The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1982, Page Page 16, Image 16
Wednesday, October 13, 1982 Page 16 Daily Nebraskan Classified 4721761 The Office of Admission uid Advising and the Coun seling Center will sponsor aca demic and career advising se ssions for undeclared students during Early Registration. The ussions will be Thurs. Oct. 14 at 3:30 p.m. and Tues. Oct. 19 at 8:30 a.m. in the Nebraska Union. Rooms will be posted. Other interested students are encouraged to attend. Is MARKETING EDUCA TION your major? If yes, come to the COLLEGIATE DEC A meeting October 13, 4 p.m. in the City Union. (Room will be posted.) 20 Off jr. and misses activewear sweat sets and se parates now through Sat. 2nd floor, JCPenney. HOMECOMING TALENT SHOW October 13 at 8 p.m. in the City Union Ballroom. Ad mission is $1 for students with I.O. and $2 without I.D. PEACE IS COMING . . . OCTOBER 18-22 PARTIES Your friends will remember with LIVE music from the UNTOUCHABLES. Call 4 76-874 2, Andy 483-6505, Dave Study the Kingdom of Solo mon Israel 14 days. Win tering Professor Forde, 423-5046. U.N.L. Young Democrats Hear the Dynamic Emie Chambers speak this Wed. at 7:00 in the Union. AUF meeting Thurs. night in the Union Room will be posted. Important so plan to attend! Art Shop Sale Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery 20 off imported box Christmas cards Now through October 31st r" 1 - ' ACROSS 1 Pod used for fodder 6 End of the seventh century 9 Ghost 14 and kicking 15 Sis, boom, bah s kin 16 Type of discussion 17 Bellow offering 18 snit (peeved) 19 Serfs 20 Deserted the party 23 Future fish 24 Admire 25 Furniture material 29 Spectacles supports 30 About 3,000 miles from EST 33 Not silently 34 Comic Johnson 35"0patria mia"isone 3$ Noncommital politicians 39 Boer migration 40 Collar or jacket 41 Lets up 42 Counterparts of aves. 43 Dock 44 Calif, city 45 T.V.A. locale 45 A.F.L. partner 47 What demagogues speak with 53 TV cousin 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 1 2 3 4 5 HDF Majors, HDF Chib Scheduling of Classes for 2nd semester. Meet with instructors and heads of department. Oct. 13, 6: 30 p.m. room 115 Ruth Leverton Hall. EMPLOYMENT SEMINAR for ALL interested students! Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Oct. 20 Resume Writing Oct. 27 Placement Office Nov. 3 Interview Session - See posters for details. Wouldn't you like to be in London on New Year's Eve? Flights & Study Tours, 345 Nebr. Union, 472-3264. Study economics in EAST & WEST GERMANY, Dec. 26-Jan. 9. Earn credit too. Flights & Study Tours, 345 Nebr. Union, 472-3264. Anyone wishing to enter a float in the Homecoming parade should call 472-2454 before noon Friday. October 15. Parade lineup begins at 5:00 p.m. Sharp! At East Stadium. Visit the mansions and museums of LONDON and environs during semester break. Flights & Study Tours, 345 Nebr. Union, 472-3264. SKI PARK CITY! There will be a booth in the Union tomorrow (Thursday), to accept Park City trip deposits and to receive information on the trip. See You there! SAE Little Sisters of Minerva: You're Awesome Be ready for the 2nd pledge test and get PSYCHED for the Talent Show CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA Sofa extremity Efficacy Emulate Jessica Born Seed covering Ventures Hanoi holiday Horner or Sprat DOWN Is able "Thanks " Split Done Oft-besieged city in Europe 6 Riverside, e.g. 7 Birch 8 Mountebank 9 Gives a lecture 10 Speed 11 Hathaway 12 Sealed document 13 High rails 21 Charged atom 22 Fathered 25 Oodles 26 Keen 27 Firms up 28 Hood's friend 29 Fluff 30 Kind of release 31 Lorelei 32 Italian poet: 1544-95 '234 S I 16 p IS I 19 I 10 111 1 1 2 13 14 7"""""" TT" " mmm "" "" 77 Ta""-" -jy p p " ' "" " "" "" 25 1 26 12 1 28 ST jo' 111" jjj" 33 34" "JJ- .jj-. . W " """"" 40 """" 41 " " "" 43 45 ' 46 1 4"j4i" "" 7i" SO J6l"s2n m" " "" "" sJ " Is """ """ s -p " 59"""" " """ ATTENTION PHI PSI LITTLE SISTERS Composites are over at the house today! Stop by between 4:00 and 7:00 to pick out your picture. This will be the only day they will be here, so don't for get to go look at them. Take a break in London, Amsterdam St Paris A non-credit tour Dec. 26 Jan. 9 Flights St Study Tours. 345 Nebr. Union, 472-3264. TALKS & TOPICS COMMITTEE IMPORTANT MEETING TONIGHT AT 6:15 IN S. CELLAR OF UNION. ALL MEMBERS PLEASE ATTEND. BANNERS WILL BE MADE HERE. Roommate Wanted to share nice 2-bedroom. 4431 Holdrege. $129mo. & Vi utilities. 464 3652. ROOMMATE. Recently re modeled 4-bedroom house. $87.50 St 14 utilities. 2548 "W". Non-smoking female wanted to share new apartment 10 minutes from campus. $100 month & 13 utilities. 435 3850 after 6 p.m. Clean, responsible, non smoking male to share 2 bdrm. apartment close to campus. Older student preferred. 435 6114 eves. Female roommate $87.50 & 14 utilities, own room & bath, 29th and Randolph area 477-6736 (Keep trying). Intelligent, free-thinking lady to exchange transportation for room and board. Quail Valley. Call 474-6089 Mon. Fr., 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sa. 8-12. Need female roommate to share newly remodeled home with 3 others. $100 plus utili ties. Call 476-7912 close to city campus. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 34 Usher, e.g. 35 Wings 37 River of Paris 38 Lose face 43 Black teas 44 Fiver 45 Worthless item 46 Celestial body 47 Refrain in old songs 48 Skunk's weapon 49 Corner 50 Eye part 51 Bridge seat 52 Locale 53 Glowing 56 Tutelary god vPlf..if U.m J aTc k al, JHELlJI li. Apr HQ Ml E ,D M A TL RUN C H E RjT Iiiili.likiiN T n jjA cik o i Apr t e I , , j T y skziE "aTT fr w1oi A S K E DOSiA CUE JH 0 G DON ED7iAC k Tp pjo uTT 2 0 EfflD AjME str Ml" tr T t TOT c uTTco Tr"-! aj c k tin tih e" b opry 'siN eTT l soe "r'aTs u r ITs ' I A R I A T p" A Tf1 R A H A' JL L EL fL 1 E9.Il s l TuT 'm a1sse! ylJi JlJT sjste' TYPING. Term papers, briefs. 7 years legal experience. Will pick-up and deliver. $1 per page. -423-6325. TYPING Papers, theses, dissertation. I AM ON CAM PUS. Excellent copy from a new IBM self-correcting type writer. Call Margaret evenings or weekends: 464-3437. If follow the leader Is not your game, but watching foot ball is, hire ROYAL COACH VAN to take you and your group around Lincoln for the game. Call 423-0141 evenings and weekends. DOWNTOWN HEALTH CLINIC P.C. Primary Care Medicine Open every day except holidays 901 Lincoln Benefit Life Bldg. 13th St N 474-6668 Phone wasnt working. Call 474-5398. Want to babysit for ages 2 and up. VINCE POWERS ATTORNEY AT LAW Bankruptcy Divorce DWI Defense 474-5054 BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy tests confidential, understanding help. 483-2609. Sewing. Expert tailoring. Creative patching. Student Rates. Call Kate 477-9749. Professional car stereo in stallations at very reasonable prices. 10 disc, with s'uuent I.D. Open 9 to 9. For appt. call 467-4746. WATCH REPAIR Richard N. Sorensen Certified Master Watchmaker 335 N. 12th Street 475-3414 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Vi Block South of Nebraska Bookstore LOST: Blue billfold with wrestling design. Reward ne goiated. Call 435-8417, ask for Tim. FOUND: Umbrella in front of Andy's. Identify to claim. 472-0353 after 9;30 p.m. LOST: Friday. Henzlik Auditorium, blue notebook. If found, call 472-9284. FOUND: Calculator, East Campus in Biochem St Nutri tion. Call 472-9284 to iden tify. T.J. How was your ball-blasting rocket-ride to the fireworks. P.S. I wanna party with you cowboy! Women of Pound, Smith and Sandoz, Get ready for our Hallo ween Primer, Oct. 23rd at Weston. Abel 8 Playboys LangeU M. (Chem 483, 484) what were you doing in a police car Friday night with a 16-year-old boy? From old friends P.S. When is the court date? 313 Girl with Kitten: Unsure on which Cable TV Man you are referring to, but would like to meet. Interested Cable TV Man Kappa Pledges, Here's to a great job at Phi Psi 500. We knew you could do it. Congratulations!! Love, The Actives flag; (mum While You Study? Donate Plasma! It's relaxing and you can earn while you learn! $20 A WEEK NEW DONORS Bring this Ad for a $5. BONUS on your 1st donation with UNL 1.0. 8 BONUS every 8th Donation CALL 474 2335 FOR APPOINTMENT LINCOLN PLASMA m. Bob It Alice, Be prepared to have a sMASHing good time this week- em' Ted (Hawkeye) "MMMM" Buckwheat It was great seeing you in love last week. Good luck with the books. J. A ZD's Thanks for sharing the 500 victory with us. You're great! The Kappas Trish, Last weekend was great! Looking forward to many more lazy Saturdays. ahh Dancin Thetas (Janet H., Lisa B., C.J., and Lynn R.) Thanks for the dance till you drop party last Friday. Good timin' Die hard EPS Sara Jane. Missed the deadline as usual. Hope it was happy! B. Stephanie from Hastings: Enjoyed your phone call Sunday night. I'd really like to meet you. Dan from Kenesaw AGR's We're ready to test our skill at Collegopoly. See you there. The Kappas Angie A. (AOPi) Congratulations for getting UN L Wrestling cheerleader!! I'm so proud of you. Here's to a little sleep?! Love, Kay Greg E. (Schramm 6), when it comes to special guys, you're the leader of the pack, (vroom-vroom). Love, Laura Julie Brenda P.S. Have a great day! Marty: Hope your birthday was great! So. where do you want to go? Good Luck this week end . . . Geri Bob, Todd and Jeff (Selleck) Get psyched to be screwed Friday night!!! Ready and Waiting CONGRATULATIONS Hugh and Brenda, may your life together be richly blessed. Hollywood Congratulations Deena A. on being elected this year's Miss Photogenic by the SMPC Yearbook Staff! (You might have transferred schools, but that doesn't mean you are rid of us yet.) See you at Home coming when you accept your award. Love St Miss Ya. Missy St Staff P.S. We EXPECT your Air Band to perform at Half time! ABEL 9 DROPOUTS: GET READY FOR THE WEEKEND! Margaret Ann, How's the party coming? Your buddies, Stan, Dave and Bob Sue M. (AXiD) Congratulations on making wrestling cheerleader! I'm so proud of you. Paula (AXiD) Bob H. (Piper 4) Thanx so much for the great time on Monday night. You still owe me a backrub, tho - THEN, we'll be even. Love, Anne Want To Get PAID KAPPAS AND AXiDS, Congrats on your fine per formance at Phi Psi 500! Love, The Thetas Continental, As you add mustard, stir vigorously and listen carefully. Do you hear the sound of little duckies paddling around? Do you like Mexican food with your Extra Light? Rabbit Rabbit D.H. (Theta Xi) Happy 20th Birthday, yes- ' From a Little Sister Paul, In all seriousness, I'm very sorry. Please forgive. Sally Wendy (Chi O) You are terrific! Thank you so much our years in Chi O are going to be won derful! Barb GINGER KKG: Would like to get together with you sometime, if you are free. RVP. Brian J. Towne Club, Now the tables have turned; the composite has not yet been burned. If you wish to have the facts returned, you should abide by the terms to be learned. Theta Chi AOPi JUNIORS ARE GREAT!! Well be thinking of you Saturday, on the flag pole, in Mickey Mouse's ear. Miami Bums TB, JF, BN, BT Holly You are a SUPER roomie! The Rocker Teres, Happy 18th to the greatest roomie, even though you like Ozzy better than J.C. Next time stay awake for Picture Man. Oh, Robin Perry G. Acacia Good luck, "son," with . . . (you know who I mean). Dad Lisaveta " - Margaret W. sends regards. My prediction for Saturday is "redemption through suf fering." - - Poached eggs, Raskolnikov DEENA A. Congrats on making Miss Photogenic! We want Nebras ka to know the current SMPC Cavalier Cowgirls are proud of you! We all think you're the greatest! See you in No vember! Love, Jill, Cindy St Diane P.S. Can't wait to see you perform! Rob (Kappa Sig) DAM Quarter Ladies Mimi, Kelly, kathy and Cheryl. Thank you for the won derful season! You're all the best and there is no replace ment for you all. Thank you once again! Paul, Mike, Dale, Ricky and Russ Kristin, Keep smiling and remember I'm always here. Barb Donette and Kim S. Kappas Congratulations! We're proud to have two wrestling cheerleaders this year. Love, Your Kappa Sisters Matt N. (Sig Ep) Thank YOU for being such a fantastic Big Brother! Love. Your Litte Sis! Mom Newk Thanks for a super week You're the GREATEST!! Love ya! Baby Toe n n