The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1982, Page Page 15, Image 15
Daily Nebraskan Page 15 Classified 4724' a Thursday, November 4, 1982 761 Pi Phi's, Thanks fof everything! You're all very special! Your New Sisters, Ann, Cathy and Nancy KarinW. Thanks, sweetie, we love you! Sisters of Pi Phi, Cathy and Nancy To the Thetas on the CR Media Relations Committee: Thanks for all the hard work. We'll get 'em next time! J. Malibu Barbie (DG) Happy Belated Birthday! Thanks for a great year and a half. Hope you enjoyed your "Delt-Snower". Want to go "looking for wood" some time? Love you always, A not-so-secret admirer Tammy T. (AXiD) Happy 20th! Watch out Lincoln the bars will never be the same! Love, Your AXiD Family Rick, Anchors Away! to see the stars?! Love, Red Bows Kathy L. (Sandoz 803) Roses are red. Champagne is bliss. We love you much. Cause you're our big sis! Jim & Ron (AKAK) Neil (Sigma Nu) Thanks for being there all the times we've needed you. You're the coolest! Love, Your Little Sisters Carrie 6. (5100) Tired of Selleck food? So am I! How about dinner this weekend? Interested, but shy (8200) Lit'l Grasshopper, Get ready for Squier. Spoof Q: Who migrates NORTH in the Fail? A: The OSU Phi Mu's! Let's get psyched for Phi Mu Migration '821 Bill No. 18. Surprise! Here's your per sonal! I Let's see some more good hits! Love, Frog Baby Boo's Anytime, anywhere, any place. Thanks for taking a chance with me In granting me that first kiss I wont ever let you down Thanks for 2 great years. ILYVM t . A See you tonight about 9:30. BD43 Susan S. (Tri Delt) Have a Happy 20th Birth day. You go out and show 'em that big things come in small packages. And remember, you're not getting older, you're getting better. Love, Joan P.S. Drink one for me! JER ONE is the occasion. Too bad they don't have pink lnkhuh?lLYVMI .., MJH-R ATO's Get fired up for the Platte Party! Be ready to party hearty! We are!! Love, Your Little Sisters Froien, Sure did miss you. I'm glad you're back! Great times this Friday! Duo Forever Miaha, You're a great roomie. Thanks. Love, Yanle 'Happy Birthday DOAK!" I like to iron and I like to sew but . ask me to cook and I won't show! Have GREAT DAY, Veronica WW Do you know what every one is talking about? Mary D. becoming the new Talks & Topics chairperson. Good Job!!!!! Love You, Pi Phi's Baby Tracy (ADPi), I am so happy you are my child! Have a Happy Wappy Birthday! Look out UNL! L& L Mommy Sigma Nu Little Sisters, Dont forget the Service Auction tonight. Be there by 6:30. Call Kelly or Nancy at Gamma Phi house if you didn't sign up for the auction before 4:00. Thanks a "Million"! P.S. Dont forget your $5.00. CORNCOBS Meet at the Clayton House at 10:00 on Sat. morning. 'iawaMiBaBaiBiaBMBi Get psyched for the game! Come see the Tri-Delt Wash board Band perform at Larry's Showcase from 11:15 12:15 this Saturday. This is the last performance of the season so dont miss it!! Wondering why you voted like they did? Or why THEY voted like THEY did? Come to the Pi Sigma AlphaPoliti cal Science Department Elect ion Analysis Colloquium & Brown Bagger. 11:30 Thursday in Oldfather 538. Everyone is welcome. Kappa Sigma Stardusters, Pledge and Exec. Meeting Thurs. at 6:00 Reg. meet ing at 6:30. B-Auction starts at 8:00. Get psyched! Abel 4 Party pictures are in. Come to Room 419 Abel to order. Joint Accounting Associat ion Beta Alpha Psi meeting. Thursday, November 4, 7:30 p.m. in City Union. Formal dress. Say 8 devastating words at the beginning of each day then ignore all of your problems and you will be filled with unusual strength and vitality. Send $1 to cover the cost of this ad and mailing L I will send you those 8 words. BMH 5302 Greenwood Lincoln, Ne 68504 Testing for 1983 referee certification has been scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 6, 9 a.m. 12:45 P.m. Test schedule fol lows: 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Written examination. Public Schools Adm. Bldg., 720 S. 22nd Conf. Rm. 2nd floor 10:45 a.m.-ll:45a.m. Field Clinic, Beecher Field, Lincoln High School 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Phy sical examination, Beecher Field track. Test consists of 100 meter dahs, staggered run and twelve-minute distance run. Fee: 815 for Referee grade officials Fee: $5 for Associate grade PLEASE NO CLEATED SHOES Review classes to prepare for the written exam will be Tuesday, Nov. 2 and Thurs day. Nov. 4 from 7:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. each night, in the YMCA Multipurpose Room. Participants need only to at tend one session. These clas ses are not mandatory, but strongly recommended. Please call Eric McMasters, 475-3604 (w) or 488-7764 (h) for reservations. Gary Oliver will be speak ing at EJt Union (room posted) on Friday night at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome! RUGGER HUGGERS: Get ready for mandatory pre-season organizational meet ing next week! Date and place to be announced. The Linguists appearing at Chelsea's Pub Friday at 9 p.m. PICK UP your applications for UPC Walpurgisnacht audit ions NOW in the CAP Offices In east and city campus unions. Auditions will be held Nov. 16 and 18 from 7-10 p.m. The applications must be returned to the CAP Offices by 5 p.m., Sun. Nov. 14. Showcase YOUR talents in the best Winter Festi val ever! Don't miss our Old Grand Friday November 5th FREE prizes and drinks j I 9 M VA 4 . ! Price ! PIZZA-SANDWICHES SOUP-SALAD BAR FULL ?P SERVICE MULDOQPS pub&pizza 701 'P' St. Open 7 Days a Week STUDENT REPRESENTATION ASUN has vacancies on PUBLICATIONS BOARD: Work directly with the Daily Nebraskan, serve as a liaison be tween the paper and its univer sity constituencies. COMMITTEE FOR FEES AL LOCATION: Off-Campus Representat ive survey and study student fee users, and their allocation for next fiscal year. HEALTH CENTER BOARD: Represent the student body in dealing with the health concerns of the University com munity. Apply 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline November 8th. STERERO-VIDEO Sales representative with basic knowledge of stereo com ponents or video equipment. Good opportunity for aggres sive person with sales ability. Call Kirk 466-9312 University Lutheran Chapel People: If you're going on the Chapel's re treat (Nov. 12 and 13) we need to know this week. 477-3997 "STAR TREK : THE MOVIE " will be shown at Uni versity Lutheran Chapel, 1510 Que St.. downstairs, on Friday, Nov. 5th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone's in vited. Non-traditional Student Assoc. (older students at UN-L). Fri. 11:30-1:30 Union. Mix It Mingle with Reps from Students Affairs. Brown bag or go through the cafeteria line. Room will be posted. ANYTHING GOES!! with the CUNNING LINGUISTS at Chelsea's Pub Friday, Nov. 5 SAE Little Sisters of M'nerva Inspiration Week Begins Sunday, Nov. 7 Initiation is on Wed., Nov. 10, 7:30-9:30 at the University Club. Good Luck! PI LAMBDA THETA Attention all Juniors and Seniors in Teachers College. If you have a 3.5 GPA or above and have completed 60 or more hours of clas ses, you are eligible to be a member of PI LAMBDA THETA. First meeting Thursday Nov. 4, 6:30, Union. Room to be posted. If questions call Lynn at 476- 8096 or Cydney at 477- 1207. Exclusive Laser Photo Art Sale today and tomor row only!! Large selection at reasonable rates. These framed or unframed laser photos will make great gifts! Sale runs V a.m. to 5 P.m. Main Lounge, Nebraska Un ion. Sponsored by UPC Arts Committee. Need Roommate immed iately. Call 467-5029 or 476 7200; ask for Pat. Intelligent, attractive free thinking lady (21-35) needed to exchange transportation for room and board. Quail Valley. Call 474-6089 between 8 a.m. 5 p.m. weekdays. !TTf tin m Dad di4 Proof) p3rty. Pitcher of Bcrr COUPON Urge SP I Mnlwm JL. ru good "ru Dec. 1 I -1 l 474-7811 We're down by the Old Train Depot Wanted: Graduate woman to share furnished house. Large upstairs bedroom. Quiet east campus area, on busline. No smoking, no pets. $150 V utilities. Call 466-4894 after 7 p.m. Available Jan.l. UNL INDEPENDENT STUDY COURSES provide flex ibility. Contact the independent study office. 472-1926. BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy tests confidential, understanding help, 4832609. Will do typing. Professional secretary, IBM Typewriter, Rea sonable rates. 474-0604. iirrmiiliiiimiim The Lingusts appearing at Chelsea's Pub Friday at 9 p.m. Reproduce 25 times for under a buck! Copy Center 226 S. 16th Open till midnite, M-Th; till 9, F-Su. asm flsumy 4550 "0" Street 435-1144 Presents: mmUY BWL SPECS AL! Famous Frank: 29 Nachos: 59 Small Coke: 29 EVERYDAY 9-CL0SE "The Best in Video Games" "Our Franks Help Make Us Famous" ACROSS 1 Nags 6 Hermit or fiddler 10 Hawaiian cloth 14 Vigilant 15 Famed Jesuit lexicographer 11 Japanese gelatin 17 Bottom 18 "Christians ," Broun- Brittwork If Prink 29 Collection of maxims 22 Awaits 23 Actress MacMahon 24 Spanish gold 23 Prate 28 Typewriter parts 32 One of Hodges' stars in 1969 33 Kind of drill or tire 33 Ginza legal tender 31 Geometry problems 37 Eastern title 38 Take apart for shipping 41 Informed about 42 Runs aground 43 Certain chair persons 45 Morse resource 4S Move quickly 48 Cabbage dish 51 Memory aids 55 Unless, to Brutus 58 Lope or trot 57 Site for lots of bucks 58 Wapitis 5) Scruff 40 Emmy or Tony LOST: Old class ring sentimental. Offering a size able reward. FOUND: Keys by Sandoz. Three keys. Call 477-2478 -Joni. Lost: One brown triplefold in the H.S.S. area, Tuesday night. If you have any information please call Ken 472-9752. Reward! ENGINEERS ME's, EE's-BS., .MJS. AA Personnel (affiliated with National Per sonnel Associates) maintaining a listing of local and national clientele offering excel lent opportunities for entry level Engine ers, can assist in your job search. NO COST TO YOU Phone or write Don Mitchell for assistance in your job search. AA Personnel 5620 N Street Lincoln, NE (402)483-2514 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA 61 Jerry of court fame 82 Consumer 63 Bloke's knappers DOWN 1 Suspend 2 Hale or King 3 Make over 4 Archbishop 5 Amble 6 Sing in a low, gentle tone 7 Word with gas or electric 8 Associate t Turkish title of respect 10 Soup thickener 11 Like fine brandy 12 Whittle away 13 Places of refuge 21 Golf position 22 Stoker, "Dracula" author 24 Work 25 Chores 28 Represent ative 27 Course 28 Playwright O'Casey 29 Stockade 39 Severity 31 Examines by radar 33 Companions of cons 34 Unused 38 Does sum work 38 His reasons are false and misleading 1 2 3 4 IS ! 7 S 9 i 110 11 12 13 . -- , -m - 2s"2"2T" iTTwTJr jj ' 1 34" - - L ' AO 39 40 41 42 43 IM 45 " "" "" 4r iT" " " iTTiiHso" ' " jT" " " " " """" n yT 5T 45 SO 5 jM ' ' ' 1 1 1 ' 1 ' ' ' FOUND: Women's watch Sat. Oct. 30 in front of Tem ple Building (12th it R). Call 477-9734 and describe. LOST: Man's gold wedding band in Behlen Fri. Oct. 22. Reward. Ph. 477-2854. Lost: Green book bag at Plant Science Building Friday. Reward. Call 464-3864. 40 Diamond hitch 41 Like the planet Pluto before 1930 43 Machine part 44 Arctic garb 48 Dowitcher 47 ArnoorNero 48 Homophone for 34 Down 48 Anger: Colloq. 50 Inquires 51 Venlo's river 52 Zoological suffix 53 Part of a bird's beak 54 Insults "outdoor carpeting" 58 Homophone for 34 Down