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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1982)
Friday, November 19, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 11 This hunter ignores call of wild Since it's almost Thanksgiving, a friend of mine urged me to go wild turkey hunting with him this weekend. Me said hunting is a great sport and a good chance to get away from it all. "I agree," I said. "Where shall we hunt? Safeway? Hinky Dinky? IGA?" "No, you urbanite," he said, "We have to hunt. You know, go out and track down the real thing in the wild, 1 J W Bill Allen not oick through frozen birds in a crowded suoermarket Where's the challenge in that?" "The challenge in that," I said, "Is getting through the checkout line with enough money left to pay the phone bill. Besides, I've never been hunting." "You've never been hunting?" he echoed. "Well, I used to go with my dad. He gave me a 10 minute head start." "Get serious. We'll head up to northwestern Nebraska and shoot wild turkeys. How about it?" "No, really, I don't think I would enjoy it," I said. "I just couldn't bring myself to kill something." "Don't think of it as killing something," he said. "Think of it as a sport." "But I wouldn't kill somebody in a game of basket ball, either." "And a license doesn't cost that much." "I don't need a license to go grocery shopping, and besides, I don't even own a gun." Bowl speculation . Continued from Page 10 Sun Bowl: Brock said he expects the Sun Bowl to be a matchup between Texas and North Carolina. "We think Texas is the logical choice," Sun Bowl Ex ecutive Director Tom Starr said. "North Carolina, LSU and Florida State are the top priority teams. We're waiting on the Gator Bowl." Liberty Bowl: Brock said this game will match Illinois against Bear Bryant and Alabama. "We're not particularly looking at anyone else," Liberty Bowl Executive Director Bud Dudley said. Hall of Fame Bowl: Brock said this will be a game be tween Vanderbilt and either New Mexico or Stanford. "You can borrow one of my dad's," my friend coun tered. "We'll stay at my house Friday. I've got a little sister. She's 18." My friend knew my weakness. "Can she cook?" "Yeah." "Okay, I'll go," I said, beginning to hate myself al ready. "Are you going to make the reservations or should I?" "Reservations?" he asked. "For the hotel." "Hotel? We're going to camp out." "Camp out in a hotel? That's ridiculous." iNo," he said, "we'll sleep outside under the stars." "They don't have bathrooms outside under the stars," 1 said. "This hunting is beginning to sound fishy." I can't believe I said that. "Bill, you just don't know how to live," he said. "There's nothing better than sitting around an open camp fire ..." "How about sitting under an electric blanket?" "... roasting hot dogs ..." "A TV dinner takes five minutes in the microwave." "... singing songs ..." "I've heard you sing. I'd rather peel a squished monkey off the windshield of a Greyhound." "... drinking beer ..." "When do we leave?" I really don't think I'll be going hunting, though. I'll just stay here in Mutual of Lincoln's Tame Kingdom. There's got to be more to life than chasing some defense less bird through the woods. The only thing I'll be killing this weekend is time. "Vanderbilt's in the Hall of Fame Bowl for sure, but I don't know who the other team will be," Kimbrell said. Independence Bowl: Cecil Lloyd, chairman of team selection, said his bowl was leaning toward Kansas State until the Wildcats were defeated by Oklahoma State. "Tulsa looks awfully good," Lloyd said. "The winner of the Miami and North Carolina State game on Saturday is a good possibility. We're the low man on the totem pole so we have to see what everybody else does." Bluebonnett Bowl: Brock said this bowl is the one that more people aren't sure about. He said the game will be between the Southwest Conference runner-up and either Notre Dame or a Southeast Conference school such as Florida. XT VV IMPORTED GOLD OR SILVER BOTTLED BY TEQUILA JALISCO S A ST LOUIS. MO. 80 PROOF The Daily Nebraskan is accepting appli cations for the following positions for the spring semester, 1983 until 2 p.m., Friday, November 19: Managing Editor News Editor Associate News Editors Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Night News Editor Assistant Night News Editor Art Director Photo Chief General Columnists Applicants must be students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Interviews will be held Monday, Nov. 29 to Friday, Dec. 3. Sign-up sheets are posted at the Daily Nebraskan. Apply at the Daily Nebraskan Office, Rm. 34, Nebraska Union, Orange Crush for Thanksgiving The stage is set for the annual post Thanksgiving Nebraska-Oklahoma foot ball game, and the Daily Nebraskan won't be the last turkey over the fence when it comes to making bets for the big game. A telephone call Wednesday to OU's student newspaper, the Oklahoma Daily, resulted in a bet between Daily Nebraskan Sports Editor Larry Sparks and Oklahoma Daily Sportswriter Clay Stoldt for a case of Orange Crush. (What else do winning Huskers drink en route to the Orange Bowl?) This is just our way of saying it's on to Miami and let's win there too. And by the way, Barry, we hear they have great nachos in Tempe, Ariz. Why don't you send us a few orders for souvenirs! Get the facts on reproduction. Discover lUVat Electronics Unlimited.Tht place for music LUVen. 'Lcctromcs Unlimited Value O CLCCTROnSCG Ul IUIIII I fcU At Gateway and Lincoln Center 414 South 1 1th Street. Three Blocks South ot the Centrum 476-651 1 77 HOUSE OF FLOWERS Turkey with ell the trimmings taluks Iters. Dcn't forget a bunehl 226 South 11th 476-2775 IMMIGRATION LAWYER STANLEY A. KRIEGER 478 Aquila Court Bldg. 1 6th & Howard Streets Orruhi, Nebraska 68102$ (402)346-2266 Member, American Immigration Lawyers Association melius? FAMILY HAI1 CINTH Why El Toro? El Toro barber stylists are close to campus. At 13th & "P" you're close by foot or you can park nearby and receive Park & Shop f REE parking. Plus, at El Toro, we really care about your hair. M t f St. lever Itvel fhent For Appointment 477-f 55$ or 47 HZIp f Take It From The Experts We've Got The Best Christmas Cards In Town Lincoln, Nebr. 63503