The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 22, 1982, Page Page 12, Image 12
Friday, October 22, 1982 Page 12 Daily Nebraskan o o Everybody and their brother cfaims they're the best DJ'i in Lincoln. We think that's great if you're interested in listening to a DJ rather than good sound ing music. We won't talk over our music. If you need a dependable sound system for Hallo ween or an upcoming party or wedding give one of our campus reps a call now. Jerry at 483-2605 n.. TV . A TCCCfC hv inn si m VoUND SYSTEMS oooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o T- SMUTS Adult and Youth Sizes Available Also 20 OFF All Men, Women, and Youth Warm-ups. Adults 3 for $15.00 Youth 3 for $10.00 Top Jersey Tv Baseball Jersey Adults 3 for $18.00 Youth 3 for $7.00 Bring In This Ad For Free Transfer!!! oooooooooooooooooooo Know What Came With My Contact Lenses? Free in-office consultations to discuss my eves and contact lenses A thorough examjnation ot eye function and eye health by my doc tor Individual selective fitting considering the following contact lenses that the doc tors use: Regular Soft Lenses (over 30 different lens types) Soft Lenses for Astigmatism Extended Wear Soft Lenses (5 types can be worn while sleeping) Tinted Soft Lenses Gas Permeable (3 types) Hard Lenses Bifocal Soft and Hard Lenses Full time availability of doctors and staff Close supervision of all contact lens fittings Individual private instruction on care and handling of any lens tvpe Four to six weeks follow-up care with the off ic e that includes trial program tor 1 . Close observation of comfort and eye health 2. Lens strength or fitting modification if indicated 3. No charge for damaged lenses minimum charge for lost linses This follow-up care is, of course, included in the original fee Immediate replacement of most lenses A continuing care program future upgrading of lens t are and ot c ont.u I Uiim-s j scientific progress is made We believe you need to know 3200 'O' St. TYPING 10 Yean Experience Reasonable, Fast, Accurate Near Campus 477-4679 O O O O O O O O O O O a 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o A L E Stitch T-Shirts 3 for S9.00 3320 Cornhusker 464-1760 o o o o Marv Ann Student Univenity 1 jt International .Contact Lens Special 24 Hour Contact Lens Information Service - 475-4040 Classified 47. Corn Cobs Remember Eastfest Pep Rally Friday 6:00 South of the East Union. Sally, Have you heard about the Eye of the Tiger Party at the Clayton House tonight at 8:00? It's only $2 and there's a cash bar and D.J. I'm going. See ya there! Muffy Get the Eye of the Tiger! ATTENTION EAST CAMPUS HUSKER FANS: Pep rally tonight at 6 p.m., outside the East Union! FREE COUPON CARD! Available soon at Dorms and Greek Houses (Distributed by ASPA) "HELP CREATE A ME MORY" - BE A STUDENT HOST"! Pick up an applica tion today at the Campus Activities and Programs offices, any college deans office, the Culture Center, or 108 Admini stration, for one of the 15 1983 Student Host staff posi tions. Find out more . about what it means to be a Student Host by attending one of six information sessions to be held starting next week. Check pos ter and ads for times and dates. Deadline for submitting applications is Dec. 3, 1982. Call 472-2454 for more infor mation. n r 1 1 """i n r n n n ri f " i r " i i i n ri n t tuo iriirs if Hidn for ml; 1.69 (after 6 pm with this coupon) 9 h BBSS Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m Sun. 1 p.m. 10 p.m. Expires 111582 Lutz of Nebraska 475-1030 J The Funnest party in the history of civilized man is western- Nebraska awareness night (WNAN). This year. WNAN will take place tonight at 8:07. If you dont know where it is, you're not invited. Face. Com Cobs are sponsoring a pep rally tonight at 6 p.m., outside the East Union. Get psyched to cage those Mis souri Tigers! Tonites the nite . . . "GET THE EYE OF THE TIGER" Party! 8:00 at the Clayton House. Do you think unions should give economic concessions during contract negotiations? Find out at the Delta Sigma Pi Second Annual Debate, Friday October 22 at 10:30 a.m. in the CBA Lounge. PRE-DENT CLUB Meeting Oct. 28 Union. 7 p.m. Elections, Speaker Dean Cherrick, Future meeting topics. Duet $5. AD CLUB MEMBERS Don't forget the Halloween Party Saturday night, Oct. 23rd. at 8:30 p.m. Details are posted in Avery. Come prepared to have a fun time! See everyone there! FOOTLOOSE AT HIDDEN VALLEY. This Sunday. Oct. 24. GHOPBS J osa&effi judson automotive FAMILY RESTAURANT "WHERE GOOD FRIENDS MEETI 5353 Cornhusker Hwy. 464-3216 Oaily & Weekend SPECIALS for Breakfast. Luncheon and Dinner For Particular Peopla THE Shrimp Cocktail LITE Breut of Chicken MENU Halibut Steak Pan Shish Kebab OPEN 24 HOURS TUES. . t iy M0N.5an..11 pjn. NITE OWL'S SPECIALS Chicken Platter $2.99 4t fc a a - - innmp Platter $350 ?MP-; Hungry Man'i Plata V-' . 12 oz. Sirloin Steak, potatoes. 3 eggs S- Hy 2 pancakes or Texas Toast $655 Pound For Pound The Best Around! 1761 ATTENTION m To all friends and pros pective lovers of Janel, Lori fc Sue . . . due to unfortunate circumstances the post-Missouri game bash is cancelled. . ANNOUNCING w w Twice-as-monstrous bash Nov. 6 after .game! May party for "Ant" Janel It nei ghborly Mike! Bring your pre sence & presents to 1315 No. 14th and party out-of-bounds. RHYTHMIC AEROBICS Class starting Nov. 2nd for more information and to re gister call: 476-2781 ATTENTION EAST CAMPUS HUSKER FANS: Pep rally tonight at 6 p.m., outside the East Union! . "2001: A SPACE ODYS SEY" will be shown at University Lutheran Chapel, 1510 Q St., downstairs, this Friday. Oct. 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited. COMPUTER CLASSES The following UNL Com muniversity non-credit classes are held at the Ne braska Center, 33rd & Hold rege. To register for these classes, call the Division of Continuing Studies at 472 2175. SELECTING A SMALL BUSINESS COMPUTER (CU-361) 7:00 p.m. -9: 00 p.m. 5 Tuesdays begin ning Nov. 2. Get help in selecting a computer system that meets your business' current and future needs and fits within your budget. Instructor: W. David Buck ley, Head of his own small business consulting firm. Fee: 45 ADVANCED GRAMMING (CU-363) 9:00 n.m. 6 BASIL. fKU- 7:00 p.m. - Tuesdays be- ginning October 26. This follow-up to our Beginning BASIC focuses on file structures. sorting, searching, and double sub scripted variables as used in programs running on Apple, TRS 80 and IBM fiersonal computers, nstructor: Bob Tice, Lin coln Public Schools teacher, author of a BASIC pro gramming manual and tea ching assistant for the UNL Instructional Computer Class. Fee: $50 Call 472-2175 now to register. UNL is a non-discriminatory institution. am -foreign car specialists 27th & T Lincoln, Nebraska 475-9022 (o b! -xj I f J Check it out at the Fill House! lit Phi Gamma Delta Gamma Phi BeU Pole-sit. 8 a.m.-Tuesday ; noon-Saturday. Proceeds to Nebraska Human Resources Research Foundation. Art Shop Sale Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery 20 off imported box Christinas cards. Now through October 31st University Lutheran Chapel invites you to an evening of Fine Foods and Fun this Sunday, Oct. 24th from 6 to 9 p.m. at 1510 Q St., downstairs. Ping pong, pool; board games, darts and a great meal all for one dollar! Such a deal! OMELET FEED Omelet, sweet roll, juice, coffee, fruit $2.50. Be fore Missouri game, 9:30 12:30. Wesley House, 640 N. 16. DONT MISS IT!!!! EASTFEST Nebr. East Union TONIGHT!!!! VOTERS TODAY is the LAST DAY to register to vote in Lincoln. Register at: Gateway Auditorium, East Lincoln, noon-6 p.m., or CityCounty Building, elec tion commissioners office, 8 a.m. -6 p.m. DONT FORGET! GLCNSSA it it it WITCHES & WARLOCKS OF UNL: TRICK OR TREAT EARLY AT THE HALLO WEEN PRIMER WITH THE ABEL "8" PLAYBOYS TOMORROW NIGHT AT WESTON. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO LET THE "GHOUL" COME OUT IN YOU. WE'LL SEE YOU THERE. DETAILS POSTED EVERYWHERE. "GET SPOOKED"! ABEL "8M PLAYBOYS EASTFEST . . . TONIGHT!!!!! M Pep rally kicks off the festivities at 6 p.m. Ne braska East Union. RHYTHMIC AEROBICS Class starting Nov. 2nd for more information and to register call: 476-2781. Roommate wanted, new townhouse, central air, dish washer. $113, 423-8561. Responsible male or female roommate to share large 4 bedroom house at 1635 S. 16. $95 14 utilities. 476 0985. Roommate wanted: one block from campus. $125mo. V4 utl. 477-1646. Christian female roommate needed to share a 2 bedroom apt. close to East Campus. Call 464-8809 after 5:30. Non-smoking male room mate wanted to share newer house. $87.50 14 util. 475-3711 or 477-5480. If someone has tied in their Commodore to NUROS, Please call 472-0032. FOOTLOOSE AT HIDDEN VALLEY. This Sunday, Oct. 24. mm (r?nmo Lost: Wallet on Wed. Need it Bsck Bad! Reward. Phone 435-1618. LOST: The one I love . . . Won't somebody please help him find me again? 'Spook . FOUND! In front of Love Library 1021, Calico Per sian Cat, Has reflector col lar on. Please come to 106 Love Library to claim. FOUND: Watch, City Cam pus. Call 464-7829 to identify and claim. LOST: Copper-color metal frame eyeglasses last Sit., be tween Taco Inn and the Sta dium. 423-9578. FOUND: Ferguson Hall. Jac ket and umbrella. Must Iden tify. 472-2780. - LOST: Friday morning, 10 1582, a silver trumpet in a black carrying case ttken from a red and white Nova. $50 reward for return. 466-6944 anytime. FOUND: Key on key chain nar NEC. Call to identify. 472-8854.