The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 31, 1983, Page 16, Image 16
Monday, January 31, 1983 Non-Credit Mini-Courses Classes Feb. 14-Mar 20 Daily Nebraskan 1 CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION-CPR (American Heart Association) Place: Sandoz Main Lounge Time: 7:00-10:00 p.m. Tuesdays February 15 and 22 Wednesdays March 2 and 9 'Extra $2.00 fee for materials will be collected at first class. 2. BODYWORKS (Gail DiSabatino Campus Activities and Pro grams) Place: Culture Center Time: 5.00-6:00 p.m. (Mon. and Wed.) 9:00-10:00 a.m. (Sat ) February 21, 23. 26, 28, March 2. 5, 7, 14 Don't be caught this summer out of shape! Start working your body now. Bodyworks combines stretching, aerobic condi tioning, and floor exercise to make you sweat, starts you on your way to becoming fit, and enables you to have fun! "Participants should wear shoes with good support and bring a mat or towel. 3. PUBLICITY AND PROMOTION (Jackie Caventer and Nancy Schrempp Campus Activities and Programs) Place: Nebraska Union Time: 6:30-9 30 p.m. March 2 Learn the basics of designing attractive publicity and how to stage a publicity campaign. You will also learn how to contact the media and use gimmicks and unusual forms of publicity. 4 GETTING THE MOST OUT OF YOUR CLASSES (STUDY TIPS) (Sandi Rhoten Campus Activities and Programs) Place: Nebraska Union Time: 7:00-9.00 p.m. February 23, March 2, March 9 Studying is a combination of skills which can be learned, prac ticed and improved by anyone who wishes to spend the time. This course will cover time management, reading, listening, note-taking, and test-taking. Based on material from Educa tional Learning Center. 5. DEVELOPING A CAREER SEARCH STRATEGY (Doug Severs and Mary Severs) Place: Nebraska Union Time: 8:00-9:00 p.m. February 16. 23. March 2. 9. 16 The class will assist students in developing a career search strategy and will examine the utilization of career counseling resources, part-time employment, cooperative education and volunteer activities as career search resources. The students will oevelop career strategy worksheets which will help guide them in the evaluation of various careers. "$1.00 fee per person for photocopying materials. 6. CALLIGRAPHY (Julie Otte) Place: Nebraska Union Time: 7:00-8:00 p.m. February 17, 24, March 3, 10 Students will learn the old English style of calligraphy. 7. ART OF THE JAPANESE SWORD (Peter Bleed) Place: Nebraska Union Time: 7:30-9:30 p.m. February 15, 22. March 1, 8, 15 Japanese swords are a refined and complex art form. This class will examine the history, technology and characteristics of Japanese swords and their associated accoutrements in order to understand how to appreciate Japanese weapons as art. Students will become familiar with major kinds and styles of Japanese swords and sword fittings. Whenever possible, discussion will be augmented with examination of aciual blades, slides and optional reading assignments. "Optional reading materials will be made available at addi tional cost. . RADIO CONTROL SAILPLANES (Loren Blinde-Lincoln Area Soaring Society) Place: Nebraska Union Time: 7:30-8:30 p.m. March 2, March 9 March 16 An introduction to silent flight through model aircraft. Picture yourself in control of a 10 foot soaring machine as it climbs to the clouds with the majestic beauty of a hawk and you never leave the ground. The class will cover aircraft and equipment selection, construction methods and flight techniques. "Additional 50c is required for handouts. L MOTORCYCLE RIDER COURSE (Kile Nightingale) Place: Parking lot west of Harper-Schramm-Smith Time: 5:30-8:30 p.m. March 7, 8, 9, 10, 14. 15 Snow days: March 16. 17 Student will learn basic riding skills (or be able to improve riding skills), delensive driving techniques, and all phases of motorcycle safety. 20 hour course 8 hours in classroom. 12 hours on range. "$10 tor books, gasoline, and insurance No helmets or motor cycles needed. 10. BETTER BIKING PROGRAM (Kile Nightingale) Place Parking lot west of Harper-Schramm-Smith. Time: 5 30 8.30 p.m. March 1, 2, 3, 4 Advanced defensive driving, advanced breaking and turning. 8 hour course. "Own motorcycle and safety gear needed Extra fee of $15 for gasoline, insurance, and books. 11. MEDITATION: AN INNER EXPERIENCE (Gary Morse) Place: Commonplace-UMHE chapel Time: 7:30 9:00 p.m. February 14, 21, 28, March 7, 14 We will see what we can learn, practice, and individually apply from the numerous meditative techniques available. We will discuss how to go about selecting a technique and will ex plore different techniques through practice. Meditation is a wide open field Let's explore to see how it fits in with who we are. 12. DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS (Merle Hayes-Hobbytown) Place: Nebraska Union Time: 7:00-10:00 p.m. February 23 This class demonstrates the basics of this popular game. 13. BASIC SKIN CARE (Sandy Ohlrich) Place: Nebraska Union Time: 6.00 p m. February 15 Make-up techniques and coordinating make up to your own face. 'Bring your own towel and washcloth. 14. 15. 16. 17 BEGINNING "SALE-ING": SHOPPING AT GARAGE SALES AND THRIFT STORES (Margy McCleery and Mary Ann Gwost Campus Activities and Programs) Place: Nebraska Union Time: 7.30 9 00 p.m. February 22 Learn about the fun you can have and the money you can save shopping at garage sales and thrift stores. This class will give you hints on what to look for, what to watch out for, "dicker ing," best times to shop, and even pointers on putting together your own garage sale. If you're a beginner, this course will help you get started. If you're an expert, come and share your ideas with us! "Students should bring your favorite "find " PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE (Jan Schelkopf) Place: Nebraska Union Time: 3.00 p.m. February 15. 22, March 1, 8 Basic knowledge and fundamentals of parliamentary pro cedure according to Roberts, Newly, and Newly Revised Edi tion of Parliamentary Procedure. "Please bring paper and pencil. JUDO (Shorei Kan Karate and Judo) Place: Shorei Kan, 2117 O Street Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m. February 15, 22 Beginning students will learn philosophy and basic techni ques of Judo. "Wear sweats. KARATE (Shorei Kan Karate and Judo) Place: Shorei Kan, 2117 O Street Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m. February 14, 21 18. Beginning students will learn philosophical aspects of Karate. "Wear sweats. basic techniques and TAE KWON DO (Alan Kaiser) Place: Coliseum stage Time: 7:00-8:00 p.m. February 14, 16 This course will introduce the student to traditional Tae Kwon Do (the Korean art of hand and foot fighting). A brief history of Tae Kwon Do will be given. Tae Kwon Do as a means ol self defense and a sport will be demonstrated "Wear gym clothes. 19. THE WORLD OF J. R. TOLKIEN (Richard K. Boohar) Place: Come to main desk at Noihardt Residence Hall and so meone will meet you Time 3 00 p.m Febraury 15, 22, March 1,8. 15 Reading, discussion and enjoyment of the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, especially The Lord ol the Rings. 20. YOGA (Ted Browne and Bob Wright) Place: Sando Mam Lounge Time: 7.00-9.00 p.m. February 14, 21, 28, March 7. 14 Hatha yoga for beginners (Breathing and exercises.) These classes are sponsored, by the UNL Campus Ministries of : College-Career Christian Fellowship, Lutheran Student Center and Chapel, United Ministries in Higher Education Wesley House-UMHE, Commonplace-UMHE 21. SCIENCE FICTION BY C. S. LEWIS (Bob Milliken) Place: Nebraska Union Time: 3.30 p.m. February 14, 21, 28. March 7. 14 This course will explore the novels of C. S. Lewis' space trilogy: Out of the Silent Planet. Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength. Lewis himself spoke of these novels as "myth so we will explore how they work on that level. In addition, we will look at background material (medieval perspectives, platonic philosophy, Arthurian legend) that will help us get at the themes developed in the trilogy. 22. THEMES IN REVELATION: A BIBLE STUDY (Bob Milliken) Place: Nebraska Union Time: 3:30 p.m. February 16, 23. March 2, 9, 16 The symbolism of the book of Revelation comes from the 1st Century, not the 20th. Because of that, most of us, as children of the present age tend to find it confusing, or tend to dismiss it as irrelevant. This is unfortunate since its theology of power is vital to an age as preoccupied with the problems of power as is our own. This course will both overview the book as a whole, and explore some of its more prominent themes and symbols. 23. CREATIVE CHRISTIAN CARE IN THE MIDST OF CONFLICT (Mark Randall) Place: Wesley House (640 North 16th Street) Time: 3 30 5:30 p.m. February 15, 22, March 1, 8 There is widespread confusion that conflict is somehow the opposite of Christian care and love, indeed, something which needs to be carefully contained, if not extinguished. Our time together will be spent on cooperatively, rather than com petitively, resolving or reducing our conflicts with others. How can we turn conflict into a sign of care for another? 24. JONAH AND JESUS (Fr. Don Hanway) Place. Student Lounge, 1309 R Street Time: 3:30-4:30 p.m. February 22, March 1, 8, 15 The Book of Jonah is particularly timely during Lent, when we ponder the meaning of life and Christian discipleship in light of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Participants will share in an intensive study of Jonah, to discover striking relation ships with the Gospels and a message for today. 25. SHAPES OF RELIGION IN THE U.S.A. (The Rev. Larry Doerr) Place: Commonplace UMHE Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m. February 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16 A short-course on religious institutions and behaviors in the U.S.; designed especially, but not exclusively, for international students who seek a relatively objective approach. Subjects: The meaning of denominations; Protestant-Catholic, Jewish Christian, and conservative-liberal relationships; the role of ethnicity; church-state separation; Christianity and civil religion; religion and politics. Informal lectures and discus sion, with focus on the questions and interests of the par ticipants. 26. AN INTRODUCTION TO JUDAISM: WHERE IS THE 20th CEN TURY JEW COMING FROM? (Rabbi Mark Bisman) Place: Commonplace-UMHE Time: 8:30-9:30 p.m. February 17, 24, March 3, 10 Week I Scripture and the Rabbinic Tradition: Why Judaism? Week II The holocaust: Can it happen again? Week Ill-Israel; Why is the state of Israel so important to a Jew? Week IV Jews and Judiasm; Can you be Jewish without be ing religious? RTuVl caueo J8m V- ?4' 3nd 7"9 3t b0th i0 the Nebraska Union lobbV" East CamPu registration will be Wed., Feb. 2 in Nebraska East Union lobby. Registration times: 10 AM-2 PM. Registration fee per class at booth: UNL students: $1.00 Non-students: $2.00 REGISTRATION FORM Name Address. Phone .Student ID . ZipCode. UNL Student $1.00 .Non-Student $2.00 COURSE NAME oTS ristLati0"S t0: UPCree U'sity, 200 Nebraska Union, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln NE 68583-0465. Check or money order only, payable to UPC Free University. All mail-in registrations are $2 per class Questions? call 472-2454 I