Page 6 Thursday, December 9, 1982 Daily Nebraskan KM EDITOR attl Gallaahar GENERAL MANAGER DanM M. Shattil ADVERTISING MANAGER JarrySaott PRODUCTION MANAGER Kitty foltchy MANAGING EDITOR lort Stewart NEWS EDITOR Batty Millar ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITORS laalla Kandrlcfc Mailnda NorrH NIGHT NEWS EDITOR ImJwim ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR OavMWood SPORTS EDITOR Larry Sparks ART DIRECTOR David Luabka PHOTO CHIEF DavaBantt GRAPHICSLAYOUT RobartCrWar ASSISTANT ADVERTISING MANAGER Carol Fahr PUBLICATIONS BOARD CHAIRMAN Oouf Natt, 472-24M PROFESSIONAL ADVISER Don Walton, 473-7301 COPY EDITORS Ladia Boaiktorff Mary Elian Bahna John G. Goacka MarglaHoni Patty Pryor Duana Raulaff Mlehaaia Thuman THE DAILY NEBRASKAN (USPS 144080) IS PUB LISHED BY THE UNL PUBLICATIONS BOARD MON DAY THROUGH FRIDAY DURING THE FALL AND SPRING SEMESTERS. EXCEPT DURING VACATIONS POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE ?AJkY NEBRASKAN, RM. 34 NEBRASKA UNION 68S8B. SUBSCRIPTIONS: S13SEMESTER. S2SYEAR SJS,ND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT LINCOLN. NE BR ASK A. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 1982 DAILY NEBRASKAN USA Letters Flutes 'delightful' Consider alternatives To me, there is something intrinsi cally beautiful and sacred about the sound from a flute anyway; but when 20-plus flutists are playing simultaneously, as they were last Thursday evening at Kimball Recital Hall, the sound was "inspirational." The entire program was delightful, professionally executed, and went off without a hitch. To those who were not lucky enough to attend, the instru ments were as diversified as the selec tions; from piccolos to bass flutes. Thank you, UNL Flute Choir, for an evening my wife and I won't soon forget. Brian D. Striman assistant professor, Law Library 1 Ml lift WmM For the classic love affair. A Yamaha system turns your room into a concert hall.Discover LUVat Electronics UnlimitedThe place for music LUVers. Lectronics Unlimited Value. ELECTROniCS Ul IUI I II I UIJ At Gateway and Lincoln Center... 414 South 11th Street, Three Blocks South of the Centrum. 476-651 1 This letter is in regard to the Ross Mackenzie column printed Dec. 2, which stated that the objections to the proposed MX missile system have no base. First of all, it's easy to use statistics and say that today's defense spending is almost half of the percentage it was during the Kennedy administration of 1962. But if you look at it from a dollar standpoint you will see that there is no comparison whatsoever. Second, the people objecting to the missile system are not non-experts but are senators on the Arms Control Committee, Republi can and Democrat alike. Many of them have stated before that the dense-pack system would be a waste of money that would be better off going toward the development of the trident submarines, Bl-B's or the stealth aircraft. I believe that if the administration really wants to help our military situation it should seriously consider these alternatives. Kevin Gallagher business administration Statements clarified On Dec. 4, 1 received a call from a Daily Nebraskan reporter, who asked ire several questions about my candidacy for mayor of Lincoln. I thought he understood quite well what I had said until I read his article in the Daily Nebraskan on Dec. 6 I must protest several inaccuracies. First, the election in May will be pre ceeded by a primary -election" tir'April. The two top vote-getters will be on the May ballot. I think it is important to realize that if voters do not vote for their candidate in April, they may not get a chance to vote for him at all. - - 1 , II V v U.11 Gift of Music lor Only 6.99 EMMYLOU HARRIS jg-v LAST DATE V IMMUOU HAMIt IAS! OAII CASSETTE robert plant pictures at eleven winy. INUUWS BURNING OOWN ONE SIDE SLOW DANCER f AI IIP WORSE THAN OETROIT JONI MITCHELL Wild Things Run Fast ( - 1 Good times and happy spirits are on the way with the coming holidays and there's no better way to celebrate than with the gift of music. Look for great records and cassettes distributed by Warner Brothers on various labels; Geffen, Asylum, Elektra and Swan Song. They're perfect for Christmas parties and end-of-semester celebrations. So enjoy the happiness of the holidays; show that you care by giving the gift of music. Record Department For only 6.99 each, choose from: Artist Title Phil Collins Hello, I Must Be Going! Chicago Chicago 16 Jesse Colin Young The Perfect Stranger Peter Gabriel Security Robert Plant Pictures At Eleven Crosby, Stills & Nash Daylight Again Jonl Mitchell Wild Things Run Fast Eagles Eagles Greatest lilts, Vol. 2 Donald Fagen The Nightfly Emmylou Harris Last Date ml r 1 1 ii ,i iiinnrrninr fin "Mlfaa1 Chicago 16 Hard t Say I'm Sorry 4JV What WrMnun Chaw k" I I i "m "llONI MllCMItll L CASSETTE DAYLIGHT AGAIN . WASTED ON THE WAY TURN TOUR BACK ON LOVE SOUTHERN CROSS Give the gift of music. a V 3 L tow Cent Huffy U thru Ih Wblk I Dan I Ca Any mar CASSETTE ! I ; P2ZTC1 OAEHZL Shock Th tf oniaWJ Hont TSa Wd WarVoilllo-a, M3n DONALD FAnpM I 'TMMl V-C. 4 ' '." Nightfly 3 v & rame Nebraska's Quality Department Stores Monday - Friday 10-9 all stores. Saturday 10-5:30 Lincoln Center 10-9 Gateway & Grand island. Sunday 12-5 Lincoln Center, ' 12-6 Gateway Bt Grand Island Second, I never said that I . . encourage industrial growth by trying to make more lenient tax laws." I said some thing like, "1 have heard that Lincoln's tax laws are not as favorable to new indus try as they are in other places, and I would look at this situation." I may . support new tax laws, but I need much more information before I would try to change them. Third, I did not say that I would allow new industry in places other than the downtown area. The reporter asked me what I would have done differently from Mayor Helen Boosalis, and I said that I would not have been so protective of the downtown area. ,1 think events of the past few years show that Lincoln contin ually will be fighting developers who want to build outside the downtown area. However, I do support the Comprehensive Plan. I think long-range planning is essen tial to healthy growth of a city. Finally, I did not say "individual free doms could be increased. . .(by legalizing) marijuana for personal in-home use." The reporter asked me if I was a conserva tive or liberal. Since neither of these labels fit my political philosophy, I was attempt ing to give examples of issues that would show my beliefs. This was only meant as an example of my basically libertarian ideas, not things I desire for Lincoln. I have no intention of legalizing gambling, prostitution or drugs at this time. I think that an elected official must be responsible to the citizens of the city and enforce the laws that they want. My personal opinions of what should and should not be legal are far less important than the will of the people. Arnold Grinvalds Lincoln Officials . . . Continued from Page 5 Colleges have a lot of resources to improve teach ing and macro-educational planning that are not being used. These resources can be used so long as there is honesty, seriousness and commitment - in sum, en thusiasm. It is difficult for foreign students, Nigerians in parti cular, to get into the graduate program in business adminstration be cause of what 1 call "mixed feelings" on the part of both students and instruc tors. I suspect that besides the "mixed feelings," the lack of mathematics apti tude is the single most important deterrant to suc cess in graduate programs. Both students and instruc tors need to better articu late the problem and the solutions about the "math problem." It is unfair for a foreign student to discredit an ac credited institution of higher education because these institutions basically want them. But students are unsatisified with an institution, they should seek solution through communi cation with university offi citils UNL is not behind in its responsibilities to the pro gress of foreign students. There are exceptions to ev:rything. But I am not dealing with the excep tions; I am dealing with the norm. Arikpo B. Arikpo doctorate student, post secondary educational planning and management NEED SOMETHING TRY THE CROSSWORD PUZZLE IN .THE