Page 6
Friday, October 29, 1982
Daily Nebraskan
Ruth Thone talks of discoveries, changes
By Dulcie Shoener
Ruth Thone said she was "a little awed"
at being asked to speak at "A Celebration
of Women in Journalism" Thursday be
cause she doesn't pretend to have spent the
29 years since she graduated from UNL's
School of Journalism in the journalism pro
fession. Thone was the featured speaker at the
luncheon, which was sponsored bv the Affairs R. Neale CoDDle and Wilma Crum-
Chancellor's Commission on the Status of ley, acting dean of the School of Jour
Women and the UNL School of Journal- nalism.
ism. About 100 alumni and other memb- Thone said she was "envious and scared
ers of the university pommunity attended 0f women who were clearer of their lives
the event in the Centennial Room of the m 1953 e year graduated from
Nebraska Union. - tjnl) tnan I was." She had been editor of
Other speakers included Linda Beer- the Daily Nebraskan her senior year but
mwnn;?atrcaStn f0LK(?LNJ ' 1 did not actively pursue a career in journal-
TV' UxTTC5ance"or M,artin, Mf sengdC' m immediately - rather she married
acting UNL Vice Chancellor for Academic rh , - then state senator md
now Nebraska governor.
Ruth Thone has done quite a bit of free
lance writing, however, for such publica
tions as the Washington Post and the
Omaha Wortd-Herald's Magazine of the
She listed for the audience some of the
more important changes and discoveries in
her life since she attended the School of
She said she thought then that she was a
total extrovert but has since discovered a
very shy person under the extrovert exter
ior. In one of her few references to the up
coming elections, she added, "Perhaps after
next Tuesday, I can give her (the shy per
son) more space.
"Women need to be financially indepen
dent," Thone said, "so they can make very
clear choices about their own lives."
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Women also need "time alone, time off,
time for ourselves . . . and time for
solitude," she said.
Thone said one thing that has not
changed - and perhaps has intensified - is
her need to write.
"Not to become rich or famous," she
mmmmm , .. -... C 1962 Pat BrtmriQ Company Mrfwaufcee. Wsoonm
Staff Photo by Craig Andresen
Ruth Thone
said , "... but write because I must."
Thone concluded with a 1975 quote
from J. Robert Oppenheimer, with a few
changes in pronouns:
"This is a world in which each of us,
knowing her limitations, knowing the evils
of superficiality and the tenors of fatigue,
will have to cling to what is close to her, to
what she knows and to what she can do, to
her friends, to her traditions and to her
love, lest she be dissolved in universal con
fusion and know nothing and love
Following Thone's speech, Beermaiin
introduced a special videotape presenta
tion called "A Celebration of Women in
Journalism." Crumley then gave the clos
ing remarks.
UFO experts to meet
Four of the world's most prominent experts on un
explained phenomena will explore the unexplainable
Nov. 13 and 14 at the Nebraska Center for Continuing
Education in Lincoln.
J. Allen Hynek, former chairman of the astronomy
department at Northwestern University and consultant
on UFO's to the U.S. Air Force, will headline the con
ference. Corrections
Because of an editing error in Thursday's Daily Ne
braskan, columnist Ellen Goodman was reported to have
said that she isn't pretentious. The phrase should have said
that Goodman "looks at things unpretentiously."
In a Page 7 article Thursday, the Daily Nebraskan in
correctly reported remarks by an ASUN Sen. Rhonda
Greder at Wednesday night's ASUN' Senate meeting.
Greder actually said that last year's change of the loca
tion of ASUN meetings to the UNL Cultural Center
furthers the undesirable impression that the center is for
minority students only and the student unions are for
non-minorities only.
mm ? mm.
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