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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1982)
Friday, November 5, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 15 d. 4724761 3 Kawasaki 750. $1000 or best offer. 435-8388. '79 Malibu Classic VS. P.S. Tilt cruise. Must sell, 435 7866. 2 tickets to the Oklahoma St. and Oklahoma fames to gether. CaU 474-1534. Must SeB: Women's Ski- wear, size 12. Roffe skisuit; Roffe gloves; Powderahirt; .1 An like NEW. Michel. fe.177-9942. 1 male and 1 female tic ket for Oklahoma State -and Oklahoma games. 435-6090. 1979 Dodge power wagon. 4 x 4 dual fuel gas or pro pane, air, tilt cfuiie, sunroof, AMFM , cassette, rpU bar. limits, low miles. $7000. 435-8388. 1981 Honda Passport, 110 mpg, 3.200 miles. Call 489 2686. 1-way plane ticket Omaha Oakland. California good thru 126. 8135. 470-3047. Fisher 2110 Series Amp. and tuner. 45 watts per chan nel, great condition. $325. Pair Alpine Triax speakers. $90. Neat ,3 Bdrm. brick house. Near East Campus. Fireplace, 2 baths, AC. garage, $350. Lee Simmons 475-1865 1018 Y St., 1 block north of Stadium. Furnished 4 bed room, 8350mo. deposit; 474-0873. 1544 N. 22nd. Clean, well kept 3 bedroom house. On campus shuttle route. $300. plus utilities. 435-1237 or 475-7585. AT 10MSSUE. ire THE MOST COPPEHEEySlVE FOOTBALL COVERAGE YOU CAU! CUV. rhgt coivrj! LQOIC FOU IT AT HOME FOOTDALL GAIVIEG. Wall pay you tip to 1700 simply for helping tis ev&Iu&tt ph&rm&csutic&ls. Fully fiplainsd studias llsdic&Ily superrlssd Tm physical A T$ tstilfy, yst nut U a lulMf otta tt lost 11 yurs $1S. Call 74-C::7 weekdays to find out how essy It is to tarn op to 1700 for & few weekends' wort. 64 Tmh &mi 43 jsui tJjtrUisi Nice, 1 BR. Woods Park area, furnished apartment, sho wer. AC. $176plus util. 1924 g3 fL"1 bMement, 1824 So. 17, washer-dryer pluj u& hower Pking. $280 Very nice lane older 2Vi story house. 4 BR. plus 2 junrooms. Oak woodwork It floors, fireplace, new kitchen, Sarage. 1456 So. 15. $495. Nice older 2 story house. Original woodwork, 4 BR shower, 1437 So. 14. $350! LEE SIMMONS 475-1865 v wioaern, l bedroom, gar- ?,1ar south nejborhood, "PPliances, laundry. $240. 435- 176. Modern, 1 bedroom, gar- Large 2 bedroom apartment, central air conditioning and heating. As low as $265. Energy efficient 7 blocks from cam pus. 474-4551. 1-Bedroom apartments in great University location. Off street parking, central air and laundry facilities. $175-$185 per . month electricity. Call 467-2371 Mon.Fri. for more information. OVERSEAS JOBS Summeryear round. Eu rope, S. Arcer.. Australia, Asia. All Fields. $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC Box 62-NE Corona Pel Mar. CA 92625 Part-time medical reception position available. Saturday only to start. Apply at Lincoln Plasma, 2021 O. 15 phone callers needed. Full ox part-time. Experience not necessary, will train you. Flexible schedule, 421-2223. PARTIERS! Saturday night 4640 LaSalle, (3 blks. So. of Pioneer Blvd). Siis easiest 700 you eve? earned. to mtilal rtnnl Need 2 OJV. L 1 male ticket to Oklahoma St. 477 1045. Wanted: 3 student tickets to Oklahoma State game, call 435-1121.; M Need 1 OA. ticket for Oklahoma State. 472-8610. WANTED: 3 G.A. tickets to Oklahoma State. Call 472 8840. Cash naid for saddles. stci eos, original art and prints. RDA Museum Loan Company. Call for appointment. H lock. 466-8439. Hash tuM tnr . ave- Cash naid for saddles, ster eos, original art and prints. RDA Museum Loan Company. CaU for appointment, Have lock, 466-8439. Ride needed from 30th & South to University with Uni versity Employee weekdays. 472-2468. One male Oklahoma St. ticket. 483-1734. Need student or G.A. tic kets to Okla. State game. Preferably in pairs. 476-2728. Needed: Male and female tickets to the OKLA State game. CaU 467-5068. Wanted: one girl to share 4-bedroom Apt. 19th & "R" 475-7729. Gary, Oliver wiU be speak ing at East Union (room posted) on Friday night at 7:00 pan. AU are welcome! RUGGER HUGGERS: Get ready for mandatory pre-season organizational meet ing next week! Date and place to oe announced. . STUDENT REPRESENTATION ASUN has vacancies on PUBLICATIONS BOARD: Work directly with the Daily Nebraskan, serve as a liaison be tween the paper and its univer sity constituencies. COMMITTEE FOR FEES AL LOCATION: Off-Campus Representat ive survey and study student fee users, and their allocation for next fiscal year. HEALTH CENTER BOARD: Represent the student body in dealing with the health concerns of the University com munity. y 1 Apply"!! 8 NebirasksrUnfeO;' Deadline November 8th. 'o T Invading space can be as simple as donating plasma. Each time you donate during November, your name will be entered in our drawing for a video game. The more you donate, the better your chances are of winning. The drawing wiU be held Monday, November 29th. Also you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for one of three Mura High-Stepper AMFM stereo radios to be given away ; in November. Start today! You can earn up to 380 quarters (that's $95) this month. And you may win a chance to conquer the Universe! New Donors bring this ad for, an additional $2 for your first donation. - ymiversitv Piasnria einreir 1442 O Stroot 475-8645 Open Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m.4 p.m. lensed by tha FDA N- -- . - - - - CONGRATULATIONS GAMMA PHI Beautiful Hair Sorority of the month for October! Barb. R. Janice P. Ann D. Carol G. LisaG. ... . Penny P. Squeaked by the Alpha Phis 6-5. Beautiful Hair and Beautiful Women. Thanks for your support. Warren Cline Hair Emporium Centrum Abel 4 JParty pictures are in. Come to Room 419 Abel to order. Testing for 1983 referee certification has been scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 6, 9 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Test schedule fol lows: 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Written examination. Public Schools Adm. Bldg., 720 S. 22nd Conf. Rm. 2nd floor 10:45 a.m.-ll: 45 a.m. Field Clinic, Beecher Field, Lincoln High School 11:45 .m.-12:45 p.m. Phy sical examination, Beecher Field track. Test consists of 100 meter dans, staggered run and twelve-minute distance run. Fee: $15 for Referee grade officials Fee: $5 for Associate grade PLEASE NO CLEATED SHOES Review classes to prepare for the written exam will be Tuesday, Nov. 2 and Thurs day, Nov. 4 from 7:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. each night, in the YMCA Multipurpose Room. Participants need only to at tend one session. These clas ses are not mandatory, but strongly recommended. Please call Eric McMasters, 475-3604 (w) or 488-7764 (h) for reservations. . INSTRUMENT GROUND SCHOOL starts Nov. 16 Tues. and Thurs. nights. Lincoln Aviation 475-7602 BUSINESS AND RECREATION STUDENTS Interviews are currently being conducted for students wishing to participate in the Magio Kingdom College Pro gram at Disney World during the spring semester.. Future information can be obtained at 208 Coliseum. Hightail appearing at Prague. Ne. National HaU SaUNov. 6v 9 purw-1 ajn. O r o o CORNCOBS Meet at the Clayton House at 10:00 on Sat. morning. Accounting Association meeting. Tuesday, November 9th at 4 p.m. in CBA 111. PRIVATE GROUND SCHOOL starts Nov. 8 Mon. and Wed. nights. Lincoln Aviation 476-7602 Student Education Associa tion meeting November 9 7 p.m. in the Union. The Linguists appearing at Chelsea's Pub Friday at 9 p.m. , TASSELS It's group picture time! Show up at Saturday Blow Up. University Lutheran Chapel People: If you're going on the Chapel's re treat (Nov, 12 and 13) we need to know this week. 477-3997 "STAR TREK : THE MOVIE " will be shown at Uni versity Lutheran Chapel, 1510 Que St.. downstairs, on Friday, Nov, 5th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone's invited. EOBTO-lsH-OHBlal? The Daily Nebraskan is now accepting appli cations until 2 p jn. Friday, Nov. 5 for Editor-in-Chief for spring semester, 1983 Applicants must have one year newspaper experience and be a student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Interviews will be held Monday evening, Nov. 8. Apply to Dan Shattfl, Daily Nebraskan office, rm. 34, Nebraska Union. JMp fv Qirr m NU MEDS St. Elizabeth tours, Fri. Nov. 19 2 p.m. Sign up in MHLS Advising Center. Pre-Dent Social Event Thurs. Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m. 8230 E. Summit St. Rides, more infor 423-1992. Help support you and your fellow students. Wear BLUE to Sat. NUOSU game. UNMC Students Non-traditional Student Assoc. (older students at UN-L). Fri. 11:30-1:30 Union. Mix 4 Mingle with Reps from Students Affairs. Brown bag or go through the cafeteria line. Room wul be posted. ANYTHING GOES!! with the CUNNING LINGUISTS at Chelsea's Pub Friday, Nov. 5 it SAE Little Sisters of Minerva Inspiration Week Begins Sunday, Nov. 7 Initiation is on Wed., Nov. 10, 7:30-9:30 at the University Club. Good Luck!