Thursday, December 9, 1982 Supplement to Daily Nebraskan Page 15 Campus Christmas celebrations slow during dead, finals weeks By Ward Triplett Celebrations honoring the end of final's week and the Christmas holiday should not be hard to find in Lincoln next weekend. Most campus residence halls and Greek organizations seem content to wait until then to cele brate. A minimal number of parties are scheduled during dead and finals week. However, from hall to hall, dorm residents are not allowing the occasion to pass without some recognition. "Each of the floors has their own events," said Burr Fedde residence Director Pat Greene. "Before, it has been more on a floor-to-floor basis than on a hall basis." Greene said that the Secret Santa game, where anony mous gifts are exchanged, has been popular among Burr Fedde floors this year. At Neihardt hall, student government president Karen Howard said the only planned Christmas event was the canopy party scheduled directly before the annual Christ mas dinner. A similar function was held at Abel Hall, where the hors de voure party also precedes Christmas dinner, according to the Abel South Residence director Pam Tilley. In Harper-Schramm-Smith, the Christmas dinner also was the only big event planned. "I'd hate to say it, but we couldn't get anything going for Christmas this year," complex director Ellen Mans field said. "People are doing the Secret Santa game, but there is nothing really orgainized. We had a lot of problems gettin a Christmas party planned." Selleck Quadrangle's Christmas dinner also was the main Christmas attraction there. Residence Director Earon Stanley said that the annual Wassil celebration was a bit more special than the other Christmas dinners. "I know this is coordinated through the student government and food service," Stanley said. "As I under stand it, it is our big Christmas program." Unlike other halls, students had to purchase tickets detailing a time and cafeteria section, and only Selleck residents were allowed dinner tickets at no cost. EXCLUSIVE IN LINCOLN THE AY COLL OF SCOTTSDALE AZ Vq HAND CRAFTED TRADITIONAL A? CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS AND GIFTS-SELECTED FROM OVER 200 ARTISTS SKYWALK LEVEL THE ATRIUM P 1 1 1 D "COUPON 20 off on Christmas Buying. Expires Etecember 25, 1982 UJICEIEU UIORID 1 Nice Selection of Baskets and n Brass for Christmas giving. 1 1 I o 1825 'O' 475-1378 Mon.-Sat. 10-6 Sun. 12-5 w MM 1 YOU DONT NEED A PRETTY PENNY YOU JUST NEED OLD-FASHIONED STYLE! NOSTALGIC DANCE DRESSES $ll.95-$24.95 f FRINGE & TASSEL 27th & Vine Hours: 11-6 M.-Sat. Greek organizations are not allowed to plan parties during finals and dead weeks. However, a short gathering following the selection of the new interfraternity council Panhellenic officers Monday night was partially in recogni tion of the holidays. Since no big events are scheduled through hail sponsor ship, the next alternative is private parties, which are common to most dorm floors from week to week. Tilley experts to see a few more than usual the"se last two weeks, while Greene felt there would be no increase. "I haven't seen, in this hall, an increase of incident reports as far as private parties and alcohol in the rooms," Greene said. Schramm residence director Jan Buckner, in her first year at Nebraska, said the rate definitely picked up while she was working at other schools. "Generally, there are a lot of high anxiety levels people might have from exams. Parties seem to be a way to release that," she said. Wendy Buettow, residence director at Niehardt Hall agreed there might be, "But I wouldn't really be able to say. I'm sure you're aware of the visitation and alcohol rules. If there are private parties going on, they're probab ly not going to tell me." : I & Mil. 11 V SIC since 1874 Drum sets Drastically Reduced 5 Piece Sets starting at $395.00 Downtown 474-1140 Gateway 467-2308 OCIS Limit 3 per customer 7 DECK THE HALLS WITH GFTS FROM WAGEY DRUG. WEVE GOT CHRISTMAS AND WRAPPING SUFFERS. AND AND MUCH MORE Washington at 17th Vina at 27th A mm silcouuartz. nswdimension in elegance. Bracelets accented with delicate openwork. Yours in gilt on stainless steel with grey dial, all stainless with black dial or gold tone with gilt dial. So purely elegant it becomes a pleasure to watch it perform. Seiko Quartz. You get the best of Seiko only where you see this sign. ,,,He,!Ll!i;!!!:!,!"u'",'ll' i 'TCiiniiiiiiiiiiiiKwi.iiiiii f ihl II'MH Wr"J. '' SEIKO Atmtcsz)eALi Nebraska's Largest Selection of Fine Jewelry BORSHEMS 315 So. 16th- OMAHA