The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1982, Page Page 7, Image 7
Monday, October 4, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 7 Rape crisis center searches for new volunteers By Peggy Polacek The Lincoln Rape-Spouse Abuse Crisis Center, 1133 H St., needs more daytime volunteers, Margie Rine, community educa tor for the center, said. It is currently staffed with about 45 volunteers. The center, a place where battered spouses and rape victims can go for help and counseling, offers a wide range of services free of charge. The service is provided by the Family Service Associa tion Counseling Center and is funded by the United Way and the state Department of Public Welfare. A major function of the Rape-Spouse Abuse Center is its crisis line, which operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The center offers volunteer training sessions where potential volunteers learn crisis intervention and counseling tech niques and dynamics and psychology of rape and spouse abuse. They also learn information on police, legal, hospital and welfare procedures and policies on rape and spouse abuse, Rine said. The only requirement is that volun teers be at least 18 years old, she said. Some volunteers work about once a week and every other weekend on the crisis line, while others lecture and do advocacy work. A volunteer might meet a victim at the hospital after an attack or attend a trial as part of the advocacy program for support of the victim. "We try to make sure volunteers are Omtvedt new dean, director of UNL agriculture station By Duane Retzlaff Thursday was rainy and really not a good day for moving, but Irvin Omtvedt, newly appointed dean and director of the UNL Agricultural Experiment Sta tion, had no choice. Omtvedt, head of the animal science department since 1975, was preparing for his new job, which officially began Fri day, directing UNL's agriculture research. Omtvedt replaces Roy Arnold, who is now vice chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Before coming to UNL, Omtvedt served two years as associate director of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Auburn University. Omtvedt, a native of Wisconsin, got his bachelor's degree in agriculture from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a master's and doctorate degree from Okla homa State University. UNL's Agricultural Experiment Station is headquartered on East Campus, he said. Since agriculture is the No. 1 industry in the state, Omtvedt said, it is exciting to be involved in agricultural research at the university. Nebraska's agriculture industry and its potential for growth were major reasons he came to UNL, he said. With agriculture and the university under extreme financial pressure, Omtvedt said, it is important to set priorities for research in the areas most needed. He said the $22 million budgeted for IANR research must be divided up wisely. As director, he also is responsible for attracting more research grants, which Photo courtesy Agricultural Communications Irvin Omtvedt help to maintain UNL's position as one of the strongest agricultural research universities in the country, he said. "The research arm is the largest com ponent in the various parts of the insti tute," he said. IANR is made up of several compo nents whose work is often interrelated, Omtvedt said, adding that most faculty are appointed to work in three areas: teaching, research and extension, or service. Omtvedt's former position in the animal science department is being filled by acting head Glenn Froning, professor of animal science. Are you a classic lover? Every cresendo concerto and coda comes through when you discover LUV at Electronics Unlimited. The place for classic LUVers lectronics Unlimited Value. O cuxi ionics Ul IUI1II I tU At Gateway and Lincoln Center ... 414 South 11th Street. Three Blocks South of the Centrum 476-6511 A CAREER IN LAW DENVER PARALEGAL INSTITUTE We will be on campus TUESDAY, OCT. 26 Contact your placement office to arrange a personal interview. Financial & Placement Assistance Approved by American Bar Assn. DENVER PARALEGAL INSTITUTE 2150 West 29th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80211 (303) 489-1697 -QV "SERVING ETHNIC VETNAMESE FOODS"X V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-.,-..,..v..,, -v 1 Monday-Saturday 11 am. - 9 pm. Sunday 1 - 9 pm 'Vuna-Tou Rostourant 242 N. 13th O00000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 not only performing and comprising a big part of our program, but the pro gram is also giving them something in return," Rine said. "They bring their creativity, energy and talents, but they leave with a learning experience." People who go through the training sessions are not required to become volun teers. Rine said many people go through the program for information on rape and spouse abuse. Training sessions for new volunteers will begin Tuesday. The sessions will be on Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. They will run through Oct. 23. Empathy and good listening skills are helpful characteristics for volunteers, be cause victims often need to discuss their problems openly, Rine said. She said she believes in three compo nents of rape prevention. People need to be aware of what sexual assault is, how rapists operate and possible dangerous situations in order to prevent rape, she said. Assertiveness also helps prevent rape, she said. Rapists often look for passive victims. Acceptance of the fact that rape can happen to anyone is important, Rine said. Rape prevention must become an everyday part of life, just like brushing your teeth, she said. HIFT VfclN 1 fcK t lt at 1 week of your 6-week reducing program. It's a Natural! 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