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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1983)
Tuesctay, February 8, 1933 11 Daily Nebrasksn MDedl players make H3S3 baimo neir D'eOTDfiDimg yeair Wednesday. Feb. 9 will be one of the most important days of 1983 for college football coaches across America. No panics will be played that day, no practices will be held either. On that day, thousands of hikh school football players will put their John Hancocks on a piece of paper known as a national letter of intent. The letter of intent binds the high school player to accept an athletic scholarship from the college with which he signs. Schools can offer up to 30 scholarships per year to high school and junior college football players. One of the fun tilings about the letter-of-intent day is all the speculation that leads up to it. For the past couple Bob Asmussen of weeks you may have noticed that area newspapers braska's list. Another exciting part of the college football recruit ing season is a term that was created in recent years, the verbal commitment. A verbal commitment is exactly what it sounds like. The player will tell the coach of his choice (and usually the media as well) that he is set on going to that parti cular school. The verbal commitment is about as binding as a Tijuana divorce. More than one high school player has made verbal commitments to several schools. The end result is usually one very happy coach and several coaches who feel they've been robbed. Verbal commitments have been pouring into Nebras ka this year. There's something about a No. 3 ranking that appeals to a high school player. Nebraska has re ceived commitments from all nine in-state players that if offered scholarships to. Several other out-of-state play ers have commited to Nebraska as well. One of the big names Nebraska is recruiting is 311 Orlando, Fla. quarterback McCa thorn Clayton. Clayton might very well be the answer to the question, "Who's going to replace Turner when he graduates?" Another player that Nebraska coaches covet is Novell Jackson of Havre de Grace, Md. Jackson is under pres sure by people in his home st3te to become a Terrapin but he reconfirmed his commitment to Nebraska Coach Tom Osborne at his home, Sunday. If Nebraska is able to sign the players that have com mited us, it could be a banner year for Nebraska recruit- , r n 00 n in ' L ing. Last year's class was considered to be a good one but Nebraska didn't sign many receivers or running backs. This seasons emphasis seems to be more on the "skilled position" players whereas last year Nebraska tried to strengthen itself most in the line positions. How good will the players Nebraska signs Wednes day be? Only time will tell. Only time will tell if Jack son is another Mike Roier. Only time will tell if Clay ton is the second coming of Turner Gill. The player Nebraska wanted more than any other player last year was a running back from Texas named Anthony Byerly. Uyerly committed to Nebraska but changed his mind when Nebraska Assistant Coach Jerry Pettibone joined the million-dollar coaching staff at Texas A&M. Byerly spent his freshman year as a red- shirt on a Texas team that lost to North Carolina in the Sun Bowl. While Byerly may not have played in his freshman year at Nebraska he still would have been able to enjoy some seafood in Miami. Instead it was tacos in Fl Paso. (Is Byerly related to Barry Switz?) Another player that Nebraska wanted badly was Tul sa's Spencer Tillman. Tillman went instead to Oklahoma where he also redshirted. Tillman may be destined to spend three years as a reserve to another freshman every one might remember, Marcus Dupree. 472-1761 472-2588 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-1761 $2.50 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $1.75 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. Students must pay for the ad at the time it is placed. Ten words included. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUM ED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publica tion (Monday ihru Friday). An $8.00 service charge will be assessed for all checks returned to the Daily Ne braskan and will be col lected by Check Rite. East Campus, one bedroom, furnished, laundry room, off street parking. The Mega Corp. 475-8407. BUCKINGHAM SQUARES Large 2 bedroom apartment. Fully carpeted, dishwasher laundry facilities off-street parking HEAT PAID BALCONY Call 477-3889 One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses COLDWELL BANKER TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 J; fc. VtVr I.-,,-,-- r - jr.- , iij v,-. Have 2 REO tickets to sell. Call John 472-9823 after 6 p.m. BRYAN NURSING STUDENTS Complete set of like-new uni forms. Size 8. $95.00. Call 467 2425. Loveseat, 1 month old, cotton, earthtone colors, just like new $359 value for $125. Overstuffed chair $20. 466 6252. 1980 Honda Prelude. Cruise control, air, 33,000 miles. Call 466-9312. LPD Notice of Sale of up claimed bicycles and miscellane ous property. Feb. 12 at 10:00 a.m. 410 West "P" St. by the property room. 1977 Pontiac Trans Am, Auto, Air, AM-FM cassette, minor dents, $3,400. 475-2589. " "' -- " - - - - i , 4 bedroom house Close to downtown campus. Call 464-3733 Close to Campus 1 bdrm, all appliances Off-street Parking, Laundry 475-1058 or 483-4507 Just North of East Campus newer 4 bedroom house, 2 baths, Rec. Room, $420. 483 6549 after 5 p.m. "BUCKINGHAM SQUARE" 2 bedroom apartments, close to campus, very warm and spacious with heat paid. Avail able for March 1, Call 477-3889. MUST RENT Energy efficient large 2 bed room apartment. Within 5 blocks of campus. Starting at $265. Call 474-4551. MARKETING Need Help NOW!! Full and part-time. Earn $100 $500weekly or mthly. depend ing on hours worked. Call 475 1983 8 a.m.-12 noon M-F. CAMP STAFF WANTED for Camp LincolnCamp Lake Hu bert, Minnesota resident sum mer campus. A strong commit ment to working with children required, along with skills and experience in activities. Sign up at the Financial Aids Office 113 Administration Building for interviews on campus Tuesday, February 15th and Wednesday. February 16th. POLITICAL WORK Nebraska Water Conservation Council seeking individuals foi positions on political outreach staff. Environmental-Consumer Interest helpful. Coast to Coast Travel and Advancement Oppor tunities. Part-time available 1-10 p.m. $160wk. Call 476-2060. CRUISE SHIP JOBS! $14-$28,000 ' Carribbean, Hawaii, World. Call for Guide, Directory, Newsletter (916) 973-1111 Ext. UNEB LOCAL CO. HAS PART TIME WORK NOW PLUS CAN WORK FULLTIME THIS SUMMER. GOOD PAY & FLEXIBLE HOURS. 488-1227. OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year round. Europe, S. Amer., Australia, Asia. All Fields. $500 $1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC Box 52-NE-l Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. It's been awhile, Tennessee and Nebraska will merge for the weekend in a short time can't wait to make up for time lost. Love, John Ramona, HB and I raise a glass of wine to your brilliant college career, in a few years you will look back on interviewing and laugh . . . Well, maybe many more years from now. Many "happy working years to you! Love, Nancy Terry: I've seen many gals play quarters, at which they've done remarkable hard shots. But your two handed pitch shot Thursday was the ulti mate in excellence. Surely there must be some meaning beneath this act of wisdom. I bow to your endless grace so that all will know. If only you were President, all would be well. Amen. Joe CONGRATULATIONS!! KRIS K. Tri-Delt Initiate. Looking forward to April the 15th. I am. Allen NMM Girl in red coat and blonde hair 1:30 last Friday in lib rary. I like your smile, sorry I didnt say HI. Interested. Reply Via Personals Guy in blue coat, glasses and mustache Sigma Alpha Mu Initiates: Kem ember tne Rush Parties Pledge Project Bricks Parking lot Pledge sneak Kidnapping The Creed Nicknames Holiday Inn Initiation to Hastings Congratulations! We're proud of you. Your brothers Mike D. (AKAK) Happy 20th. Welcome to UNL. Don't leave too bad of an impression on the town tonight!! Dan Robyn (Towne Club) Clue 4: I like UN person als! Love, Your Secret Sweetie Tina (Chi-O) 94 Chi-0 's will be watch ing you tonight at Dress for Success. Check the Announcements for an important Softball event. Sig Ep's The migration on Thursday was great! We'll go South with you anytime. The D.G.'s Con (Pound 9) Remember: Different ends of the spectrum "pinch" an inch-where?! Criinese Checkers "Will someone teach me to play backgammon?" "Tell him to bring a friend." "It's not hard to understand." We're late again! Happy 19th Love. Your Roommates! Susan K., from Stratton (Yes You!) Have a SUPER 22nd birthday!! We'll be think ing about you cuz' you're the greatest!! Love Ya. Your Friends! VALENTINE PERSONALS $1.75 minimum 1st 10 words .10 each additional word. Deadline: Feb. 11, 1 p.m. Hey UNL, Let your special someone know how you feel by send ing himher a SINGING VA LENTINE. CaU 472-8425 or 472-8406 by Friday. The Men of Abel 11 Fre-(oops) Mike C. (Lambda Chi), "A friend is someone who knows instinctively when lit tle things are wrong and who, with a stroke of kindness can smooth the ruffled waters re turning an easy calm" Our big brotherlittle sister relation ship will be that of a super relationship. See you Friday. Your Little Sister wna n n mm mm . WANTED e . One ticket to REO Speed wagon Concert. Call 474-2426 any hour. """" i 1 i-Ht f 1 rp- ( Ox. Send Your Love In A tt i Daily iTs5rac!can Valentine Place your Valentine Message by 1 p.m., Feb. 11 in Rm.34 Nebraska Union V p 1 ) J j Remainina tickets for Dresden Staatskapelle Orchestra and Canadian Brass on sale to UNL Students beginning Feb. 7. On sale to others beginning Feb. 14. Dresden Staatskapelle Orchestra Friday, Feb. 25 at 8 pm This program is supported in part by funding from the Nebraska Arts Council, the national Endowment for the Arts Dance Touring Pro gram and the Mid-America Arts Al liance. Canadian Brass Tues., March 1 at 8 pm KIMBALL HALL11&R Box Offict (11-5, Mon-Fri) 113 Music Bldg. 11th & R 472-3375 '" V Unlvtrtity HQ of Nebraska L VJ Lincoln NEED A BREAK? RECREATES WITH UNL RECREATION INTRAMURAL ENTRY DEADLINE DATES Activity Entry Deadline Feb. 8 Feb. 23, 24 Feb. 23. 24 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 27 March 7 March 8 Feb. 22 Racquetball Doubles (M, W, C) Basketball Golf (M, W. C) Free Throw Contest (M, W, C) 3 On 3 Basketball (M, W, C) Indoor Wiffleball (C) - Video Games (M, W) Indoor Wiffleball Managers Meeting (C) Indoor Track Meet (M, W) Wrestling (M, W) Badminton Doubles (M, W, C) HandballRacquetball Doubles (Faculty Staff) Held in Conjunction with Nebraska Union Rec Room SPECIAL EVENT Cross Country Ski Race Sunday, February 13 12:30 p.m. Pioneers Park CROSS COUNTRY SKIS AVAILABLE TO RENT 3.50day 7.00weekend (Fri.-Mon.) 14.00iveek Includes ski boots Ci poles A current UNL ID is required to use all recreation facilities during open recreation hours.