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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1982)
Friday, November 12, 1982 Pags 16 Daily Nebraskan Class if! 472 1761 Hency "Mr. Acacia" Hurricane, You never get away with your evil deeds. I'll stop you enormously during melodrama. Love, Revealia Redlights Jain Pain, Can Fratman save Football City and rescue me from the clutches of the evil Rodents? Will the milk-related deaths ever stop? Can Boy Wonder Pledge answer the riddle? Meet me at Melodrama to find out! Barbie (Flatgirl) GfeOCSKB tmvz o st. Turquoise & Silver Mine 14K Gold & Silver Jewelry 4(0 November 10-23 Layaway now for Christmas Get an extra 10 off with this ad! CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Betsy of flag making fame 5 voce 10 Lug along 14 Orchestra instrument 15 To the back 16 Unctuous 17 With 35 and 55 Across, comic's cure for insomnia 20 Lands of SW Asia, etc. 21 Small map in an atlas 22 Wild rage 23 High, in music 24 Early motels 27 Aids for sunburn 31 Bet first, in poker 32 Boy Scout's badge 33 "Three Men Horse" 33 See 17 Across 39 Break a 40 To pray, to Plautus 41 Eskimo's vehicle 42 Type of poem 44 Van Gogh's "The Potato ft 48 Venturi or Rose wall 47 Concerning 43 Debussy work SI Senora's scarf 55 See 17 Across 58 The depth of beauty St Father: Comb. form 63 Sinister 1 "Riddle me Wrong Dress for Wind, Enjoyed our brief chat Tues. afternoon. Would like to do same again. RVP. Tan Jacket M.C. WHO ARE YOU? MARY LYN Edwards, Hope you have a happy 20th but don't have too much fun. When Bredar is in town we'll help you celebrate. Ann int 62 Pick pockets 63 Like X-rated films DOWN 1 Louis XIV, e.g. 2 Scottish seaside resort 3 Dover 4 "And seam" 5 Gale of football fame 6Quaid' , French Foreign Office 7 Gumshoes 8 Stretched tightly 9 No. 4 of Bruin fame 10 Golden-rule starters 11 Tears 12 Tub plant 13 Ibsen's "Peer 18 for one's money 19 Adam's first wife, in Jewish folklore 23 Keep (persevere) 24 Campers' items 25 Orchard pest 26 U.S. designer 27 Arrowsmith's first wife 28 Golden fish 29 Baron or earl 30 Curl the lip 32 Average 34 Does some arithmetic 38 Fond grandparents 1 2 3 4 F"""" s p fa 9 I 1 10 11 12 13 14 Ti Tb T7 is - TT" " ""F """""" . 23""""" """" XT" " """" : aT" "" """" " """"" 33 """" jT" 35 "" irrir " "-" ", if " " IT" "" """" """" " " TT "" " "" " y- . jy-TJ" 47"" 4" t iflTTiaT "" " iTTir jTTsT" . - u 13- Farmhouse: We're AlMing for the road trip. See you today at takeoff! XXXXXOOOOO love, the Gamma Phi's Sig Alph inmates, The jail is set We're in our strips. Handcuffs are ready Don't put up a fight We've all been subpeonaed We all must appear Get psyched and get ready The time is drawing near. Don't try to skip town Excuses are none We'll be rockin' the iailhouse 'til the rise of the sun! Chi O Criminals Geoffrey G. Happy Birthday (27, is it REALLY?) to one of who it can be said, "Never has one with so little, given so much to so many." And cheer up . . . certainly someone out there will give a job to a man with 10 years of college behind him, won't they? 2W-T3 ATTENTION! Will the International Af fairs Student in Women in History (225) please stop laugh ing & drawing lambies during lecture? Oh and have a "Cherry" & happy birthday too! FDR Riddler, Penguin & Egghead: What a purr-fectly evil group of nogooders you are! I'm purr ivaliged to be a part of it all. Fratman & Boy Wonder Pledge WATCH OUT! Meow! Catwoman Kendra, Happy Birthday to the best roommate in the world. I hope you have a great weekend, but try not to lean on everyone. Your roomie, Rosie SICI STEAMBOAT Jan 210 6 Nights 5 Days Lifts 2 Free Keggers Chartered Buses Boor ONLY S257.00 TOM HERRINGTON 474-0771 DEPOSIT DUE NOV. 14th 37 Cheshire Cat's expression 38 Actresses Parsons and Winwood 43 Coils of yarn 44 Involve necessarily 45 Seed covering 47 Word with red or dig 48 Final 49 Egyptian cross 50 Caesar's 1502 51 Ditch around a castle 52 Prefix with chamber 53 Tin Pan Alley subject 54 In (on the spot) 56 Harvest goddess 57 Swatter victim P-8. C-2, C-ll: Nachos and Margaritas were fantastic!!! We all made the party! Let's do it again! P-ll Lucinda: Hope your 20th birthday is one of the best. Don't spend all your time at P.O.'s. Have a good one Michele Kay H. To the fastest talker from the west hope your 21st brings no slurred speech or crossed eyes! The morning grouch Bob & Colleen: Thanks for being such great pledge parents! Your daughter, Sheryll Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Thanks a lot for the great ex change dinner Monday night. You guys are the greatest! Love, the D.G.'s Sigma Chi's: , , We're all psyched and we can't wait, To celebrate with you at Iowa State! Love, The Partying Pi Phi's Kathy A: Congratulations on being chosen as the new Panhellenic President! We are so proud of you! Your Theta sisters Tim E. (GEO 101) I remember. Happy Birthday Ginnie E. Rick & Steve Thanks for being there when I needed someone. Marilyn Constance: Every woman of 21 years deserves a pearl belt! Happy Birthday. Love, Your 2 a.m. Study Buddies Jeff: Birthdays are great Birthdays are tun Here's hoping that yours is a fantastic one! Love, Beth GINA KRYSL, Happy 20th on the 14th! Have a fun birthday weekend! We'll celebrate your "legalness" when you get back! Love, Vicky St Jan ANSWER TO mVSSUS PUZZLE N it QfLsnoATBnsKlTs1 6 BO 0 A if J. f S.LIJ3 ffTS INT I NR US HTI TrToT rfl d t " 1 8 n r"il E G!j.tTtIr s o R flTm M .R 1 i hC 0 A S JW I A V. ElTHlR'tDE cTl ARES fi.1 j ' RE OC I LJX aTp i n sTJ cut r1 B A OCR OMR OMfl lR l I k L n' L 9 1 A S E . I LSO'CIA R" TJ XHJ TJA f XI S f If JP m wsBm Lsjjl Eat at T r wr f Valentino's in Ames or Dss Moines. In Ames: 2500 Femdale In Des Mednss: 225 Valley West Mall snapping uenier pina, Pasta & vbixa Murray: x , Happy 21st tomorrow! 1 11 get permission to give you a birthday kiss! 0 Pumpkin Jailbirds J. J. and P.R.: Prison Riot '82 We're ready, how 'bout you? Your Chi-O Inmates Carol (Fedde) Have a great b-day! Your the best lil-sis anyone could want. Your Sig-Ep Bro Who's Birthday's today?? WENDY E. Good Answer! 'Like urn, here's your B-day cake so 'like' - 'EAT IT ! Even though we broiled it Oh well!' Now you can be a cult leader in K.C. too! Your frigid roomies, T.C. & Stan MADISON SCOUTS! Now that I have your attention Bill, get excited for that trip and seeing Coach. Don't worry about tryouts. All the way from the professional school (a state school no less!) Ann Ron, Brad, Larry, Scott & Jim, You guys are the greatest! The party Saturday night was the best ever. Thanks for all the fun. Let's do it again soon. T.P. & Friends P.S. Larry you fox! Keep up the good work. Mike and Ross (Sig Ep) Hey jailbirds- You've been arrested. Get ready to serve your Saturday night sentence! Your Prison Mates Tim. . , . I'm glad we met. Thanks for everything. Have a GREAT 19th Raggedy Ann Officer Noel: Chi-O Jailhouse Rock To morrow's the night, so get psyched! It'll be a great time promise! I wouldn't "con" you, Jailbird Sue P.S. What's that on your knee?! Sexual Dynamo (Kendra) Heard about your subscript ion. Just don't read the jokes when I am around. Happy Birth day and have fun at ISU (legal- ly' Your Big Bro and other Inter-Orifices Mike and Tom (Delta), Can't wait to see your SODIUM at Boxer Bash! Get psyched! Lisa and Julie Constance Ann, Buon Compeanna (Happy Birthday)! alia mia bella figlia italiana e amici special!. Ti voglio bene Kent Stiff, You're brown puppy dog eyes really turn me on. Thanks for being such a sweetheart! Love ya. Lor M.T. Hope you have a fantas tic weekend! Forget all pro blems and party! Of course, drink iced tea or Tab. Love, D.S. (& Valoala) P.S. I owe you one! Bruce: Thanks for walking me to class on Wednesday. It was fun to visit. S. C.L.L. I will never forget: Wahoo, beach parties, picture man. "the real thing", Halloween, and most of all, you! Have a super birthday ! J.A.K. Jeema, Sorry we can't share this special weekend together. Happy 20th birthday. Love. Ned Julie N. (A-Phi) You're not still mad from Wed. night, are you? P.S. The 'Stray Cats' DO have the jazz style! Bobsky Jeff, Happy 27th Birthday! Drink tots, party hard, and don't do any Tony Curtis impres sions! And now it's on to Lincoln and let's win there too! Ex-Florida Rube Tom Prentiss Dear Spellbound, Have fun in Colorado, and give 200! I know you'll be great! I'm still one of your fans. Blonde from 16 Sportswriter Jeff Here's hoping you and the Huskers both have a good day Saturday. It's a Huskerbration for your birthday: NU 37, ISU 3. Have a happy one! Lar Munchkin, Well we dont have to worry about your not being legal anymore. Happy Birth day and see ya tonight. Your Little Teddy Bear Co-Pilots (8300) Are you fired-up for Ames? The party wagon is ready to roll, out we are miss ins one thing: WOMEN! So, get off your butt and go find some! Pilot P.S. See if you can find Jeff some sheep! To the cute McChick in Cs235, 3:30 MWF (Maria?): Would like to get to know you better. How about you? RVP McH oping Sis Ed Jailbirds: Get ready to break out of orderly conduct St appear before the Chi Omega Court tomorrow night. Your Chi O Prison Mates N