The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 1982, Page Page 12, Image 12
Wednesday, November 3, 1982 Page 12 Daily Nebraskan Qaissifedl 47, 24761 Say 8 devastating words at the beginning of each day then ignore all of your problems and you will be filled with unusual strength and vitality. Send $1 to cover the cost of this ad and mailing L I will end you those 8 words. BMH 5302 Greenwood Lincoln, Ne 68504 DU Little Sisters Meeting Wednesday night 9:00 p.m. Bring money for m it m's and dues if you havent already. The Linguists appearing at Chelsea's Pub Friday at 9 p.m. STERERO-VIDEO Sales representative with basic knowledge of stereo com ponents or video equipment. Good opportunity for aggres sive person with sales ability. Call Kirk 466-9312 AG CAREERS DAY Preparing for Challenging Tomorrows Wed. Nov. 3 9:30-3:30 Nebraska East Union PIONEER RENTALS Previously Owned Automobiles s14.00o doy 17th & W SKI PARK CITY UTAH Jan. 2-9th 5 days skiing 5 nights lodg- ing 4 day lift ticket 'Transportation Booze! b.UU jrrt $50 Holds your J spot! n Witty. a fnwnro in inwiTOiMiwiiiii immiii i i 1 -v . STUDENT REPRESENTATION ASUN has vacancies on PUBLICATIONS BOARD: Work directly with the Daily Nebraskan, serve as a liaison be tween the paper and its univer sity constituencies. COMMITTEE FOR FEES AL LOCATION: Off-Campus Representat ive survey and study student fee users, and their allocation for next fiscal year. HEALTH CENTER BOARD: Represent the student body in dealing with the health concerns of the University com munity. Apply 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline November 8th. Help support you and your fellow students. Wear BLUE to Sat. NUOSU game. UNMC Students Join us for songs, snacks and study of the Gospel of John at University Lutheran Chapel, 1510 Que St., downstairs on Wednes days at 7:00 p.m. 477-6456 SKI CLUB MEETING TONIGHT 6:30 in Union NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! !K(iLit ihttTf m lu i.(s7, sS,,J,,ogM,l.,:ii;t,1, FINANCE CLUB Meeting at 7 p.m. on Weds. Nov. 3, in Ne Union. Hope to see you there! Mary, The rock band videos spon sored by the UJP.C. Video Committee are in the main lounge of the Union at 10:30 ajn. on Wednesday. Admis sion is free! Greg University Lutheran Chapel People: If you're going on the Chapel's re treat (Nov. 12 and 13) we need to know this week. 477-3997 "STAR TR EK : THE MOVIE " will be shown at Uni versity Lutheran Chapel, 1510 Que St.. downstairs, on Friday, Nov. 5th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone's in vited. AMS Meeting on Wednesday Nov. 3. Guest speaker from N.B.C. Meeting starts at 6:00 in the union. Attention all Juniors and Seniors in Teachers College. If you have a 3.5 GPA and have completed 60 or more hours of classes, you are eligible to be a member of PI LAMBDA THETA. First meeting Thursday Nov. 4, 6:30, Union. Room to be posted. If questions call Lynn at 476-8096 or Cydney at 477-1207. Important Talks lc Topics Meeting 6:00 tonight at the Union in the Harvest Room. All members please attend or call Mary, 474-4880. It will be short. THE LINCOLN-SAVE THE NIOBRARA RIVER ASSOCIATION will have its November meeting Wednes day, Nov. 3 at 7:30 P.M. at the Wesley House, 640 N. 16th. Students and visit ors welcome. ATO Little Sisters Dinner at the house Wed nesday with short meeting afterwards. We're making final plans for the Platte Party. EVERYONE BE THERE!!!! UNL Students for L.I.F.E. meeting: 6 p.m. Wednesday in the City Union. Speaker: Mr. Mike Foral Need Roommate immed iately. Call 467-5029 or 476 7200; ask for Pat. Intelligent, attractive free thinking lady (21-35) needed to exchange transportation for room and board. Quail Valley. Call 474-6089 between 8 a.m. 5 p.m. weekdays. nii)P iSf.W GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons for the de deciated student. Learn the new Zager Guitar Method. No other style will compare. Beginners or advanced. ZAGER GUITAR STUDIO 423-2709 Will do typing. Professional secretary, IBM Typewriter, Rea sonable rates. 4744)604. Fraternities & Sororities Note! Etching to personalize your mugs glasses mirrors etc. Reasonable rates. Lincoln Glass Etching 488-3129 WATCH REPAIR Richard N. Sorensen Certified Master Watchmaker 335 N. 12th Street 475-3414 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Vi Block South of Nebraska Bookstore VINCE POWERS ATTORNEY AT LAW Bankruptcy Divorce DWI Defense 474-5054 PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICES Term papers, resumes, etc. Same day service on short jobs. $7 per hour (V4 hour minimum). Me mory typewriter for mul tiple letters priced on num ber of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 N. 11th 477-8938 The Linguists appearing at Chelsea's Pub Friday at 9 pjn. Stop in for the clause that refreshes. Copy Center 226 S. 16th Open till midnite, M-Th; U119F-SU. Lost: One brown triplefold in the H.S.S. area, Tuesday night. If you have any information 5 lease call Ken 472-9752. eward! LOST: Man's gold wedding band in Behlen Fri. Oct. 22. Reward. Ph. 477-2854. Lost: Green book bag at Plant Science Building Friday. Reward. Call 464-3864 JoAnn K. Crave your professional ser vices. Cash on delivery. 'John' Frustrated, "Why don't you come up and see me sometime!?" P.T. REAL ESTATE AUCTION SAT. NOV 6TH AT 10:00 AM 10301 WEST PIONEER -8.8 ACRES Beautiful solarassisted home on 8.8 acres adjacent to Conestoga Lake. Califomia-styled, multi-level corn temporary features a Solariumrelaxation center with heated whirlpool, fireplace, lc cathedral celling, 3 Bedrooms. Triple garace. Horse Barn, terms: 20 down; 10vt Interest with 30 year amortization; balloon in 10 years. Randy Flaming, CAI, Co-Lister & Auctioneer, 423-2012 Stave Ruff, Co Litter 423 8543 WOODS BROS REALTY 423 2373 SCHappytB-Day (2-0). Hope you made it to R-Bau, and did well on your test. Your Video Arcade Heroes P.S. Thanks for the cookie! Mary, I think you're nice And I like your looks and hips. But most of all, I like the way you cud your lips. Have a Happy Birthday. Kurt Kevin G. (Kappa Sig) Happy Belated 20th Birth day. Here's the personal I told you I'd send. Now you know what you can do in return. Get Tall TeriF., There is only one thing sweeter than the cookies you made me you. An Ardent Admirer SheryL. Thanks for being there when I needed you. You're the sweetest- Turns Bo Beith, You are truly a special per son. Have a great Birthday!! The Big Unit WANTED Information regarding the theft of a set of peddles Thurs. afternoon from a bike parked on the west side of Oldfather. Reward for the right lead. Call Deluxe Bicycles 435-7722. , Dear Interested, A rendezvous is in order. Call the house from 1 to 3 Wed nesday afternoon and ask for Chivalrous. Ag Man Randy (Mickey) Sunday night was such a blast I would love to get to know you better. Elaine (Adam) 472-8716 Curly-haired hunk, Engr. 101 seat P6? I go to Intro, lust to see you, am very interested!! B.P. Creighton Jack, Many thanks for the album However, your wrist needs work. Meet me at 11:30 a.m. at Val's for buffet Gypsy To the Men of Sigma Phi Epsilon: AO Pi roses are red, Sig Ep violets are blue. We knew you could sing, but bake too?! Thanks so much for the serenade and cupcakes. The Women of Alpha Omicron Pi Desperate: Need to get a hold of a student from tech theatre (dance) last spring semester. Call 489-1182 Carol (Fish) Today you're legal. No more fake I.D. I'm really glad. Now, can you give it to me? Happy Birthday! Love, Becky (Bug Eyes) - - " - 4 .J " - Don't miss our Old Grand Friday November 5th FREE prizes and drinks rj - coupon. iy ! Prices good thru Dec 1 I I PIZZA SAMDWICHES SOUP SALAD BAR FULL BAR SERVICE MJLDOQPS pimSfpizza 701 fF St, Opt n 7 Dsyi Week Jolene (BertineUi) Delta Gamma wnat a resemblance! I just can't resist French woman who whispers in my ear, "Quel temps falt-il?" Bio Bud I: Hope your 18th was totally cellular! Bio Bud II SiSSMBHiSlMiaiMMHMMHBllBMBBMaaSBMaSMSaBja To the Crest Team, We have your tubes. Without them you're lost If you want them back. It's gonna cost! The Cavity Creeps P.S. and the shoes, too. To the Men of Ag Men, Don't ever miss a Love Hall Party again or MEET THE CONSEQUENCES. The Mark of Love P.S. Who won the $14? Merrell (Theta) Just one question: What are flowers in Wichita like or do I have to find out for myself? Thanks for the personal. Kevin Snow Rabbits and Downhill Skiers: Meet me at the Ski Club meeting on Wednesday. Captain Trip Steve Stud and Craig Halvey. Thanks for an evening full of surprises . . . Touring a haunted house, closing up at 10:00, chasing a skunk, four in the front seat trick-or-treating in the living room, laughing with Curly, Moe and Larry, having trouble find ing the car. visiting the maid's closet talking to two stuffed bears with trains to set the mood, and watching cartoons till the time was up. P.S. Let's do it again some time. Two Intrigued Blondes To, LAMsy from your not so secret admirer, Te quiero. P.S. When you see this besa me. Rude Boy: You're so witty . . . You're so charming . . . . . . YOU'RE SO SPON TANEOUS! Queen of the Vandals P.S. Just thought a personal would brighten your day. How often can we drink legally, be constantly entertain ed by 5 "growling", wild girls, and party for a solid weekend with the funnest pledges? ONLY IN KU! Thanks to every one who made it so fun! Love, J UK LOST BILLFOLD $50 reward for return of I.D. No questions asked. Call Bruce at 435-7541. A Great Big "Thank You" to the following: Mommy fc lazy; Tracy fc Karna; Paul; Beeper, Booper fc Bapper, Leisa; Bio. Bud; Sue; and, last but not least Toddy. Dad, Cutty k Greenie You made my 18th the very best ever! Love you all, Kristin Kurt, Happy Birthday to the world famous hamburger stuffer! Hope you learn to curl your lip soon! Mary P.S. Do you "fit in"? SAA Members, Master's Week Reception is going to be super again! See you all there! Big Red(head) Fan, I'd like to get to know you before we're face to face. Call between 10 is 11 a.m. and we'll arrange the place. Little Red 472-2696. To my "special friend" You made my day with the beautiful rose but ... I want to thank you!!! Clues?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY C-21! ATO's Get fired up for the Platte Party! Be ready to party hearty! We are!! Love, Your Little Sisters ADAM ANT, I really enjoyed the Yago and MTV Friday night Let's do it again sometime. HEALTH AIDE Dcd ui4iw) party. $175 Pitthrn dim 474-7811 Wt're down by th Old Train Depot