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Daily Nebraskan
Friday, November 12, 1982
'Close encounters' said common
By Martin Neary
Sometimes aircraft are called flying saucers and some
times UFOs, or unidentified flying objects, when their
origins and purposes are unknown. The idea is basically
the same.
When one hears the term UFO, pictures of little green
men or the motion pictures "Close Encounters of the
Third Kind" and "E.T." may come to mind. The subject
is mysterious and controversial, and also was the subject
of a speech presented by the University Program Council's
Talks and Topics Committee Thursday evening in the
Nebraska Union Ballroom.
J. Allen Hynek, director of the Center for UFO Studies
in Luna, N.M., and former consultant to the Air Force,
spoke on the "latest findings in the UFO phenomenon" to
a crowd of about 150. Hynek, former chairman of the
astronomy department at Northwestern University and
now professor emeritus, said the UFO phenomenon is
worthy of serious scientific study.
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"When the solution to the UFO problem comes, I
think it will be much more exciting than, say, our visits
to the moon," Hynek said. Throughout the speech, he
cited "unexplained UFO experiences" and rated each
case as a close encounter of either the first, second or
third kind.
A close encounter of the third kind is when the witness
actually sees or comes into contact with a "creature,"
while a close encounter of the second kind leaves evidence
behind. Hynek said a close encounter of the first kind
occurs when a UFO is sighted.
Encounters of the second and third kind can and do
happen, Hynek said, and are very physical. For every
example given, there are hundreds of others, he added.
Only those things that remain unexplained after a
due process of investigation are considered UFOs, Hynek
said, adding that the UFO phenomenon seems to be
isolated in space and time.
He cited one case of a silvery football-shaped object
sighted in central Illinois and a classic case in Loveland,
Texas, where two witnesses reported a glowing, orange,
egg-shaped object that stopped their car engines.
The Center for UFO Studies examines many cases
and receives reports of an average of three to four new
experiences a day, he said.
The greatest chance of seeing a UFO is late at night
while driving, Hynek said, and he told of several
encounters across the country and in foreign countries.
Hynek said investigators are faced with "the funda
mental question" - "can we believe?" He said he was
a complete skeptic at first. . :.
"It was the caliber of the witnesses that convinced
me that something was going on," he said.
Hardened skeptics can't deny reports from all over
the world for more than 35 years, Hynek said.
Hynek will speak Saturday on East Campus in a
program that will include speeches on the legendary Big
foot and cattle mutilations.
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SHA supports
appeals change
' ' Richard McKinr.oa,' ncsidcr.cs It.1! A:sociatIon
sJusor, -discKwd z change in -fiC Jinan hcv.:.::
procedures at Thursday night's meeting in. I::?
ftr f.-!t:p,,ip'js5 Room.' ' - - .
' ' Currau, iieiinnvu v'i.w W-nl to I:v3 off enrnpus
' must CIl out n Epi-liucn, irJ.:' z request h
cither ecceptsJ m refussd by thres.a'
cf &z Csprrtmenv of houjr-'Irron-si-MCicncn
prepcd a prcc;:s.T,; us cr.2
;2;r.LziAnix world ' bs 'lI1c-..vJ !to ni-La C 2
dxLIw wid ths psrson ecu-1 vk ; :1 C:zLiz
If ths icccst is dcrisd.' - -
" Ihc- spoils, bcrd voii!J:b3 cmp(L?J cf &
group of ' tdsiL-d.tntoB:' znd ' also soms istudea ts
ircm ths rsiidenca h; sid. ""' ;
MTlus would hs.u His students i-vclved in th?
i!;cicicn-mdn2 proce:?.' M:ICLci sdd: Ij;
"' cow, tii3 appeal is mads to tLs peepb who w.c-"
-th decision - " " ' V 1 ' ; - .
' McKinnon' said t t.-t ' about 'students
r?qi:;t3d to livs off Jta:.:i.ys t' ls y-rar, nd thrss 9:
tom were refund. ; . -
. rtud:ats wjio havs !i?sd in a resideiice Iiall fo
c: .3 year cr ars'schtrncrss do not n:;d tl 3 hou?;r
cirtmcnt's psnr.Licn'- to nov? " eff ' cz::i?us,: h
sili. Uoweyier, McKLmon gdded that if tl:s stud:nt
, is under the -2 pf 2D as (kt l f' the student dois
" r :cd f arental permission. . r1 rr. , v-'
, FJIA r"s:?d -'resolution, rr.zda ;"by' member-
clirco m frsshmca hexing proccdics; -,l , v ,
. - A rr.cticn msds ty TJiA member O.Wlsell to
form an ad hoc committee to investigate proposed ,
" street clodlnc? also wss ps:scd, ; .... ; " .
The committee may propose alternatives such as
traffic limits or speed bumps,: )o slow trafficr until
the city decided upon a solution, said Melba Petrie,
Rfi A president. ' j 11 " - '
; RHA passed a resofution to organize town-hall :
meetings to discuss residence hall food quality and
service The first meeting will be held at the end of t
November.-; - ". '
Petrie proposed that the Residence E1U of Riglits
be revised so that students can understand them."
McKinnon said he would help with the revision.
He added that it must'be approved by the Inter
' fraternity Council and Panhcllenic 5.;.
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