The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 01, 1982, Page Page 14, Image 14
Pagt 14 Wednesday, December 1, 1C32 Daily Nebraskan Polk S mciiaEffie woini'lt force Eight UNL students in formally contacted by the Daily Nebraskan Tuesday said they don't think they will have to drop any classes next semester be cause of the 10 percent tuition surcharge. But they did agree that the univer sity was wrong in assess ing a surcharge. The NU Board of Re gents approved the 10 per cent surcharge at a meet ing Nov. 20 to help off set approximately SI 1 million of the $35 million the Nebraska Legislature cut from the university budget. Students will pay $35.47 per credit hour, for the spring semester compared with the present sum of $32.25. A student taking 15 credit hours will pay $532.05, an increase of about $48. Since tuition pays for about 32 percent of the I I I II P1A-MOIP Q3AD.lfP(DM 2 dance to live music Wed. Singles Night $2. 50 Admits two for the price of one with coupon. 6600 West "O" call 475-4030 dress codeno jeans I SOME FACTS ABOUT YOUR FUTURE AS AN AIR FORCE NURSE There are many nurs ing positions which of fer career fulfillment. Being an Air Force nurse can fulfill that need. There is also a lot more to life than work and Air Force nursing provides that something extra. In addition to your nursing uniform, you'll wear the uniform of an Air Force officer. You'll have the prestige and responsibility of a leader with equal opportunity for advancement. You'll have the advan tages of the Air Force's great way of life 30 days of vaca tion with pay each year, medical and dental care, educa tional opportunity and recreational facilities. There are many more personal and financial rewards. If you qualify, you may compete for Air Force nursing specialties. Add the challenge, the responsibility and the opportunity of Air Force nursing to your future. Contact an Air Force nurse recruiter today for more information. Richard Fortner 402-221-4319 A great way ol We instructional budget, stu dents are paying approxi mately one-third of the budget shortfall. The questions they were asked were: "Do you think you will have to drop a class because of the tuition surcharge?" and "Do you think it's fair that the students are going to have to pay this surcharge?" The students and their, comments are: Kurt Eubanks, junior, horticulture: "No, there will be no problem for me. The 10 percent increase is a lot of money, though. Reggie Dymally, junior, undeclared: "I won't be taking as many .-classes as usual. It's not bad for Nebraska resi dents, but for out-of-state students, it's outrageous." Ken Flowerday, sopho more, secondary education: "It's absurd that students are held responsible for (Gov. Charles) Thone's fis cal irresponsibilities. It should have been- evident to Thone that if federal taxes are cut, then the state taxes will be affected. The students are taking the responsibility." Jim Shaffer, unclassified graduate student: "I went to Wesleyan University, so the $400 tuition is nothing compared to the SI, 700 at Wesleyan. It's too bad students have to take the rap." Warren Gran, senior, exercise physiology: "It's going to make it tougher to pay. This is a major university in the state. They should have priority for monies. Thone should have seen the uni versity needed more money. We are paying too much now. The state should have seen ahead of time. If they don't start approp riating money, teachers will start to leave." Sharon Lingren, sopho more, Teachers College: "Hopefully not. Students V i- N PACKAGE INCLUDES: f COMPLETE 5 Nights Deluxe Condo Lodging 4 Days lift tickets Mountain Picnic Ski Races with Prizes Ski Jamboree Party Optional Air and Motorcoach Transportation January 3 to 8 For more information contact Janet drops' :v".:: iu,.uum.mmuw P::o::Xv;v::::::x 'I f VTS' ) i L-!' t) ! I I j mm .. I:-:-:-:-:-:-:-; p I V t S I ' 4 - I I"" - '. limn - mi(- - mf .. ., : . ( : I S L. , ' ' I- ) K i ;,m - I , .' " ( ' , ? I ' ! 'V Iff ' I 11 Vis- ' Laum Mmcs iiliiiplliliPliliPlllliillPI f Staff Photgi by Sh;iin Li;:.. n are paying enough money more, elementary and spe- as it is. Five hundred cial education: dollars for 16 hours is 'i don't believe so. I really enough. They should don't think it's fair. They cut back on other areas." should look at all the departments and cut out Suzanne Maahs, sopho- all unnecessary things. Terri Koziol, senior, life science: "I don't think its fair to, punish students for the extra surcharge.' For the classic love affair. A Yamaha system turns your room into a concert hafLDiscover lUKat Electronics Uniimtted.The place tor music LUVers. lectrcnics Unlimited Value. tO ELm. i sanies Wl IUI I II I umtw At Gateway and Lincoln Center 414 South 11th Street, Three Blocks South of the Centrum. 476-6511 So says the VA. ASK SHAGG by Peter Guren TrEiH IPCAL Tel?rE DRCloW FcRTrtE NUMBER To CALL To REfCrt f VA RPREirAT.VE L, I seM,ce & II M'iWiMVMMitidlBdisM'MlIidndiMIBiaMllU'. Do You Enjoy Singing? First Presbyterian invites you to join their choral forces. Great Choral Music for Sunday morning! Great Oratorios for special Sunday afternoons by Vivaldi, Vatican Willams, DumSe and Bach accompanied by the Nebraska Chamber Orchestra. PA Everyone Is welcome to Join. r Contact David Sckr477-ro rw m -1 - .aMWTWk Transportation wi3 be provkkd by the chtxeh. F1H3T PHESSYTEHIARJ 17th and F Street Lincoln, Nebraska u o-i ljyvji. I-' 1 1 r J 1 1 li f i li ! I