9 Daily Nebraskan loml ... Continued from Page 8 It must be the course she wants, though. Side one was pioduccd by Narada Michacl-Walden (Stacy Lauisaw's mentor), the second written and pioduccd by Bofill herself. There isn't a detectable difference, except Bo fill's dance lyrics are even sillier than Walden's. The best efforts show on side one. After "Too Totifji," a remake of Nickolas Ash ford and Valerie Simpson's "Aim Nothin like the Real Thing," is easily the album's best track. Boz Seaggs shows up as a guest vocalist, but Bofill carries the song easily. After that, the songs are basically formula modem soul, although Bofill does have the advantage of actual melodies in a few of them. There's nothing offensive or bad about any of it, just somewhat disappointing. I will always question why an artist who starts out with an original product somehow feels the need to sacri fice it for a better commercial product. In Bofill's case, the sacrifice may be as much hers as ours. - Ward W. Triplctt III Weak Guita'e Climb a foyal EinMsh flop H 1 1M 111' III ' - - . 1 home of the world's best music. The latest example of trendy Lngland's infallible taste in music is a controversial little group that steals from just about anybody you can think of. That sweet melody in all the ears of Europe is the sound of Culture Club, which is led by the vocal endeavors of an even sweeter thing by the name of Boy George. The British group Culture Club (or perhaps its record label) has, one way or another, managed to pull off the stunt of getting its single "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?" to the top of the charts in England, Germany and Australia, just to name a few. This is a major success, judging by the sound of the music. Therein we find "bor rowed" techniques from just about every blues, funk, soul, reggae and pop source available, I'm inclined to think that Kissing To Be Clever was marketed to fit every musical taste around, with the exclusion of coun try and heavy metal. Under the guise of "dance music," this album pro vides lead vocalist Boy George (O'Dowd) the chance to explore every type of music he's ever heard. Unfor tunately, for the listener, this is also the cue for Boy George to start his imitations of famous singers. Rich Little fans take note, because for the first time on vinyl you can hear Kenny Loggins sing funk, Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson sing candy-reggae and Rex Smith sing soul. With titles like "White Boy," "Boy, Boy, (I'm the Boy)," and "White Boys Can't Control It," Boy George seems to be trying to make some kind of statement. Too bad that he was recently named to the top ten list of ugliest men and women concurrently. Was this some punishment for his penchant for transvestite dabbling? Sexual as well as racial overtones run rampant on Kissing To Be Clever, but most of the lyrics stay along the lines of simple-minded relationship-type songs. The only bright spot 1 found on the album was the percussion technique used by Jon Moss. And someone (not mentioned on the album) did a fine job on the horn accompaniment on a couple of cuts. The bottom line is that this album is nothing more than honcst-to-goodness hype. This champion-creating theme runs true to the end - from Boy George's trans vestite character to the band's "borrowed" sound. Do yourself a favor and stick to the original artists. If this is what it takes to sell records nowadays, I'll be more than happy to be termed the arrogant snob who gags on the Top 40. -Todd R. Tystad Some albums loaned courtesy of Rolling Records 4' Sunkisl Pictures Presents Aunt Peg' Produced by ARTHUR CUTTER Written & Directed by WES BROWN RATED Starring JUUET ANDERSON. JOHN HOLMES, JAMIE GIUJS, and SERENA X vfi The SUZE RANDALL PRESENTS Starring LONI SANDERS 6 TIPIROCK3 And A Cost Of Sizzling Centerfolds Directed Dy Suze Randall Screenplay Dy Humphry Knip? A Suze Randall Production EMBASSY Showings from 1730 "O" H7b- 6042 10 A.M. Daily Kissing to Be Clever Culture Club Columbia I've often wondered if anyone besides myself has ever noticed the annoying British blabbermouths who go on and on with their statement that all of the world's decent music comes from England. Even more amusing is their belief that any music that comes from the United States is a flagrant display of the habit American artists have for recycling British music. Now, I'll be the first to admit that the Beatles did quite a lot for the progression of mu sic, as did the British punk groups in the 1970s, but I re fuse to believe that swinging England is the unfailing Who's missing? YOU! Call today! 4 7 1-POOL The MOOSE IS LOOSE j I L- l , I i " I "-( " . i ... i i ! " U L Hi AVC. AS.z A? ii m hzz Jrpz I i -n n r i r T t n 11 I H I in . 1 I I I 1 I Chcctcrfbld, Gottcmclsy G Petto Gunny's Duildmn ARFULLY FUNNY! V...- -" v. ?j' S - ... " - V -St- XIV The National Touring Company of SECOND CITY APPEARING: at u3alpufzgsncicfat'Q3 Jan. 28th Nebraska City Union 7:30 p.m. Tickets $3.00 Student $4.00 Non-student