r Wednesday, January 26, 1983 Daily Nebraskan Class ion Swd noli fadl "Ninataka kujil'unza ki Swahili (I want to learn Swahili)," was the wish of several UNL students that prompted the start of a new language course this semes ter. Robert Mushi, a UNL graduate student from Tanzania who is working on his doctorate in agronomy, said many people approached him last semester with their desire to learn Swahili. Swahili is the national language of such countries as Tan zania, Uganda and Sudan. Most of these people previously had visited parts of Africa and had an interest in learning a new and different language. "Some people knew I spoke Swahili and told me they wished to learn how," Mushi said. "Then I went to IKS (International Educational Ser vices) and told them about my idea of starting a Swahili class." They liked it. The Swahili class is open to any UNL student or faculty member, and is free be cause it is not an official UNL course. The class meets in the East Campus Union from 3 :30 to 5 p.m. Wednesdays. Although about 32 students attended the class at first, only about 16 people arc taking the class now, Mushi said. Most of the students enrolled are from foreign countries, but about seven are Americans who have never spoken anything like Swahili before, he said. "Swahili is a very easy language to learn," Mushi said. "It only takes a per son about six weeks of lessons before he can speak it." The language is derived from various other languages, including Spanish and Arabic, and has influenced the English language by adding words, such as safari, he said. More than 100 forms of the Swahili language are spoken; Mushi is fluent in four of the dialects. "I'll continue to teach the class until the students can speak it well," he said. "It's all voluntary on both their part and mine; they want to learn and I want to teach them." mm. 7 HELP SAVE BABIES Support the ft?) March of Dimes BE BTM DlffCTS tOUNUAllONi ft . . . Executive positions are available now to college seniors and graduates as Pilots or Navigators. Your college degree makes Air Force flight careers a reality. Goal oriented? Qualify for Officer Training School and become an officer in the world's finest flight program. Excellent pay, benefits and prestige. Only a limited number of these special opportunities remain. For more information, call: Bob VVstsrs AWJl (Collect) Freshmen & Sophomores: See AFROTC A 9rot wayof K It's time for independent w , thinking ) &r - Think University of Nebraska-Lincoln independent study. Over 100 courses to choose from when class sections are filled, work and class schedules conflict, or courses aren't there when you need them. Look into independent study. Visit the UNL Division of Continuing Studies Independent Study Department, 269 Nebraska Center for Continuing Ed ucation, 33rd and Holdrege. Take the shuttle bus from city campus. Or call 472-1926. Campus -t UNL does not discriminate in its academic, ad missions or employment programs, and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. SOMETHING FOR EVERDNE... . . . looking for a paper route? ... a new bike? The CLASSIFIEDS have just what you need, no matter what your age! M CLASSIFIEDS 01! Absolutely, positively, far delivery of any item (85 MINIMI M ORDHR) on our menu. Beginning January l i. from S I'M till closing, we'll deliver free to the east and downtown I L campuses, and also to the Nebraska Wesleyan campus. Get a FREE quart of Coke too! (let a free quart of Coke on any delivery order of SS or more. Offer good through February 13. And for parties, get a 10 DISCOUNT! I'ntil February 13. any delivery order of $50 or more gets a lO'V. dis count! Call Valentino's for all the piza. pasta and pizzazz you need, plus free delier. You won't even have to leave Macbeth. 35th & Holdrege 467-3611 Puza, Pasta i 1 I f J V I Further Reductions On Winter Merchandise FOR MEN- Sweaters Vz OFF Shirts Vz OFF Pants Vz OFF Suits & Sportcoats Vz OFF Leathers Vz OFF Topcoats Vz OFF Ski Coats & Jackets Vz OFF Jeans : Vz OFF Shoes Vz OFF Boots Vz OFF FOR LADIES Blouses Vz OFF Cords Vz OFF Sweaters Vz OFF Skirts Vz OFF Pants Vz OFF Shoes Vz OFF Boots Vz OFF Blazers 12OFF Coats & Jackets Vz OFF Dresses Vz OFF BANK CARDS WELCOME IS All Men's and Women's Jeans on Sale All Men's and Women's Shoes on Sale All Men's and Women's Boots on Sale ll 44 IIo. 14th Si. HOURS: MON-SAT 10 6 THUR 10-9 Z3