Wednesday, Octobep 20, 1982 Page 6 Daily Nebraskan Momeeomins trMitiom relived 0 0 0 By Patti Gallagher Editor's Note: This story was written for a depth reporting class in the UNL School of Journalism. It's all over. The queen got her roses and her kiss from the chancellor. The king got his autographed pigskin and a chance to hug the queen. The Scarlet and Cream singers did their bit by the Broyhill Fountain, with some help from the Tri-Delt Washboard Band and the Men's Glee Club, entertaining the thousands of fans on their way to the Saturday game and the thousands more unfortunates resigned to roam campus for their Homecoming enjoyment. The Greek houses erected their displays, colorful monuments stuffed with tissue paper, depicting various versions of "Stomp the Wildcats." The politicians got in on the act, turning the Friday afternoon Homecoming parade into a pre-organized, audience-supplied political rally. The runners had their day in the 10 kilometer run; the watchers had their fill in an evening of sports films. The sports buffs challenged each other in a sports trivia contest; the setters and spikers set and. spiked in volleyball competition. The swingers swung at an East Campus swing dance and those with talent showed it off in the Wednesday night Talent Show. Traditions revived " It was a Homecoming Week where new and old meshed, where traditions were resurrected and tradition-makers were introduced. It was a piece of the past and a sign of the present. Flashback: Homecoming 1972. Johnny Rodgers, the Heisman trophy wingback, was the football team, politics were more important than Homecoming kings and queens, Joe Garagtola was the honored Homecoming guest and Nebraska beat Oklahoma State 34-0. 1972 was a Home coming where someone sabotaged the card section in the stadium (a project where fans held cards above their heads at ap pointed times to spell spirited messages) to spell out "Johnny Rodgers is Shifty," and "Devaney for President" and "Hi Lyle"( a misspelled greeting to KFAB braodcaster Lyell Bremser). And it was a Homecoming where one royalty attendant was relieved of her nomination when she was discovered helping with voting. (After severe protest ing, the poor lass was reinstated - in plenty of time for that Saturday's kickoff). Flashback: 1962; "Living units" (non Greek) were first allowed to build Home coming displays. The Tassels and Corn Cobs first brought a Herbie Husker-type mascot into Memorial Stadium. Revela tions of the'lO-member (all female) Home coming royalty made lead story in the campus paper. Engagement listed It was af year when the student council discussed whether to protest Barry Gold water's condemnation of the student press at the University of Colorado, a year when the university Young Republicans brought in U.S. Sen. Roman Hruska to speak, an era where campus "pinnings" and engage ments were still listed on the inside pages of the student newspaper. And it was a Homecoming overshadow ed by controversy: When three students were "indefinitely suspended" by the administration for a Homecoming weekend vandalism spree, the picture of the '62 Homecoming royalty was bumped to the bottom of Page 1 . Sixty-two was a year where Home coming included a Friday pep rally ,.yell contest and words of cheer and inspira tion from Coach Bob Devaney. It was a year when only 30,000 Nebraska fans saw the Huskers lose to the Missouri Tigers 16-7. Flashback: Another 10 years. 1952. The Happy Days Decade. The-student body elects Dwight D. Eisenhower in a mock election. Greek houses argue whether they should build displays or donate to the polio fund and then decide to do both. A Daily Nebraskan editorial calls on the adminstration to declare Homecoming Day a student holiday and dismiss all Saturday classes. Eighteen hundred of the 6,900 students enrolled voted for six Homecoming queen candidates. Two pep rallies, a parade, an all-university Home coming Dance and house decorations and displays are fare for the week. "Norma Lotherop Crowned Queen" is placed above the fold, above the name plate even in the first Daily Nebraskan issue after Homecoming Saturday. Forty-thousand attend the game; 30 students never make it through the gates when they present "scalped" tickets. Flashback: 1942. The all-university dance in the Coliseum (tickets only 90 cents), election of a queen (called the Pep Queen), the pep rally and parade. The war was on, so students scrapped the display contest and made a contest of collecting scrap - that is, scrap metal for the "war cause." A traditional Home coming bonfire was banned because the War Projects Board rationing rules pro hibited wasting truck tires and scrap paper, tne tuei ior tne sire. 24,000 fans Come Saturday, Oct. 10, 1942 NU lost to Indiana, 12-0, as 24,000 fans filled Memorial Stadium. Johnny Cox and his 12-man band eased the pain of defeat -and of war - in the dance that evening. Flashback: 1932; The Depression. A new man with a New Deal takes over in Washington. It was the year when the Corn Cobs, the Interfraternity Council and the Inno cents Society planned the Homecoming Week events; where the DN headline announced that "Thayman Hayes Colored Kansas City Orchestra (Was) to Play at Homecoming Dance." It was a year when no one was crowned pep or Homecoming queen, but when one lucky gal became the Farmer's Formal Queen, a year when 1,900 students crowded into the Coliseum to hear the "colored" band, a year when 20,000 watched the Huskers edge past the Kansas State Aggies 6-0. Flashback one more time: 1922; Just more than 5,000 are attending NU; the campus is in the middle of a pledge drive to build Memorial Stadium. It was a Home coming where the freshmen and sopho mores competed in a men's-only Olympics, where the all-university party was proclaimed "bigger and better than any previous mixers" and where the Huskers Till COST OF livc::& filB Trt rue ? AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY. 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