The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 23, 1982, Page Page 11, Image 11
Tuesday, November 23, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 1 1 'SU predicted to win The Big One The last big weekend of college football is this week. It hardly seems possible that it's almost over. So, without further ado . . . Oklahoma at Nebraska. This is it. The Big One. The winner goes to Miami, the loser to Tempe. Both nice places, but at least the sand in Miami has water to go with it. Besides, would you rather be on Eastern time or " - ? Jeff Goodwin Mountain time? Well, that's certainly enough incentive for these two teams. The Sooners are not the same team that lost to West Virginia and Southern California early in the season. They've scrapped the wishbone and discovered the joys of the I-formation. Still, seeing the Sooners line up in the I isn't nearly as terrifying as seeing them in the 'bone. Nebraska is a lot different team now, too. The Huskers still have the same powerful offense, but the defense has regained the ferocity of old. And the Blackshirts never did have much trouble stopping the run. If Oklahoma was wearing blue, green or orange uni forms, this game would be close but nothing to worry about. But these guys have "Sooners" on their uniforms. Still, Nebraska should win for two reasons: Turner Gill and Mike Rozier. Gill proved in the Penn State game that he can bring the Huskers back in a hurry. And RozieY is, quite simply, the best running back ever to wear a Husker uniform. The Huskers win this shoot-out: Nebraska 28, Oklahoma 20. Pittsburgh at Penn State. Last year the Lions killed the Panthers, 48-14. A lot of people think they're going to do the same thing this year. But they're not. Pitt has been a disappointment this year, at least to its fans and the players themselves. But it still is a pretty good team. After all, any team that can beat Rutgers 52-6 has to "be pretty good , right? Penn State has played as well as any team in the country at times this year. At other times, it hasn't played so well. Penn State should blow the Panthers out this time, but in games like this, you can't tell. The Panthers, after all, should have blown them out last year. Pitt sends Dan Marino out a winner: Pittsburgh 31, Penn State 27. Notre Dame at Southern California. The Irish got beat by Air Force last week. Is this the same Irish team that beat Michigan and Pitt? It must be. This is the glitter bowl for the Irish, whose bowl hopes have been shattered. Unfortunately for the Irish, they have about as much luck in Los Angeles as Napolean had in Russia. The Tro jans whip the Irish: USC 24, Notre Dame 20. Alabama vs. Auburn. Auburn really has a chance to win this game. You couldn't have realistically said that for a long time, but Alabama has proven it's mortal. No, not even mortal, but bad. The Tigers have been out of just one game all year. And we know which one that was, don't we? But 'Bama can salvage some pride in this one: Alabama 35, Auburn 24. Other Games Louisiana State 37, Tulane 21; Texas 28, Texas A&M 7; Georgia 34, Georgia Tech 14; Arizona State 31, Arizona 17. Friday's shootout The best will face the most improved Friday's Nebraska-Oklahoma shoot-out will pit the best team in college football against the most improved team, Oklahoma Sports Information Director Mike Treps said Monday. "Whether we close the gap or not, well find out. That's why we play," Treps said. Three things have contributed to Oklahoma's comeback after its 1-2 start, he said. "We changed offensive formations, we found a freshman and we matured in the offensive line." After Southern California held the Sooners to 43 yards rushing and their first shutout in 181 games, Oklahoma made the switch from being primarily a wishbone team to running the I-formation. Treps said the Sooners now run 75 percent of their plays from the I. Tailback Marcus Dupree is the freshman who has put the boom in the Sooners this season. Treps said having Dupree at tailback has allowed Stanley Wilson to move back to the fullback position where he should have been all along. Treps also said the I-formation has helped the performance of quarterback Kelly Phelps. "Our quarterback is now doing some of the things he can do," he said. "The wishbone was perhaps a little too much pressure to put on him." "I'm tickled that it comes down to this (Oklahoma-Nebraska for the Big Eight title) every year," Treps said. Classified 47. 21761 Three female tickets for Oklahoma game. 467-2838. For Sale: One female tick et lo Oklahoma game. Call 475-1687. For " Sale: One male stud ent ticket to OU-NE game. Call 472-0454. 1 male and 1 female to gether and 1 male. 475-8043. Surplus jeeps, cars and trucks available. Many sell for under $200. Call 312-742-1143 Ext. 3 153-A for information on how to purchase. 1 female ticket to OU fame. Section 8, Row 27. lest offer. 475-7920. 1 male, 1 female NUOU tickets seated together. Good seats. $100pr. or best offer. 474-1401 or 472-0532. Moved. RCA 23" color console T.V. with a good picture $150 Leave message! 466-6252. 1 male, 1 female OU tick ets together. Call 474-5793. 1 female 464-1879. OU-NU ticket. Sanyo Automatic Turntable. 100 watt receiver and speakers. $320 or best offer. 435-0673. FOR SALE 1979 FORD FIESTA 1977 FORD THUNDER BIRD 1981 KAWASAKI KZ 750cc 1978 HARLEY DAVIDSON Contact Burlington Employee's Credit Union 301 No. 52nd St. Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm 464-8347 Close to East Campus. Utilit ies paid, very large & clean, newly redecorated 2 bedroom, carpeting throughout, appl iances. 30th & Holdrege $325 475-6669. 4 bedroom house. Close to downtown campus. 464-3773. 1427 C Nice one bdrm apt. unfurn ished laundry, air, parking. Available immediately. Call 477-1906 for appointment. One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses COLDWELL BANKER TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 MOVING? Rent a Cargo Van from DeBrown Leasing Call 477-7253 17th & N St. Large, 1-bedroom apartment close to East campus, available for second semester. 466-8811, after 5 p.m. 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, excellent University location. $175-$210 plus electricity. Off street parking, central air, and laundry facilities. 467-2371 weekdays 8-4:30. Available in Keystone; furn ished Ski Condo; Low Rates; Includes Club House & Linens. 402-333-5138. Cocktail waitresses at Larry's Showcase. See or call Rick 474-9323 or 475-3094. JOBS JOBS JOBS WORK PART-TIME AT HOME. MANY DIFFERENT JOBS AVAILABLE, SEND SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE TO: BJR JOB ASSISTANCE, P.O. BOX 4632, LINCOLN, NE. 68504. Nebraska Water Conservat ion Council is seeking conser vation minded individuals for positions on fund raisingpoli tical organizing staff. 1-10 p.m. $160 per week. Call NWCC, 476-2060 before noon. Part time available. Part-time help wanted. In telligent individual with know ledge of birds and small ani mals. Sales experience also helpful but not necessary. Pre med students with designs on vet school welcome to apply. 483-7164 or 474-0038. Living Things Tropical Fish is now hiring part-time help for the Christmas season. In dividuals in study of life sciences welcome to apply. 483-7164 or 474-OQ38. GET $14,000 FOR COLLEGE WHILE GOING TO UNL Call Jim Vanderslice at 475-8561. Be All You Can Be in the Army Reserve. Cash paid for saddles, ster eos, original art and prints. RDA Museum Loan Company. Call for appointment. Have lock, 466-8439. Needed: 1 male tickets to Oklahoma, 435-3789 evenings. NEED: 1 male & 2 female NUOU tickets. Male & 1 female prefer together. Call 475-5302. Ride needed to Chicago. Will share expenses. 435-7925. EARN $4.60 TO $5.56 PER HOUR in the Army Reserve call Jim Vanderslice at 475-8561. It 3509 Baldwin. Large, lovely 2 BR apt. has fireplace, balcony, all appliances, laund ry, low utilities and parking. Two to 4 students. $335 base. 483-4600. Students, need extra $ for Christmas cheer? Apply here: 620 N. 48th Rm. 100 OVERSEAS JOBS Summeryear round. Eu rope, S. Amer.. Australia, Asia. All Fields. $500-$1200 mon thly. Sightseeing. Free info. Write 1JC Box 52-NE Corona Del Mar. CA 92625 Student Supervisors needed for expanding company. No experience necessary, but must have worked in retail store or sold books, cosmetics, vacs, cookware, magazines, or insur ance. Write for interview time, Mr. White, Box 80124, Lincoln, NE 68501 GET UP TO 100 PERCENT OF YOUR COLLEGE EXPENSES By serving part-time in the Army Reserve call Jim Vanderslice at 475-8561. WANTED: Two GA tick ets to Oklahoma game. 472 2378 or 488-1475. Needed: Male and female tickets to the OU-NU game. Call 467-5068. Need: 9 male football tick ets to OU-NU game. Preferably together or in several blocs. Ph. 435-8775. Jim. 1 male 1 female OU ticket preferably together. 435-0278. RIDERS WANTED Go Greyhound to Omaha and North Platte on Fridays and return on Sunday. Call 474-1071 for schedules and information. WANTED: 3 male St 1 female ticket to OUNE. To gether or in twos. 477-3756 after 7:45 p.m. Wanted: Two G.A. tickets to the Oklahoma game. 475 2989 or 464-5379. We need MALE St FEMALE tickets for OU-NU game. 1 Are you a classic lover? Every cresendo concerto and coda comes through when you discover iW at Electronics Unlimited. The place for classic LUVers. Lectronics Unlimited Value. r Et-ECTROniCS unumiTCD At Gateway and Lincoln Center... 414 South 11th Street, Three Blocks South of the Centrum. 476-651 1 fin L i of HP ti m YEB&OOiLH ITT It OCX O On SllVtft IMPORTED 4 BOTTLED BV TEQUILA JALISCO S A ST LOUIS MO 60 PROOf ARMY RESERVE SERVICE May cancel your student loan indebtedness call Jim Vanderslice at 475 8561 for details. r i ! ? Do You Enjoy Sintpng? First Presbyterian invites you to Join their choral forces. Great Choral Music for Sunday mornings. Great Oratorios for special Sunday afternoons by Vivald, Vaughan Williams, Durufle and Bach accompanied by the Nebraska Chamber Orchestra. 0 Everyone is welcome to join. W Contact David Spfcer477-6037 or 421184a 'fflii Transportation will be provided by the church. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 17th and F Street Lincoln, Nebraska flr C C"55l " "S-f G-"" "V- V4 ""sn "fSfci rrafcj fa A K-a fa Mtnlk v fc lift t ' rA Vfc A MbaA,faA i Jfca lS MM '4tA N M P M P 1 H M 1 3 n fj ti fiBUjyrv Prevention ay and mmt We believe a running shoe should help you keep running. Unique rear foot stabilizer bar reduces risk of runner's knee. 3M Scotchlite retro reflective trim provides 360 night visibility up to 200 yards away. 45.99 Men's Phaeton" Women's Selina" Tner cva Glass Menagerie 1213 "Q" St. East Park Plaza Mall 220 N. 66th