Thursday, December 9, 1982 acJe for the way really like it Daily Nebraskan 7 X ill .vs.-; .? a. iy.'v. fp.v, & IS .mZ ... ft) - )YJ J J SIG EPS AND LITTLE SISTERS Rick Schumacher LanaTorczon Bob Klesath Deb Mueller Arva Griffith Lenny Muma Susan Andersen Mark Heng Sis Eps and Little Sisters emerged victorious in the CoRec Basketball Finals played December 2nd. The game was played in the Coliseum where the Sig Eps and Little Sisters beat Gators with a score of 41 to 26. Coors congratulates the Sig Eps and Little Sisters for a great performance! ii Ips and Little Sisters Hi n.T.. . 13 t N8? MA Corns CmuMny Gofcfc-n Cokx.Mln H040I Uhwi ol f mt QiMlify Bwrs Snce 83 Page 1 1 Si