half. Parriott and reserve Crystal Coleman, who came off the bench to lead Nebraska with 13 first half points, turned the Hus It's not too late! Send your special someone an "Musical" Valentine! SING-AG RAM 476-1800 Interested in the ARTS Apply now, in the CAP of fice for UPC Cultural Affairs Committee or Chairperson of Major Performing Arts Com mittee. Deadline March 1. Student Representative Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women is seek ing an Undergraduate and a Graduate Student representa tive. Term of office: May 1983-May 1984. Commission advises the ChanceUor on issues affecting women on UNL cam pus. Submit letter and resume by March 8 to Anne Parkhurst, 103 Miller Hall, East Campus 0712. MICHAEL BEERS is back and this time its for fun. If you want the best in quality party music, call the MICHAEL BEERS BAND Reasonable prices, but don't wait, call now for info. (Law rence, KS) 913-749-3649. And now for something completely different: Doug Er landson on Calvinism. Tonight, 7:30, City Union Location posted. V2 price Men and Women of Ne braska calendars. Monday only Nebr. City Union. "LANDMARKS OF FAITH" Lenten Services Wednesday's 9-9:30 PM Wesley House Feb. 16 speaker; Rev. Mark Randall Refreshments Following Everyone welcome This is the last week to apply for membership in the Innocents Society. Applications available in CAP, CAP-East, ASUN and IFC. or from any member. BAKE SALE Feb. 14th East Campus Bairkley Center, Room 303, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Spon sored by NSSLHA Tz NU MEDS Feb. 16, Dr. Paul Hoff, member of UNMC admission board and rural G.P. it PRE-DENT Thursday, February 17th 7:00 City Union Speakers: Dental & Dental Eiene Students Hy- NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! kers around. Coleman's three point play with 4:03 left gave Nebraska a 34-27 lead. Sonija Nelson's shot from the free throw stripe made the margin nine before Colorado was able to close within five, 42-37, at half. Nebraska's Debra Powell came out of the locker room hot. Powell scored all of her game-high 22 points in the second half as Nebraska opened up a 11 -point lead with 12:29 left in the game. Baskets by Huskers Chris Leigh, Powell, Cole man, Parriott and Owen helped to main tain the lead. Powell and Kathy Hager strom then combined to score Nebraska's next 18 points. Colorado could get no closer than six points for the rest of the game. Buffalo Coach Sox Walseth compli mented the Husker performance. "Nebraska handled the ball and shot ASPA Tuesday, February 15 7:00 p.m. City Union Topic: Affirmative Action Roller Derby is coming to Omaha on Feb 15th. LA Thun derbirds vs New York Bombers. For tickets call Dirt Cheap, Brandies, or Civic Center in Omaha. Greta Garbo knows about "Ninotchika". Find out your self Thursday, February 17, at 7:00 & 9:15 p.m. in the Rostrum, Ne Union. Admis sion students $2 & General $3. Buy series tickets and save $6. Take One the UPC American Films Classics Ser ies. EAST CAMPUS GAVEL CLUB meets at 4:30 on Mon days. East Union. Applications for MORTAR BOARD NOTABLE PEOPLE are now available as ASUN. CAP, CAP East and Dean of Students (207 Admin) offices. All freshmen, sophomores and' seniors are eligible to apply. Applications are due Feb 21st. UNL Weightlifting Club Meeting Tuesday, Feb. 15,6:30 Coliseum. Members Mandatory Last Chance New Members Catholics: Concerned about this diocese and your faith life? Come to CALL (Catholics for Active Liturgical Life) meet ing Monday, Feb. 14th at 7:30 PM at American Charter 3930 South. Call Cel (472 1023) for details. ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION Tuesday, February 15, 4:00 Rm. 106 CBA, speaker, Dr. Hubbard. HELP! Michael's Flowers need your Valentine orders now 474-0194 1217 Q Street SKI STEAMBOAT $189 March 20-25 Price includes condo's, bus, lifts, and more. Only 19 spaces left. 476-8668. UPC Concert Committee is looking for talented people who can sing, play a musical instru ment or has an interesting variety act to perform in Crib in the Nebr. Union. Great ex posure and money involved. All interested persons call: Jeff 475-6432 Tim 477-2915 Lori 475-7927 LET'S GO DOWN AGAIN to Padre Island for Spring Break Party is rescheduled for Wednesday at 8:00 in the Ne. Union. Everyone is welcome! whose 13 points marked a new career high. Dave Hoppen and Downing each added 12 points to aid the Husker cause. Hoppen ruled the boards by pulling down eight rebounds. Colorado was led by Randy Downs who took game high honors with 15 points. The Huskers were success ful in shutting down Colorado's two leading scorers, Jay Humphries and Billy Houston. Houston was held to six points and Humphries totaled nine points. A sellout crowd of 14,438 saw Nebraska up its con ference record to 5-3 and join Oklahoma and Oklahoma State in second place of the conference standings. "It would have been nice if Oklahoma had won for the whole leauge," Iba said. "But if you start worrying about someone else you forget what your goals are." Nebraska travels to Manhattan, Kan., to try to make it two-in-a-row against Kansas State on Wednesday. 472-1761 472-2588 Diamonds wedding sets -Custom Design Quality Value Elder Jewelry 3111 "O" Street 474-6044 USE PRACTICAL EXPERI ENCE TO BUILD A PORT FOLIO UPC-City is now taking ap plications for a publicity co ordinator. Information and ap plications available in Rm 200 Nebraska Union. Applications due Feb. 15 12:00 PM. The PROGRESSIVE Party for R.H.A. is RIGHT ON TARGET! Army Reserve service may cancel your student loan indebtedness. Be All You Can Be. Call Jim Vanderslice for details. RUGBY IS BACK . Practice: Tues., Thur. 5:30 Mushroom Gardens Newcomers Welcome Be There Greeks Win a party with 6 foot sandwiches and Coke-aola for Lour entire house. Just visit ittle Kings at 12th & Q, K1 & O, OR 27 Si V lo find out. Mom and Dad, Sherry and John, Kris and Billie, Dutch, Dawn, Mel, Christopher, Alysha, Mandy, Megan and Justin. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I LOVE YOU ALL! Love, No. 3 daugher, sister, aunt M. Wesly K. Remember Nov, 5, '82. 1 had a great time. If still in terested give me a call. Teresa W. 9161 David M. (Beta Theta Pi) Congratulations on initia tion. We knew you could do it. . Joe & George Ranger, Voulex vous jauer dans le foret? Peut-etro?? l'am our, Me To the ultra-sexy baby with long, Oowing brown hair and a red ski jacket, walking on 14th and R last Wednesday at 1 p.m. You drove us into ecstasy. Cars 20 and 122 UNL Cab Service awfully well," Walseth said. "They did a good job against our zone. If they're a seventh place team in this league, then it's a pretty tough league." Hagerstrom finished with 17 points for the Huskers while Coleman added 16 and Parriott had 12. Julie Hoehing led Colorado with 19 while Heimstra added 18. Lisa VanGoor, the Buffalo's 6-3 center, fouled out with 7:44 left in the game and finished with 16 points and 11 rebounds. "Not being able to play VanGoor 40 minutes hurt us a lot," Walseth said. "We don't have much depth." Matsuhara said she is glad to end the losing streak. "I think other people made more of the losing streak than we did," Matsuh?ra said. "But we didn't want any part of a new record like that." Sheila Ann The past six months have been excellent. I hope the same is true for you. Valen tine Clue No. 1: your litUe red corvette will arrive soon. Love, Gregory Smith Brothers (Bob and Wes), Thanks to you and all the other Acacians for the shoebop on our birthdays. ' Jeff and Mike If you ever considered teach ing aerobic dance, now is your opportunity. Rhythmic Aero bics certification clinic Feb 25 26. For more information con tact Kris at 423-7171. Typing, professional, 7 type styles, reasonable rates, near main campus. 25 years exper ience. Avis Siebert 477-5997 SEAMSTRESS to do sewing, mending, alterations, tancy worn, and individual wardrobe counseling. Reasonable. Call Pat 47 2-3701 weekdays. TYPING 10 years experience reasonable, fast, accurate near campus 477-4679 Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 483-2609. COMPUTER TYPE All your typing needs with high speed line printer proofs and storage included. Fast final copies in multiple type styles including proportional spacing. Spelling checker & computer services available. 476-TYPE. 1630 Que lower Level next door to The Picture Man Will do typing. Professional secretary, IBM Typewriter, Rea sonable rates. 474-0604 TYPEWRITERS: REN TAL - SALES - SERVICE. BLOOM'S, 323 NO 13 474-4136 PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICES Term papers, resumes, etc. Same dav service on short jobs. $7 per hour (vj hour minimum.) Memory typewriter for multiple let ters priced on number of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 N. 11th 477-8938