The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1982, Page Page 18, Image 18
Page 18 Daily Nebraskan Thursday, October 14, 1982 Students vote Wednesday in the Nebraska Union for UNL Homecoming Royalty. Ballots were cast in both the Nebraska and East unions. Homecoming Committee Chairman Doug Netz said this year's turnout was higher than last year's. Voting results are to be announced at halftime of the Nebraska-Kansas State game Saturday. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-1761 I J .5 0 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $1.75 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. Students must pay for the ad at the time it is placed. Ten words included. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUM ED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publica tion (Monday thru Friday). An $8.00 service charge will be assessed for all checks re turned to the Daily Nebras kan and will be collected by Check Rite. QUALITY TOOLS Fully Guaranteed SUPER SPECIALS Screw driver sets $2.95 100' Ext. Cords $4.95 Come a longs $12.95 Tap & Die sets $17.95 Air Hammers $19.95 Bench Grinders $34.95 Drill presses $79.95 Band Saws $249.95 MUCHMORE BE LOW COST While Quantities Last! MURRAY'S 1371 N. 10th 1979 Fiat Spider - Hurry. AMFM, Radials, 5-speed, runs great. $4900. 464-8782 ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER Self-correcting, portable. Purchased new 6 months ago. Call 6-10 p.m. 464-7136, 466 1387. 1 Fleetwood Mac ticket. Section A-3, Row 11. Will sell at cost. 435-2644 call after 5:30 p.m. 4 Fleetwood Mac tickets, 19th row floor seats. 475-8215 "SHARING is CARING" Thanks to You it Works for All of Us wwmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,mmmmm Pa 3830 N. 66th Free Delivery Hours Sun.-Thurs. 430-1230 Fri & Sat. 430130 $100 Off Large .50 Off Medium i Staff Photo by Dave Bentz Classified 1 female seasson pass w ID. Best offer by Friday 5:00 takes. 472-9536. MUST SELL: 3 Fleetwood Mac tickets before Friday! $13 seats. Call after 9 p.m. 467 3043. REPOSSESSION 1981 KAWASAKI KZ 750cc Please contact Burlington Employee's Credit Union at 464-8347. WATERBEDS $99 Complete waterbeds $99 during Waterbed World's pre Christmas sale through Sun day. Only $25 down holds your purchase for Christmas. Waterbed World. 1907 O 77 280Z. Excellent condi tion. No rust. Ph. 392-2019 Omaha after 5 p.m. Best of fer. Kenwood KX-70 Cassette Deck Brand new. Ph. 476 6528, tm. 306Chris. '73 Triumph TR6, 64 T Bird. 694-3675. Ibanez BL-50 Electric Gui tar. 1 year old. John, 472 0787 or 435-6397. Two female season tickets together. $85 each or best offer. 477-9363. 1973 Volkswagon Beetle, excellent condition. $2500.00 or any reasonable offer. Call 476-3712 after 6:00 p.m. Trudance Studio (217 N. 11) has classy space for rent to private organizations or groups providing catered food and drink before andor after Big Red Games. Also ex cellent sound system, dance floor and location (2 blocks from the stadium). For more information and reservations call: 476-0687. East Campus area. Newer 4 bedroom, Rec Room. $420 . 483-6549 after 5 P.m. S I Large 2 bedroom furn., up per duplex. Downtown. Heat paid, quiet adults. 477-1878. Nice & Clean, 3 bedroom, carpeting throughout, shower, appliances, air, off-street parking, bus, utilities paid, $325, 4V5-6669. Responsible, loving person wanted to babysit 4-year boy, evenings 489-9152 k k HealthNutrition Company now ninna. 2546 S. 48. 7:45 p.m. MW7Th in back of Pan try. Ask for PJ. OVERSEAS JOBS Summeryear round. Eu rope, S. Amer., Australia, Asia. All Fieldt $500-$ 12 00 monthly. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC Box 52-NEI Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Do people say you have a face like Dracula? Then call us and we'll put your 'natural talent' to work in what will soon be Lincoln's best HAUNTED HOUSE this Halloween. Any interested volunteers, call John at 476 8742. PART-TIME ONLY! Get paid to relax! Set your own hours! Come in when you feellike it! DONATE PLASMA! We pay: $10 each donation PLUS $8 bonuses every 8th donation for regular donors Call us today! 474-2335 LINCOLN PLASMA 2021 O BRING THIS AD FOR $5 ON YOUR FIRST DONA TION! mmm SPANISH TUTOR Single, mature female to tutor me in conversational Spanish prior to my visit to Spain. 477-3617 after 10 p.m. Leave message. Wanted: 4 G.A. tickets for K-State game, 435-6048. Need 2 male, 2 female tickets to Kansas St. game. Call 464-1879. Need Missouri nings. 3 G.A. tickets for game, 477-6620 eve- Need G.A. and kets for Missouri 3235 after 5:30. student tic game. 476- Buying class rings, diamonds, gold It silver items, coins, watches, Jewelry, baseball cards, comic books, Elvis Presley L Beatles items, old guns. Mil ler's Used Furniture ic Anti ques, 2719 N. 48th. 10:30 5:30. 464-2128. Female FB ticket to Mis souri. Call 476-6627. Tickets to Oklahoma, male or female. Call 476-6627. Need GA tickets for K State Need tickets for Diana Ross. Call Dan at 474-6700. Need 4 G.A. and 2 male. 2 female to Neb.-Missouri. Will pay $20 or more. 435-1323 evenings or 476-9866. Need G.A. tickets for this weekend. Call 476-4707. Lunch. Irresisfciblj 277NQPTH 47 2176 Need male and female tic kets for K-State. 476-0261. 1 female tickets to K- State game. Call 433-4S33 after 5 p.m. Need a male season ticket for remainder of season. Call 477-1576. Need male & female tic kets for Missouri game. 472 9288. Keep trying! Need 2 general admission tickets to K-State. Call 476 3592 ask for Nina. Need 4 general admission tickets to K-State, 2 together or all together. Call 474-9502 ask for Dale. Needed, 5 male or tickets to K-State game. 8684 or 472-8063. G.A. 472- FOOTBALL TICKETS, G.A. and student. Call 475-1778. 2 G.A. tickets to Missouri game. Call 472-0886 after 7 p.m. Need 2 G.A. tickets to Kansas State game. Call 435 7251 ask for Blake. Need 2 male or G.A. tic kets seated together for the K-State game. 476-2321, keep trying. Four tickets to K-State game, and 4 tickets to Mis souri game. Call 477-9567. Need 12 FB tickets for Missouri game. Call 423-7340. Keep trying. Need 2 General Admission tickets for the Missouri game. Call 472-0336. Wanted: Male It female tickets to the K-State game. Call 467-5068. Wanted: One male or G.A. ticket to K-State. 421-1333. Wanted: Male It female tickets to the Missouri game. Call 467-5068. Need tickets Missouri fame together. 2 male, 2 female. 475-7244. HAUNTED HOUSE VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are needed to spook those susceptible peo ple who will be visiting Lincoln's best Haunted House this Halloween. For more information, call John at 476-8742. Clean, responsible, non smoking male to share 2 bdrm. apartment close to campus. Older student preferred. 435 6114 eves. Female roommate $87.60 14 utilities, own room It bath, 29th and Randolph area 477-6736 (Keep trying). Intelligent, free-thinking lady to exchange transportation for room and board. Quail Valley. Call 474-6089 Mon. Fri., 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat. 8-12. Roommate Wanted to share nice 2-bedroom. 4431 Hold- redge. 1129mo. Vi utilities. ROOMMATE. Recently re modeled 4-bedroom house. $87.60 14 uUlities. 2548 "W". Need female roomate to share newly remodeled home with 2 others. $100 plus utili ties. Call 476-7912 dose to city campus. Affordable. pjNTHSTRET -j 9 EH C SET YOUR OWN SCHE DULE with UNL independent study. Contact the independent study office, 472-1926. Send a cookie-gram!! Giant 12-inch, 1 pound chocolate chip cookie. Gift wrapped and deli vered. To order call 476-8410 or 464-2685. Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 483-2609. Phone wasn't working. Call 474-5398. Want to babysit for ages 2 and up. Sewing. Expert tailoring. Student Creative patching. Calf Rates Kate 477-9749. TYPING. Term papers, briefs. 7 years legal experience. Will pick-up and deliver. $1 per page. 423-6325 TYPING Papers, theses, dissertation. I AM ON CAM PUS. Excellent copy from a new IBM self-correcting type writer. Call Margaret evenings or weekends: 464-3437. If follow the leader is not your game, but watching foot ball is, hire ROYAL COACH VAN to take you and your group around Lincoln for the game. Call 423-0141 evenings and weekends. Professional car stereo instal lations at very reasonable prices. 40 disc, with student I.D. pen 9 to 9. For appt. call 467-4746. DOWNTOWN HEALTH CLINIC P.C. Primary Care Medicine Open every day except holidays 901 Lincoln Benefit Life Bldg. 13th It N 474-6668 Wanted: Daily carpool to OffuttBeUevue. Call 733-6426 after 6:30 p.m. FOUND: Umbrella In front of Andy's. Identify to claim. 472-0353 after 9:30 p.m. FOUND: Set of keys on "Sheryl" keyring. Call 472 9672. ...-...rvnn-..,., 1 "I MIGHT LIKE YOU BETTER IF WE SLEPT TOGETHER" Romeo Void Oct. 17, 7:30 in Centennial Room. Tic kets at Union Desk, Pickles, Dirt Cheap It Homer's in Omaha. Catch their video in Main Lounge, Monday, Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday. A UPC Production. PINKY BLACK THE EXCESSIVES!! Nobody parties harder, a dance riot! Rock V roll It soul. Don't miss Lincoln's favo rites and Midwest's hottest! Larry's Showcase, 1316 N St. Thurs. It Fri. Special Shows. AUF meeting Thurs. night in the Union Room wuM be posted. Important so plan to attend! Take a break In London. Amsterdam It Paris - A non-credit tour Dec. 26 Jan. 9 Flights k Study Tours. 846 Nebr. Union, 472-264. Art Shop Sale Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery 20 off imported box Christmas cards. -Now through October list: The movie T Brides for T Brothers" will be shown at University Lutheran Chape) on Friday. Oct. 16th at 1 p.m., 1510 Que St., downstairs. - mm SKI CLUB BOOTH TODAY I SKI PARK CITY Trip Deposits and ski information will be given. See you there! SKI BUM Visit the mansions and museums of LONDON and environs during semester break. Flights It Study Tours, 345 Nebr. Union, 472-3264. Anyone wishing to enter a float in the Homecoming parade should call 472-2464 before noon Friday October 15. Parade lineup begins at 5:00 p.m. Sharp! At East Stadium. SAE Little Sisters of Minerva: You're Awesome Be ready for the 2nd pledge test and get PSYCHED for the Talent Show Study economics in EAST Ic WEST GERMANY, Dec. 26-Jan. 9. Earn credit too. Flights It Study Tours, 345 Nebr. Union. 472-3264. If you liked Walpurgis-nachtyou'llloveEASTFEST! Lincoln Jaycees BENEFIT AUCTION Sunday - Oct. 17 -1 p.m. WAREHOUSE AT 1801 S. 7th Street All Proceeds Will Help Build A Park For Handicapped Children A PARTIAL LISTING: Antiques: Oak 4-drawer file cabinet Brass Bed Kitchen Cabinets Fancy Iron Beds Oak Dresser At Chest of Drawers Weather Vane Church Bench Frosted Windows Gypsy Art Furniture Oak Table Set of 4 Chairs Pictures Minors Trunks It More Furniture: Bedroom Sets Dinette Sets End Tables Coffee Tables Couches Chairs Desks It More Appliances & Household Items: Stoves Refrigerators Cutlery Sets Oven ware At Miscellaneous Utensils Tools: Large Inventory Drills Drill Presses Air Tools It Accessories Grinders Hammers Saws Impact Wrenches Socket Sets Sanders Pliers Vices Extension Cords Bolt Cutters Gear Pullers Torque Wrenches It More Vehicles & Miscellaneous Motorcycles Bicycles Wheelbarrow Pool cues Dinner Bell 4 Much more by Sale Date . JEWELRY: Large selection of . High-ouality Tailored Jewelry for Men It Women. Digital Multi-function Alarm Watches For More Information Contact Brad Rowan - 45-7427 (vice-president)