The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1982, Page Page 19, Image 19
Thursday, October 21, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 19 H1 gasified 472-17fil ' PiirnlA Sweatshirt I wu in union and remem ber exchanging glances. But, I may not be your man. Please be more specific about time and description of person in question. Grey Sweatshirt " So what if we have a red "D" in our window? CheryN. (DG) I saw you Monday night when we serenaded your house. I also met you last weekend. Would like to get together sometime. , Question Mark Kimberly Jo and Bill, Congrats to the greatest pair since peanut butter and felly. Best wishes and good luck! Dwlght and Kelly Pup & Coach (AGS), Thanks so much for the flowers. You guys are the' greatest! You're the best big rothers a girl could have. Love, Debbie Joan from Columbus: I hope you like the clas sified in this paper. They're a little different from what you're used to. Dan ThetaChi: , t, We enjoy all this attention We really think it's great But stealing our pledge composte We will not tolerate!! TowneChib Pledges Sylvia Qi t Lunch sounds great but dinner and HBO sound bet- ter- o , Paul 477-1326 JULIA A. (Theta) Happy 19th Birthday! -I Love You! Love, from your "real" big sister, G. Anyone who knows the whereabouts or has any infor mation as to who stole the BARSTOOI from the party at 11th and F St. on Sat. night, please call 435-8957. Reward! Wesleyan Graduate Insurance Claims Adjuster, Want to see you again. Reply in Personals. Kathy from park Karla, To the classiest female in Piper. F.A.C. wont be the same without you. Please come back. Love, Jeb Cathy G. (Phi Mu) Thanks for the flower. Had a good time working on Home coming, too. - . Br (Theta Xi) P.S. Tell George Hi. Weasel, Happy Birthday! Now that you're 20 don't forget your squirrel. Lucy Smutchums, Words cant express how much you mean to me. The first four have been great. Let's try forever!! I Love You, Duration AXO Pledges: Happy Cartoon Day! Todd, Paper is white Bears are brown One more day 'Til you are legal In town. Clue No. 4 1 was In band. XOXO Wild Women L Men of UNL. Save your strength for the Abel 8 Halloween Primer Sat. Night at Weston. Details are Posted Everywhere. Abel "8" Playboys Goofy, Good Luck! Mr. Smee 7 BUDWEISER IltftrVlWJ LIQUor 12 PACK WARM YwlV1? DRIVE-IN V7 27th & Vint lJ njl O X Sfc- B I "-" C00RSKEGS 'ji SOUTHERN fJZ COMFORT m o0D 1 OS 00 DEP Lli FIFTH EJtl Pioneer Attention Nebraska Trim nv,.. J w . ?dt .taink 'he dew"es r? of? to cleate? I do. So Lar, relax and enjoy todav Btothdaf1Clal day of?- WWW Cindy Reggie, onwffirthi,yl Gd Luck Love, Secret Admirer Julie, Happy Birthday! Say no more. Love, d c urv . JA Bruce and Sheila P.S. What's It like to be dead? LARRY DN SPORTS EDITOR: aruKTS 1ft it be known to all the world that tomorrow is a day of celebration: YOUR 21ST BIRTHDAY1 Happy Birthda? ?onl .of Ui ou here at the front desk, and Diane back in Production. Our gift to you? A Husker victory even though the game will be televised. Go, team go! Stones (Harper 5) Yes! This is YOUR per sonal nobody elses. Thanks for the card, (a little late). It really did come at a good time. I'm looking forward to much better times. You Know Who TerriK. Happy B-Day! Love, Kris Gopher, It's been 7 months since the West End and 3 weeks off the cigs. Get ready tonight for a big dinner. Goon SherylL Happy 20th Birthday. Have a great day. Lots of Love, Shelly & Clark Sissy my Roomie: If I were you, I'd protect my little pooper today cuz a lot of people are going to want to spank it. Welcome to the ranks of Legal drinkers. XOAU P.P. Hi Babes, Yep, this one's for you sexy! Get ready for a good time this weekend. I've been looking forward to it all week. And I just want to say I loves y! The Z Jill (D.G.) Your mommy thinks you're very special t loves you bunches. Welcome to our family. See you Sunday! Happy great day!!! py Birthday. Have a Kevin Lambda Chl's and A-Phi's Thanks for making E.T. number 1 again. Have the royalty check in the mail next week. Steve Spellburg 918 Pound You sexy, women! sexy jungle Who else? TKE Little Sisters: Thursday's meeting is at 6:30 instead of 7:00. Meet In the old house. PRE-DENT CLUB Meeting Oct. 28 Union. 7 p.m. Elections, Speaker Dean Cherrick, Future meeting topics. Dues 85. AD CLUB MEMBERS Dont forget the Halloween Party Saturday night, Oct. 23rd. at 8:30 p.m. Details are posted in Avery. Come prepared to have a fun time! See everyone there! FOOTLOOSE AT HIDDEN VALLEY. This Sunday, Oct. 24. Centals Previously Owned Automobiles DELTA UPSILON LITTLE SISTERS! Meeting tonite at 7:30, auc tion at 8:00. Any questions, call Steve at 475-7428. ATTENTION To all friends and pros pective lovers of Janel, Lori & Sue . . . due to unfortunate circumstances the post-Missouri game hash is cancelled. ANNOUNCING Twice-as-monstrous bash Nov. 6 after game! B-day party for "Ant" Janel & nei ghborly Mike! Bring your pre sence & presents to 1315 No. 14th and party out-of-bounds. RHYTHMIC AEROBICS Class starting Nov. 2nd for more information and to re gister call: 476-2781 Where can you see Dudley Moore, MurphySt. Paul, Grace Kelly, President Reagan and the Star City Players all in one night? Why, at EAST FEST of course. October 22, Nebraska East Union. "It's music to hear with closed eyes and open hearts . . " Kim and Reggie Harris, Oc- t?bver ,21t, 2 4:30-6:30, Nebraska East Union Terraces. UPC-American Films pre sents Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" Thursday, October 21, 7 & 9:15 p.m.. Rostrum, Ne braska Union. Admission: Stu dents $2, General Admission $3. FOOTLOOSE AT HIDDEN VALLEY. This Sunday, Oct. 24. UPC Arts Committee: Remember the meeting today at 5:30 in the Union. The room will be posted. See you there!!! "GET THE EYE OF THE TIGER" Party. Pregame party Fri. Oct. 22 at the Clayton House. Check it out at the Fiji House!!!! Phi Gamma Delta Gamma Phi Beta Pole-sit, 8 a.m.-Tuesday; noon-Saturday. Proceeds to Nebraska Human Resources Research Founda tion. GAY STUDENT GROUP Tonight, 8 p.m., Andrews 228 Do you think unions should Slve economic concessions wring contract negotiations? Find out at the Delta Sigma Pi Second Annual Debate, Friday October 22 at 10:30 a.m. in the CBA Lounge. OMELET FEED Omelet, sweet roll, Juice, coffee, fruit $2.50. Be fore Missouri game, 9:30 12:30. Wesley House, 640 N. 16. it THE RV'S AT LARRY'S SHOWCASE THURSDAY OCT. 21 University Lutheran Chapel invites you to an evening of Fine Foods and Fun this Sunday, Oct. 24th from 6 to 9 p.m. at 1510 Q St., downstairs. Ping pong, pool; board games, darts and a great ' meal all for one dollar! Such a deal! The Army's Officer Candidate School will train you for leadership positions in a variety of specialties ranging from combat arms to engineering to finance. Well give you: -o Challenge 10 o Responsibility o Opportunity to Advance o Travel o Good Salary and Benefits You'll have pride in serving pur country as one of its future Isadsrs. For more information on becoming an Army Officer after college graduation, call un Pi Phi Halloween treats on sale in the Union Oct. 19, 20, 21! A treat for any Spook! Art Shop Sale . Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery 20 off imported box Christmas cards. Now through October 31st PHI PSI LITTLE SISTERS There will be a meeting Thursday at 8:00, auction will follow the meeting so dont forget to bring your stuff! T-shirts are in and you can get them Thurs day. They will cost $7.37. Also, dues must be in by Thursday. Ellen H. Richards Dessert TONIGHT at 7:00 in the Great Plains Room of East Union. Tickets in Home-Ec Office for $3.50. See you there!!! EASTFEST The place to show off your talent! Audience partici pation contests include: Pie and Jell-0 eating, Rubik's Cube, Midnight "calf" roping, chess. Air Guitar and Hog Calling. Are you a Wizard of Oz fans? Compete in the WIZ QUIZ trivia contest!!! Pick up quizzes at the EASTFEST ticket booth between 7 and 8:45 p.m. Prizes go to top scorers. Friday, October 22. "2001: A SPACE ODYS SEY" will be shown at University Lutheran Chapel, 1510 Q St., downstairs, this Friday, Oct. 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited. it it it SKI PARK CITY, UTAH The UNL Ski Club -sponsored Park City Trip is almost filled!! Dont miss the booth tomorrow at the Union so you can be on the magic bus to Utah! All that is required for now is a $50 deposit, so stop by the booth bet ween 10:00 and 2:00 and bring your checkbook. Will do typing. Professional secretary, IBM Typewriter, Rea sonable rates. 474-0604. SPANISH TUTORING Call 466-3774, anytime for information. Send a cookie-gram!! Giant 12-inch, 1 pound chocolate chip cookies. Gift wrapped and delivered. To order call 476 8410 or 464-2685. BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy tests confidential understanding help. 483-2609. Professional car stereo in stallations at very reasonable prices. 10 disc with student l.D. Open 9 to' 9. For appt. call 467-4748. DOWNTOWN HEALTH CLINIC P.C. Open every day except holidays 901 Lincoln Benefit Life Bldg. 13th tt N 474-6668 i ( i Mnj If follow the leader is not your game, but watching football is, hire ROYAL COACH VAN to take you and your group around Lin coln for the game. Call 423 0141 evenings and weekends. Responsible male or female roommate to share large 4 bedroom house at 1635 S. 16. $95 14 utilities. 476 0985. Roommate wanted: one block from campus. $125mo. Vs utl. 477-1646. Christian female roommate needed to share a 2 bedroom apt. close to East Campus. Call 464-8809 after 5:30. Non-smoking male room mate wanted to share newer house. $87.50 14 util. 475-3711 or 477-5480. RIDE NEEDED TOFROM OMAHA THIS WEEKEND. WILL HELP PAY GAS. 476 9100 JENNIFER. iillSMlrililMlf DUD-BUD ZiSTG mum f"TIJW If F"fWi eoons-600QS ivse Guory !?nc:3Gy Onmlay FOOTLOOSE AT HIDDEN VALLEY. This Sunday, Oct. 24. REGISTER ANYTIME for UNL independent study courses. Contact the indepen dent study office, 472-1926. IBS' (fs&Btf) LOST: Friday morning, 10 1582, a silver trumpet in a black carrying case taken from a red and white Nova. $50 reward for return. 466-6944 anytime. FOUND: Watch, City Cam pus. Call 464-7629 to iden tify and claim. j LOST: Cooper-color metal frame eyeglasses. Last Sat., between Taco Inn and the Stadium. 423-9578. FOUND: Ferguson Hall. Jac ket and umbrella. Must iden tify. 472-2790. HHSaHRMaMHHBaMHHMHMHBaaeBSMi Lost Sept. 27, a Big 8 Championship ring In the piano room at Neihaxdt. Great sen timental value. Any info call 475-7186 or 472-3116. Ask for Slick. LOST: Gray and red hooded sweatshirt on East Campus or .1: 55 bus from East last Thurs day. Please call Terry, 472 9776. J ia UcJUUU mm Only permanent customers can make permanent success. Only Mttsfacttoa can make permanent cisftosMft. On this bc&ef wt bate our merchandUtnf and wiling poll clei. KTN TTPi "World Famous" 321 msr.'LC.TOUtflD.Wfl55l Mini v ciiusiaiiwo 475-8561 day mALLvaiiCAMPr? 17th B IM 477-G456