The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 12, 1982, Page Page 5, Image 5
Friday, November 12, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Letters State can 't afford to cut NU's budget 'Let the reader decide9 For weeks now the Daily Nebraskan has carried letters about whether Mormonism can be considered a Christian faith. Will you please permit one more? An acquaintance of mine, Gene Fadness, has addressed this question several times to many groups. I will just quote from him: "Here is what the Mormons believe and we'll let the reader decide if these doctrines are in accordinace with Christian teaching. "The Mormons believe in God, in Jesus Christ, in the Bible. They use the same terms Christians use. The reason there has been such a controversy on this question is that no one has ventured to ask the Mormons: You say you believe in God, but who is He? What think ye of Christ? What is your interpreation of the Bible? "This is the Mormon god. He is one of many gods who was once a mortal man and progressed by his good works to achieve godhood. All Mormon men have the potential of becoming gods and will receive their own worlds to create and govern. Many of them will have more than one wife and the future gods will eternally procreate their worlds through sexual relations with their wives. That's how Jesus was born - through sexual relations between God and Mary. No Mormon will truthfully deny that this is Mormon doctrine. "The Mormon Christ is the firstborn of God's many spirit children. He is our elder brother and also the brother of Satan. "Salvation in Mormonism is attained by faith and good works. Those who go to the highest of several graded Mormon heavens are those who have been through the Mormon temples, have learned secret handgrips and sworn that they would not reveal these handgrips and if so would receive a penalty of certain death. How they will die, whether it will be by getting their head cut off, their heart cut out or their bowels and loins removed was also demonstrated in the temple. "The Bible is true as far as it is translated correctly. The Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price and their modern book of revelation called the Doctrine and Covenants are perfect translations where the Bible is not. "Are these the teachings of the one, universal Christian church? Are the Mormons (even though they have adopted Christian ethics, morals and terminology) part of the universal Christian church? You decide." Larry Philippi graduate, educational psychology How can one judge the worth of an education? How can one judge the importance of being taught by the "best" with the "best" materials and the "best" facilities? How can one determine the relative importance of our university in society today? It's not easy. But that's just what our state senators have to do this week. They are facing reality, and reality is: Our state doesn't take in as much in taxes as it spends. And the biggest recipient of these tax dollars is the Guest Opinion University of Nebraska. Do the senators then have an obli gation to cut spending at the university? Do they have any other choice? Yes, they do. And the decision they must come to, exempting the university from major budget cuts -sounds unreal at first. Everyone should sacrifice, it's been said, and everyone should see their budgets cut in order to balance the books. But this thinking forgets what role in Nebraskan society the University of Nebraska has played. It forgets how past budget decisions have affected the university. It also forgets the reality of economics in the world today. If one wants the best, one must pay for it. The university is not some huge, bureaucratic, faceless institution gulping massive amounts of tax dollars. It is the producer of thinkers, of doers, of builders, of leaders, of people with a purpose. And that purpose is to better society, to have each graduate take his hard-earned edu cation and use it to make lasting contributions to society. The university is the state's focal point of intellectual challenge, which provides great steps forward for Nebraska and the rest of society. We all know mediocrity is nothing to be proud of. Thus, a commitment was made by our past state leaders to build and maintain a quality institution of higher education. That commitment meant the spending of tax dollars and the determination to hire the "best" faculty members to have the "best" equipment and to have functional, yet inspiring, facilities. As hard quality is to gauge, if one's definition of a quality education means the production of a new way of selling more farm commodities or a discovery about the formation of the basic molecules of life, then quality exists. Yet continued quality can easily disappear, and would take many years to rebuild. This is the very probl problem that our state senators are facing this week: In terms of hiring quality faculty, our university is becoming uncompetitive. Faculty members are the very life and blood of any university. They teach, students learn, and society gains in wisdom. Yet, they also are human beings, with human understanding of the market place. It's not that the faculty members are greedy; it's simply that they know when they are appreciated. And when extension offices at the county level are closed, as has happened, the entire state feels the pain of constricted knowledge. When scholastic programs are discontinued, as has happened, the entire state feels the pain of lost education and opportunity. It is no longer a case of cutting the arm off to save the leg. The university is, in certain senses, being bled to death, wth mediocrity being the only result if any more cuts are made. The university is not a luxury our state cannot afford; it is an imperative our state must foster, develop and be proud of. We must join in the fight to save our university. Call you state senator today. You will, and you must, make a difference. The time is upon us, as the decisions are being made today, to determine this university's tomorrow. The Innocents Society t t Daily EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER ADVERTISING MANAGER PRODUCTION MANAGER MANAGING EDITOR NEWS EDITOR ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITORS NIGHT NEWS EDITOR ASSISTANT NIGHT NEWS EDITOR ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR SPORTS EDITOR ART DIRECTOR PHOTO CHIEF ASSISTANT PHOTO CHIEF GRAPHICSLAYOUT ASSISTANT ADVERTISING MANAGER PUBLICATIONS BOARD CHAIRMAN PROFESSIONAL ADVISER Patti Gallagher Daniel M. Shattil Jerry Scott Kitty Policky Lori Siewert Betsy Miller Leslie Kendrick Melinda Norris Sue Jepsen Randy Wymore David Wood Larry Sparks David Luebke Dave Bentz Craig Andresen Robert Crisler Carol Fehr Doug Nett. 4722454 Don Walton. 473-7301 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN (USPS 144080) IS PUB LISHED BY THE UNL PUBLICATIONS BOARD MON DAY THROUGH FRIDAY DURING THE FALL AND SPRING SEMESTERS. EXCEPT DURING VACATIONS. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, RM. 34 NEBRASKA UNION. 68588. 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