Daily Nebraskan
Monday, November 1, 1982
Page 6
to voters
For those registered to
vote in the area of City
Campus, ASUN will spon
sor a shuttle from cam
pus to the Bob Devaney
Sports Center in an at
tempt to increase voter
Rhonda Greder, an
ASUN senator, said that
the ASUN Campus Life
Committee will sponsor a
van that will leave for
the Devaney Sports Cen
ter - the polling place
for the campus area -every
half-hour beginning
at 8 a.m. The last shut
tle will leave at 7:30
Pick-up sites will be
in front of Cather and
Pound residence halls on
17th Street and in front
of the Abel and Sandoz
residence hall complex.
Those registered to vote
who live north of R
Street and south of Hold
rege Street between 16th
and 22nd streets are eligi
ble to use the shuttle.
The van will cost ASUN
about $35 to rent for
the day, but students
riding the shuttle will not
be charged, "Greder said.
If there is a good
turnout for this election,
it may be possible to
get the polling place
moved .to the Nebraska
Union for the next elect
ion in two years, she
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Governor Gt
-A Police Report
9:35 a.m. - Fire alarm in Plant Science building.
10:40 a.m. - Belated report of a backpack theft.
10:41 a.m. - Report of a stolen wallet at Pound Hall.
11:12 a.m. - Report of vandalism to a car in the G.E.
metered lot, north of Abel Hall.
11:12 a.m. - Stolen digital clock recovered in Area 3
parking lot; returned by officer.
12:52 p.m. - Report of vandalism to car at 14th and
W streets; window smashed.
1 :38 p.m. - Hubcaps reported stolen from a car in
Area 12.
2:56 p.m. - Karate items reported stolen from
3:00 p.m. - A pair of glasses reported lost or stolen in
the area of Love Library.
3:22 p.m. - Book bag reported stolen from Nebraska
6:27 p.m. - Report of billfold lost or stolen in the area
of Memorial Stadium.
7:29 p.m. - Theft reported from car in Area 10 near
Memorial Stadium.
10:23 p.m. - Report of minor in possession of alcohol
at 16th and P streets.
10:59 p.m. - Theft reported from vending machines in
Nebraska Union.
12:33 a.m. - Bicycles reported stolen from 626 N.
16th St.
1 :36 a.m. - Persons reported stealing barricades in area
of 40th and Holdrege streets. No arrests made.
2:37 a.m. - Fire alarm at Henzlik Hall.
9:38 a.m. - Billfold reported stolen at Love Library.
10:50 a.m. - Bicycle equipment reported stolen from
bike rack outside of Hamilton Hall.
2:48 pjn. - Vandalism reported to car in Area 3;
windows broken.
2:49 p.m. - Two" reports of vandalism to cars at 616
N. 16th St.
12:09 a.m. - Report of an injury in Abel Hall. Person
fell through glass window and suffered cuts on legs and
12: 17 a.m. - Threatening phone calls reported on 10th
floor Harper Hall. Persons located and turned over to
Housing authorities.
12:38 a.m. - Disturbance reported at Triangle
fraternity. Officer contacted member about complaint
and music was turned down.
3:13 a.m. - Report of people lighting a trash bag full
of leaves on fire and placing it in fountain of Centennial
Mall between Q and R streets.
3:18 a.m. - Officer observed two males carrying a
sorority composite. Officer confronted parties and
composite was returned; no arrests were made.
4:30 a.m. - Smoke smell reported in the basement of
Kimball Hall; smell apparently was caused by hot fluore
scent light fixtures.
4:30 a.m. - Report of missing person made.
7:50 a.m. - Missing person returned home.
Curt Donaldson, Democratic candidate for Ne
braska's 1st Congressional District, did not say he
would provide free football tickets to people if he
was elected, as reported in the Daily Nebraskan on
Oct. 15.
In a question-and-answer session after a speech to
the Women's Law Caucus at the UNL Law College,
Donaldson asked if congressmen are given free foot
ball tickets.
Paid for by Thone for Governor Committee. Treasurer. Jack D Campbell. 2901 Bonacum. Lincoln. NE 685C2. -
is coming
Nov. 4, 5, 6
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