The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 17, 1983, Page 12, Image 12
12 Monday, January 17, 1C33 Daily Nebraskan n f n (( i (ScQ ncrr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472 1761 $ 2 .b 0 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $1.76 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. Students must pay for the ad at the time it is placed. Ten words included. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUM ED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publica tion (Monday thru Friday). Ski's Rossignol, Length 195 cm Salomon 555 Bindings $135, Call 489 5510. Ski's Kneissl Red Star, Length 180 cm Salomon 626 Bind ings $150. Call 489-5510. Sony Str-2800 AM-FM Ster eo Receiver. 30 watts per chan nel. Has most functions. Brand new condition. Call 476-1690. Attention J 284 students: 70-80 sheets of Kodak Poly contrast rapid II RC photo paper (F). You will need it. $20. Phone 475-7587. Peavey CS-S00 Power Amp 400 wattschan. Teledyne HA 868 Stereo mixer. Perfect for mobile sound systems or bands. Call Ron 476-6537. - 1974 Kawasaki 90. Excel lent Condition. $200 Call 435 0993. Cerwin Vega 351 3 Wav Speakers made by HED 15" Woofer. Almost New. Have Warranty and will demonstrate. Call 435-0993. WasherDryer for sale. Gets the job done. Make your offer. Also, a pioneer CTF-750 casset te machine. Auto reverse. I will take reasonable offers. Call Pete Clouse 474-0860. Bed Lofts, with shelves on one side, Call 474-1458. BUCKINGHAM SQUARES Large 2 bedroom apartment. Fully carpeted, dishwasher, laundry facilities, off-street parking. HEAT PAID BALCONY Call 477-3889 NICE HOUSE WITHIN WALK ING DISTANCE TO CITY CAMPUS 3 BR, 2 bath, insulated walls and ceiling, appliances, garage, $325 plus utilities, 435 7831. One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses COLDWELL BANKER TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 r, , , . . . , , ( I Send Your Love U (1 In A ) NsbraMcan Yv Valentine V Place your Valentine ' J V. Message by 1 p.m., VX Feb. 11 in Rm. 34 j iV Nebraska Union i DPZsSIAL GTLrS2?uT DATE o Spring semester '60 0 Unlimited visits Lincoln's Finest Gym 815 "0" street TRY BR OWN PALACE FOR INEXPENSIVE, ENJOY Al hi- LIVING AT 175MO. CHEAPER THAN THE DO K MS, CHEAPER THAN, THE GREEKS, CHEAPER THAN APTS AND BILLIONS CHEAPER THAN THE VIET NAM WAR. 3 HEARTY MEALS A DAY. 476-2583. Haley-Makielski Manage ment Inc. has apts for students. Efficiency, 1 and 2 bdrm furnished or unfurnished. Many with specials. Call now 464 8302. 3 bedroom Townhouse 5 minutes north of city campus 1350 square feet. 1 St Vi baths, carport. Monthly lease $328. 475-6144. PRIVATE AND QUIET Female student or em ployed. Huge bedroom in my home available immediately. Close to UNL campuses, bus 1 block. Laundry, phone and utilities paid. $150. Meals op tional. 475-8253. Nice mostly furnished home in East Lincoln (70th & A area) Laundry, Microwave, 1 car garage. 2 bdrms. 2 baths. Available immediately for 1 2 people. 475-5400 after 5:00 p.m. Furnished Apt. Warm, clean, 2 bedroom, laundry and utili ties furnished. Adults $245. 489-4195. 4 bedroom and 5 bedroom houses, close to downtown campus. Call 464-3733. 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in good university location. $185-210 per month, central air, off-street parking, and laun dry facilities. Call 467-2371 8:00 - 4:30 Mon.-Eri. 3 bedroom plus finished basement, air, carpet through out, appliances, patio & gar age. 36th & O $325. 475 6669. 2 Barry Manilow tickets. Call 464-1772. WANTED: Business Law 371 text 5th edition. Call Marge 466-6917. Want to contact Paul Knof licek. Call 477-2629 after 5 P.M. Any information appre ciated. Pawn. Sell, Trade. Buy Comic Books, Stereos. Gunracks, Air Compressors, Bicycles, Any thing of Value. Retail Museum Loan Co. 6132 Havelock Ave. Call for Appointment 466-8439 Buying class rings, jewelry, coins, rings, diamonds, sterl ing. Miller's Used Furniture & Antiques 2719 No. 48th St. 10:30-5:30 464-2128 474-6444 J I EARN EXTRA CASH Now hiring part time cock tail servers. Excellent starting salary plus tips. No exper ience necessary. Free health club benefits. Applv 8-5 daily at SWEEP LEFT LOUNGE 815 O Street. SUMMER VACATION GUIDE OPPORTUNITY Promote Nebraska to vaca tioners traveling Interstate 80 during the summer months. Become a NEBRASKA VACA TION GUIDE. Enthusiasm, salesmanship and good com munication skills desired. For more information, call the De partment of Economic Develop ment. Travel and Tourism Divi sior. - 800-742-7595. Political Work Nebraska Water Conserva tion Council seeking individuals for positions on political out reach staff. Environmental-Consumer Interest helpful. Coast to Coast Travel & Advance ment Opportunities. Part-time available 1-10 p.m. $160wi. Call 476-2060. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT at one of the finest camps in the United States, located near Estes Park. Colorado. We are looking for persons sincerely interested in working with child ren in a leadership capacity and persons interested ill work ing in the camp setting as sup port staff in the office, kit chen, barn, infirmary, or on the transportation and main tenance crew. Must be 19; college sophomore or older. From mid-June to mid-August. $625 plus room, board, and travel allowance. Personal inter views on ca.npus the latter part of February. For application, w-rite: Cheley Colorado Camps, Dept. C, P.O. Box 6525. Den ver, Colorado 80206. STAFF WANTED Counselors. Cooks. Nurses, Riding Instructors. Wranglers. Western Colorado camp em phasizing camping and river program. Two years college and sincere interest in work ing with children required. In clude self-addressed, stamped (37 cents) envelope with in quiry to: ANDERSON CAMPS, GYPSUM, CO 81637. Jim W. It sure was nice to see your smile again (Tuesday). Kim Dear Toots. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a great time and drink an Amaretto-on-the-Rocks for me. Love, Y'our Favorite Warrior Dave K. (ATO) Swimming in the Snow No laundromats Dishpan Hands "What Else Can Go Wrong?" Touring town on a shuttle "Can We Change Rooms?" Elk Creek Long underwear parties Sex Mountain Hangovers Skiing with Robert Redford Battling Tycoons Kahlua and Creme Set Ups "Oh, What Beautiful Women" (Us) The Alamo Dancing in the Streets Yellow stone's Record Clean Jeans Everclear and oranges Sold Gold Dancing Snowbound in Evanston Red McWhitey Stabbing or Vandalizing? ? "Orgy's Over" "Send one trash can C.O.D." Snoozing in the Aisle Liqueur in your Hair Baked Potatoes "Don't cut the cheese!!" "Cha Cha" M.O.'s All roads closed French Ticklers Munchies Riding the Storm Out . . . Thanx for the Great Time!! P.S. Now that we have a phone we'll give ya a call when the pool heats up! Love, Muff & Eck Happy Late Birthday Cor by P. Even though this is late, I didn't forget. Vicki D.E. Secret Admirer and friend of D.B. J. P.S. Call me Hey UNL, Frank IS Single!! (Now are we forgiven? K & L) Happy Birthday Cheryl Lynn "Your Brother" WANTED DESPERATELY REO tickets. Willing to pay. PLEASE phone 472-9075. Jana (Boom-Boom), Congratulations! One more day till the big "2-0"! No more "I left my purse in the car." "I don't have it with me." "I'm from Colorado." and wearing boots to look taller, be cause it never worked any way. Happy Birthday, noodle legs! YOUR FELLOW CHECKERS Dad. (New Resident 11501) This is vour second Perso nal MAYBE your lust. WE won't miss you WE won't have to but WE will remem ber all the times WE'VE had in 528. 503 . . . WE won't talk of "Death?", but ... if the shoe fits ... WE also will remember all of our special times like the late night con ferences at our place, the Birthday weekend, and just the three of us-together. Your Loving Daughters Princess Michelle Happy 22. Hope I'm around for a lot more of them. JcT Aime, TF, tuiero your Black Knight ATTENTION Volunteers needed for Wal purgisnacht '83. Sip.n up in the CAP Of fiie Room 200 of the Union. Informational meeting for volunteers will be Jan. 26 & 27 at 7:00 in the Union. Volunteers for W'alpur gisnacht will be admitted free to all events except the main act. Being a volunteer for Wal purgisnacht '83 means being part of the best winter festi val ever. ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION Tuesday, January 18 CBA-Rm 106 4 00 P.M New members welcome. Finance Club Meeting New members welcome, CBA Lounge. Jan. 19, 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served. -GET INVOLVED Information meetings for the UPC Spring Break trip to South Padre Island will be Wednesday, 19th and Thursday. 20th at 7:30 in the Nebraska Union. GOLDEN HEARTS OF SIGMA PHI EPSILON Meeting Tuesday, Jan uary 18th. Pledges at 6 pm. Actives at 6:30 pm. Crossword Puzzle Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Hooter 4 Rails 9 Tent part 13 Lifesto. 14 Shoot forth 15 What a wanderluster needs to do 16 Overcrowded building's need 17 Ghost-dance group 18 Novelist Evelyn's brother 19 Old Faithful site 22 Long periods 23 Blighted tree's need 24 Citified 27 Incinerator product 39 Edison contemporary 34 Bite 38 Mean fellow 38 Homeless hippie's need 39 Ballroom favorite, with "The" 43 Wallachor Whitney 44 Chatter 45 Mourner's need 46 Sonata movement 49 Accomplice 51 Hoboes' needs 52 Shred 54 Wanes 56 Former executive uniform 64 Wine valley 65 Home of H.C. . Andersen 68 Caviar 67 Nonagenarians 68 Twelfth grader 69 Bubble 70 Unites 71 Frozen rain 72 Prof. Rhine's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 20 21 24 25 26 28 CREDICULOUS PLANT SALE Prices slashed up to 0'V and more, all plants drasti cally reduced to make room for new shipments. Sale ends Wed. Jan. 19, Plant Talk 4Mh & O. A FIRMER BODY Is that one of your New Years' Resolutions? Let the University Health Center help you with it. A Firmer Body class will begin January 18th on Tuesday and Thursday from 12 00-1 00 for 6 weeks. 1'he cost of the class will be $8.50. For information contact the Health Center at 472 2102 between 8:00-5:00 daily or come to room 106-Community Health Deparment. AI-Kho Members: Second Semester organiza tional meeting on Tuesday. January 18, at 5:30 in Avery 201. Vour ideas are needed! Think PROGRESSIVE! Alpha Zeta Meeting Tonight, 7:00 p.m. Fast Campus Union. See ya there! Alpha Zeta Meeting. Wed nesday, Jan. 19, 7:00 p.m. East Campus Union. Attention all Juniors: Applications for .Mortar Board Honor Society are now available in the CAP Office.' AS UN office. CAP last Dean of Students (207 Administra tion). PRE-DENT CLUB Meeting Jan. 20 Union 7 p.m. Speaker Dr. Kalkwarf Topic Periodontics Ag Econ Club meets Tues day at 6 00 p.m. in the East Union. State Senator Chris Buetler is the featured speaker. Interested in Personnel? ASPA Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 18 at Union Speaker on Sexual Harassment New Members Welcome! English Conversations Pro gram needs U.S. student part ners to spend one hour per week with new UN-L inter national students. Great oppor tunity to learn and help. De tails in I.E.S.. 345 Nebraska Union or phone 472-3264. specialty DOWN 29 Wheel part 31 Chair-back piece 32 Fastener 33 Chisels' kin 35 Loiter 37 publica 40 What a baby needs 41 Fishing lure 42 "I loved . . .": Wither 47 Wood nymphs 48 Clod 50 Steinbeck Mind Stratagem Lounge Give rise to State of E India 'Laugher" in sports parlance Reoor Essex British guns Chilled She gets what she wants State Dry measure Smooched Let Fulfill a basic need Shade of brown First duke of Normandy Terry O'Reilly is one Diver's need, at times character 53 Specious appearance OCT TO 1 2 13 r 15 i6 17 i8 19 110 111 112 13 14 Hi Ti T? hi 75 20" 2-T ' r-rm.r m,m J-,, aBM, mmm imhm ihh , ' .-.i- 1 22 23 24 25 jar 28 29" "30 3C 32" 33"" 34 35 36 37 48 39 40 41" 42 43 44 45 46 r 48 49 aO 51 52 53" $4 55 56- 57" 5f 54" w or 6- 6J- M l2 6 e8 ! I f 70 71 72 I 1 I I M Mil We brought you 999 . . . Joan Jett . . . Dan Fogeiberc . . . Diana Ross . . . Romeo Void . . . Fleetwood Mac. Help us con tinue the tradition. We're the UPC Concerts Committee and we're meeting Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Union. Filing forms for all stu dents interested in running for an AS UN otfice are now avail able in room 115 Nebraska Union. Pick up your form to day! GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons for the dedi cated student. Learn the new 7ager Guitar Method. No other style will compare. Beginners or ad anced. ZAUFR GUITAR STUDlO 423-2709 Roommate wanted for larpe house near I ast Campus. $87.50 plus utilities. Call 464-7652. Female roommate to share 2-bedrm apt. Reasonable rent util. 473-2268466-2110 Male roommate to share house on 1035 So. 15th with young couple and 1 yr. old. Washer, drver and watcrbed. Call 435-1037 after 5:30 P.M. Female roommate wanted. $125 utilities. 476-3619 keep trying. PROFESSION A L TYPIN G SERVICES Term papers, resumes, etc. Same day service on short jobs. $7 per hour (Vi hour minimum. Memory typewriter for multiple let ters priced on number of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 No. 11th 477-8938 Typing, professional. 7 ele ments, reasonable rates, near main campus. 25 years exper ience. Avis Siebert 477-5997 Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 483-2609. 55 Infatuate 56 Consume in beaver fashion 57 Fad 58 Mimicked 59 Nobility, in Ulm 60 Hawaiian bird 61 Impulse 62 Unlucky gambler's output 63 What an R.N. might take v i a jl t7T"T1oT 1 R ruTc ill ;Ni.t .11 ePl lQm eJL.,11. n t "WIT .. 0. nFT C E Vi" 4.1 L 1 E A L L J L Hi M.S ifFi xf 0 Ho J t 0 Sr s jo r k 0 y fo t liuT S. .JoTk'ri T 0 I ' I E H 0 it R E N 0 Jll?L 0LL i i Of il M E HtfS iQ. it 11 K 1 u. E It . Sl WjT .,:' J D E ijjulf i k. i il P ilk t oV C A S E llEi e nTT e r' a p e 7 E Ti jA I D tj jPFT R T