Wednesday, February 9, 1933 5 Daily Ncbraskan Letters Columnist's humor 'trite and idiotic' I am writing in reference to Hill Allen's column (Daily Nebraskan. Feb. 7). The title of this article was, "Who reads this column?" My reply to this entertainingly ironic headline is, "No one, Bill." Allen has only himself to blame for such indifference. I cannot help but won der if he doesn't sit down at night and think of how abrasive, trite, sarcastic and idiotic he can be in his next column. Here are just a few excerpts to wit: "... That's probably why the Redskins sucked when we were kids . . . Mom, you know I only get dates when a girl loses a bet with her friends . . . Bill, she said, you looked like a good case for legaliz ing abortion . . . the UNL Greeks will" sponsor their own Olympics to raise money for worldwide sexism and rac ism . . . livents will include the Husband Hunt, What Shall I Wear? and the ever popular Rat Race ..." He seems dedicated to making smart remarks about how ugly he is, how cruel his mother is and how terrible his article is. Most irritating of all are his dialogue pot shots at things many people enjoy or take seriously here at UNL. He must think that if it is written in a conversational format it must not be that big of a slam. To ,ne, Bill, it is. I know Allen's job as a columnist is to provide -us with a comical look at today's sports world. If his past efforts can qualify as such, then so be it. Newspaper column ists do tend to be liberal as a whole, but Allen and the rest of his colleagues at the DN are light-years to the left of liberal. Although they hate to admit it. UNL is a 'conservative campus in a conservative state and students are fed up with the same old story lines. Perhaps in the future these types of columns can represent more of a consistent pulse of the UNL student body instead of a minority of crazed radicals. I'm not advocating that all columns should take on a George Will or William F. Buckley slant, but a sprinkling of such ideology from a UNL student would certainly be refreshing. Carl Sjulin senior, business N 1 Daily i sgraslcan EDITOR MtrgitHom GENERAL MANAGER Daniel M. Shut III ADVERTISING MANAGER Jerry Scotl PRODUCTION MANAGER Kitty Pol icfcy MANAGING EDITOR M.chnlt Thumn NEWS EDITOR SuJpwn ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITORS Miry Behn. Dutn Rttilaff GRAPHICS EDITOR John G. Gotcka NIGHT NEWS EDITOR David Wood ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Patty Prvor SPORTS EDITOR Bob Aimuutn ART DIRECTOR Dv.d Lutbka PHOTO CHIEF DavaBanti PUBLICATIONS BOARD CHAIRMAN Doug Nan. 472 2454 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN (USPS 144 0801 IS PUB LISHED BY THE UNL PUBLICATIONS BOARD MON DAY THROUGH FRIDAY DURING THE FALL AND SPRING SEMESTERS EXCEPT DURING VACA TIONS POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. RM 34 NEBRASKA UNION. 68b88 SUBSCRIPTIONS: SU.'SEMESTER. S25YEAR SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT LINCOLN. NE BRASKA ALL MA TERIAL COPYRIGHT 1983DAIL Y NEBRASKAN xSU HnT Times 'Running Ou Wagey Drug has cards, candy, even silk roses! All the gifts you need to surprise your sweetheart this Valentine's Day. South at 17th Washington at 17th Vine at 27th If If JASON'S IS CLOSING OUT ALL WINTER MERCHANDISE! SUITS, SPORT COATS, SWEATERS, a SLACKS 12 OFF LEE STRAIGHT LEG JEANS Regular $24.00 NOW $16.99 fl Ay. ,.V mk fr'. At M h m ; ( x r no i Mon. thru Sal. 10-5:30 Thurs. 10-9 1346 P St. 476-7070 Visa, Master Card, & American Express Alterations Extra r Editorial Policy Unsigned editorials re present the policy of the ll)S3 Daily Nebraskan but do not necessarily reflect the views of the Univer sity of Nebraska, its em ployees or the NU Board of Regents. The Daily Nebraska!.' publishers are the regents, who have established a publication board to super vise the daily production of the newspaper. TT7,TED"7,TU, UNIVERSITY Non-credit mini-courses Last chance to register for classes is today from 10AM-2PM at booth in Nebraska Union Lobby. Questions? call 472-2454 im Contemporary Rattan and Wicker Furniture and Accessories From accents to full room groupings - your complete rattan and wicker store in downtown Lincoln. Check us out for creative Valentine gifts. 1825 'O' St. 475-1378 OPEN Mon.-Sat. 106 - - - FEBRUARY FORUM Let's talk about issues relating to women in the University setting Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women and more than 25 other organizations are bringing you: Workshops Films Killing us Softly"; "Why Aren't You Smiling?" Brown Bag Luncheons it Panel Discussions On these topics: Exploring malefemale roles it Child Care Options it Classroom climate it Sexual Intimidation and Chilly Climate it Positive life style choices Look for posters and flyers containing the full schedule of events. COORDINATED BY: The UNL Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women SPONSORS: Affirmative Action Office Association of Students, UNL(ASUN) College of Nursing Division of University Housing Lincoln-Lancaster Commission on the Status of Women Nebraska Women in Science Office of the Ombudsman Panhellenic Association Society of Women Engineers, UNL Student Chapter Teaching and Learning Center Towne Club University Health Center University of Nebraska Office Personnel Association (UNOPA) Women's Resource Center Women's Studies Program 1