The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1982, Page Page 14, Image 14
Page 14 Wednesday, October 13, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Homemaker's Day features home coniputer information Microcomputers in the home is the theme of the annual Homemaker's Day today at the Nebraska Center for Con tinuing Education. This event is sponsored jointly by the Cooperative Extension Service and the College of Home Econo mics. Bobbie Sward, assistant director of the Cooperative Extension Service, said this day is aimed at the homemaker, with the whole program relating to the College of Home Economics. Homemaker's Day started as an off shoot of a farm program in the late 1800s. The College of Agriculture started a program to reach the farmer, which in cluded a program for the women. Home maker's Day evolved from this, Sward said. Anyone is invited to attend Home maker's Day and flyers were sent out to those who attended last year. Sward said in the past years, home makers have been the main participants, but this year, a different group of people -those who own home computers and those who are interested in them - is expected. "This year's program centers around the computer," Sward said, "and it is hoped that the program will help to clear up any mystery and mystique that is centered around the computer." The event will begin with an overview of the computer system and how it works by Jim Emal and Doug Jose, UNL exten sion specialists. After the overview, Sward said, small group sessions will be held. Each member will attend two sessions. The five sessions are: "The Computer and Your Pocket book" by Kathy Prochaska-Cue. "The Computer In the Kitchen" by Harriet Kohn. "The Computer as an Information Tool" by Sandra Hutton. "The Computer in Special Situations" by Lois Shwab. "The Computer in Action" by Jim Emal and Doug Jose. "I Love You "Te Amo" e T'aime" Ich Lieber Dich A Diamond From Wright's Jewelers Needs No Translation. JEWELERS "The Bright Idea" 13th & P Streets C c c mm mm I i I C il g fMLL UMHC OPtlIML Lube, Oil Filter & Oil Change 5qts Blue Velvet and any KM brand oil filter-INSTALLED We'll also check all belts and hoses. If required, additional quarts of Blue Velvet Fuel Efficient motor oil at discount prices. With this COUPON VALID THRU 103182 KRAFT CAMPUS SERVICE 17th & Vine By appointment only please. We're Right On Campui Z7 fZ b t n 3 STUDENT y HttMLTn x: INSURANCE ABSOLUTELY LAST CHANCE! OCTOBER 15, 1982 TIME IS RUNNING OUT! ARE YOU WILLING TO GAMBLE THAT YOU WONT HAVE ANY MEDICAL BILLS DURING THE REMAINING SCHOOL YEAR? WHY NOT BUY STUDENT HEALTH INSUR ANCE AND DECREASE YOUR ODDS FOR FINANCIAL DISASTER TO ILLNESS OR ACCI DENT. AFTER OCTOBER 15, 1982, ALL ENROLL MENTS ARE FINAL! VISIT THE STUDENT IN SURANCE OFFICE, ROOM 103 AT THE HEALTH CENTER BY FRIDAY OCTOBER 15. A STUDENT INSURANCE REPRESENTATIVE IS AVAILABLE FROM 9:00-10:20 AND 3:30 5:00. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 472-6000 d C3 n r W SMC" ( Vta W , SUf f fhoto by Daw Lar.t Nebraska ematorul counterpart, Charles Tnoiift, Csiul sp& at a press conference at tit Haoto. Municipal Airport htfm Imht Uaeofa to irc&t tnor b speeches for Hepwilkaa $4Maf m Homecoming activities offered to all The All-University Homecoming Com mittee is not overlooking the residence halls, said committee chairman Doug Netz in response to an article in Tues day's Daily Nebraskan. "The same opportunity is given to the residence halls as the Greek houses. The necessary applications were given to every house and to every floor of each hall," Netz said. In the article, Melba Petrie, Residence Hall Association vice president, said she believes residence hall representation is low during Homecoming Week. Netz said, "We put ads in the Daily Nebraskan and put up posters all over campus, in doing that we didn't over look the chance for anyone to get in volved." The committee gave notice to all presidents of organizations on campus to get people involved in Homecoming activities, he said. "We did get applications from some students living in dorms for royalty can didates. It wasn't the fault of the com mittee to get people involved; they had the opportunity," Netz said. Correction In the homecoming story in Tuesday's issue, the number of teams involved in the volleyball tournament after the elimination rounds was incorrectly reported. There will be eight teams. IT'S (SOMBER Rfebrastca Easfc Onion u EAST