The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1982, Page Page 9, Image 9

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    Page 9
Wednesday, December 8, 1982
Daily Nebraskan
The Campus Red Cross will sponsor a bloodmobile
today and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 pjn. in the Ne
braska Union Ballroom.
The Christian Science Organization will meet today
from 12:30 p jrr. to 1 :30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Tfc
room number will be posted.
The Lincoln Transportation System will provide
a free bus ride to anyone depositing a new toy or book
in Santa's bag beside the fare box Monday through Dec.
The toys will be delivered to the Salvation Army for
distribution to needy tamuies.
Students wishing to apply for summer fellowships
from Historic Deefield, Inc. in Deerfield, Mass., have
until Feb. 15 to apply.
Applicants to the program must be either sophomores,
juniors or seniors in an American or Canadian college a&
of Jan. 1, 1983.
Application forms may be obtained by writing to:
Historic Deerfield, Inc., 1983 Fellowship Program, Deer
field, Mass., 01342. Inquires should be addressed to J.
Ritchie Garrison, Director of Education.
Clinical psychologist Gloria Wall will speak to the
association of Women Entrepreneurs at 7:30 p.m. next
Wednesday at the Oakroom Restaurant, 9th and South
Wall's topic will be "Motivating the Buyer."
The National Research Council has announced plans
to award approximately 35 Postdoctoral Fellowships for
Minorities in a program designed to provide opportunities
for continued education and experience in research. The
minorities affected are American Indians, Alaskan natives
(Eskimo or Aleut), black Americans, Mexican Americans
Chicanos and Puerto Ricans.
Fellowship recipients will be selected from among
scientists, engineers and scholars in the humanities who
show the greatest promise of future achievement in aca
demic research and scholarship in higher education.
The competition, which is sponsored by the Ford
Foundation, is open to citizens of the United States who
are members of one of the designated minority groups,
who are preparing for or already engaged in college or
university teaching and who have doctoral degrees. The
fellowship lasts for a year.
Awards will be made in the areas of behavorial and
social sciences, humanities, EMP fields (engineering
sciences, mathematics, physical sciences), life sciences and
for interdisciplinary programs of study. The research may
be conducted at the institution of the fellow's choice.
The deadline for submisson of applications is Jan. 14.
Applications may be submitted to the Fellowship Office,
National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Ave.,
Washington, D.C., 20418.
The NU Board of Regents will meet at 7 a. m. in the
Grand Island Room of the Nebraska Center for Continu
ing Education, 3300 Holdrege St., on Dec. 17.
At 8 a.m. the Business Affairs and Academic Affairs
subcommittees will meet in the Board Room of Regnets
Hall, 3855 Holdrege St.
The formal meeting will resume at 11 a.m. A hearing
will be held on the student constitution of the NU
Medical Center and amended constitution and revised
bylaws of the UNO Faculty Senate.
A list of the agenda subjects to be considered is avail
able in the office of corporation secretary of the regent.
DN ad manager receives
scholarship to workshop
UNL advertising student Jerry D. Scott has received a
full-tuition scholarship to a week long Direct Marketing
Educational Foundation program in Danbury, Conn.
Scott is currently the advertising manager for the Daily
At the workshop this week, he will get a practical
introduction to basic direct marketing and mail
techniques from 12 professionals in the direct-marketing
A panel of direct-marketing executives selects institute
scholarship recipients based on faculty recommendations,
academic standing, interest in advertising and marketing,
and record of extra-curricular school-related activities and
The scholarships pay for all tuition fees, room and
board. Students are required to pay the first SI 00 of
transportation costs within the United States.
The foundation sponsors collegiate institute twice each
year. About 900 students have attended institutes since
they were started in 1967.
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